Hi rozelli I'm busy rn I'm going to shower so I might not uptade this thread often, but I still wanted to shit post

Hi rozelli I'm busy rn I'm going to shower so I might not uptade this thread often, but I still wanted to shit post

Other urls found in this thread:



why do you want attention from gross neckbeards so bad, are you just that autistic?


pls rozelli make your thread more often


Yes she is that autistic, why would she otherwise be on such a degenerate website?

its not march

Tits or fuck ovv



dont be a faggot op, post pics from thread

Hi Rozelli, love your pics! I jerk off to them frequently, ayyy lmao. God bless you. Btw, feet?

tits or gtfo bitch

Tennnks Wai im showering are wet after pics k?
I am

that's alot of things on your refrigerator
could you take a pic with the camera farther from you head?
gotta see how cute you are

can you get some fucking make up?

link to your pornhub vid so were not bored while your in the shower

were you abused as kid?

Show butt too plz

Nah I'm too bored
What do you mean exactly?

show your left big toe please

>What do you mean exactly?
guess i just went a little retard on that post. I think it was the angle that had made the pic a little weird.
You're really cute. Would have fun with/10
you post here often?

Idk ggl it

Will you add me on Snapchat?

how old is rozelli, like 20?

Oh its Ok I get it, teeenks, yeah lol so much that some ppl started calling me queen of b



Where are you from
Would you ever take a dick in your ass

small saggy tits with huge nips...almost as bad as having a small dick


she is a greek slut

are those cum stain?

>watches at $ 0 why?


no, it's chlamydia

What's your snap

show me your feet baby, do you have any fetishes?

faggot scam

main fetish: I fall in love with insanely rich dudes

does rozelli work as scort?

go on

Lel extasy

Nice to see you again

Your body is like 4 at best, but that

stain on your panties made my dick hard that I wanna lick them

good job

found the cuck

Is it true that your left boob have never meet your right boob?

>doesnt know what a cuck is

>pretends to not have imagined that being someone else's cum

you think that's a guys cum on her panties? jesus christ how old are you

learn read before posting anything stupid, you shit head

damn your head must be fucked to interpret that as anything besides her own goo on her own panties

can't even tell if you're trolling, dumb or not natural english speaker

post moar pics OP

Have you ever considered getting a labiaplasty?

>cream on panties

>he must be a cuck because he imagines thats someone elses cum

10/10 argument

guess you're not an english speaker after all

I have a small dick
Are you a virgin

this is how you know you lost the argument. you could just say "sorry im retarded"

I would fuck this girl senseless.
Way cute, love your voice and that pussy

Can you sniff your soles for us?

Push your tits together like a venn diagram

maybe :]

you were the only one arguing faggot
how's your first week on Sup Forums?

I've considered some body mod but then I realized that some ppl have a fetish for weird nips and vaga
Keke here
No mgtow4lifu

You are cute!

can i see ur entire body in underwear, panties and bra?

yours are not weird at all


Finger yourself?

butthole weird?

where you heard her voice?

Ohhhhhhhhh tenk ya so much

Do this please

Can you lick your nipples?

Show vagene



She will always be the queen of Sup Forums Show them your butt Rozelli. Show them why you are the queen

The video she posted, see

thx much for my request i love your underwear, can i see other set of pantie and bra :) (please dont cover face i love u)

Sharpie in pooper please

can you get on a plane fly to my house and put me in a diaper and cradle me like a newborn thx

Tenksss waiiii

This is weird. Don't do this lmao
More ass pics!

Are you making up new word meanings again?

you're fuck ugly

Killer Pussy Lips

please show me more of your panties

Sorry I only rape real babies

please show me more panties, dont cover you face your gorgeous

u jealous

AHhhh wheres mine ?!

Do you have rape fantasies?
I would choke you and fuck you so hard

Show us your butt in a pretty thong Rozelli. Some don't believe you have the best ass in Sup Forums

not at all

checkd dubs, but you're still a faggot

i'd like to know too

now this is a lovely ass isn't it?
you really are a cutie

Couldn't find the thong

why are you such a whore?