Hi, I'm a hobbyist programmer with nothing to do. If there's any software that you really wish existed but doesn't...

Hi, I'm a hobbyist programmer with nothing to do. If there's any software that you really wish existed but doesn't, leave a reply. If I see any good ideas I might pick one and try to make it exist. If it's too gargantuan a task or legal restrictions prevent me from making it open-source, it's off the table.

If anything comes of this, I'll post an update on Christmas Eve at midnight UTC.

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I wish there were software that would make all the software that people couldn't think of making make it.

Digital suicide

tinder based on p2p bluetooth call it icebreaker or idtf

Make a duplicate image finder.... i have alot of pictures and some of them are dupicates but with different titles...

That already exists.

A reletivistic physics implementation of a game engine. Basically takes into account the physics of subatomic particles and extrapolates to calculate motion of bodies in the game world. The goal of this is to generate a spherica earth which orbits a sun, and appears to be flat to the player unless they make note of it's curvature over a distance.

>p2p encryptet chatting (without pgp, it is fucking cancer)
>ftp content search, meaning you can search for content in files and even replace it
Both are hard for beginner, but comparable software costs around hundred.

I wish there was a program that created a schedule based on my online habits

We have that already, swiss and china have them and using them for neural and universe simulations.

You should make 5 Mini Lion Programs that come together to form one bigger Program.

really? any free ones that you know?

tool to search unlisted youtube videos

Could you instead post resources for someone interested in getting into the hobby?

Seriously OP consider this

a program that automatically sorts all of those dang midi files!

Im trying to make one optimized with nvidia on a 64 bit platform... But i suck at math so im still a long way from getting it to work right

Look up TheNewBoston on youtube. He's great, I've learned a lot from him. He has a tutorial series on C++, Java, and a ton more languages.

StackOverflow is great. You'll find a lot of your google searches leading to threads on that website.

Most programming languages have one or more websites dedicated to documenting all of the features of that language. If you have a specific feature you're looking for - such as, say, "convert numbers to text in Java" - you'll often find that information on those websites.

Exactly the kind of response I was looking for - this will help more than just me too. Thanks for typing it up user!

I want a program that generates every possible file.

Try to contact their server farms, they always like free help.
With your approach you only will fullfill your likings, china was able to run a universe simulation for about 100 minutes. Your single computer will not be able to handle it, but as said, they always like free help.

can you make image/text recognition software to autodelete 'you mother will die in her sleep tonight'?
from 4chin? I will really appreciate it

>Is already implemented
You should try filter


a program Sup Forums tits thread detector

Thanks user

Port Illustrator 5.5 to Linux.

It's called filters you degenerate

A program that always monitors for numbers on b and posts only when doubles are guaranteed

bfy (dot) tw (slash) Dj7H

can confirm TheNewBoston is the realest nigga

>I don't understand programming
Why even open this thread?

You can make one that seach ramdom groups of words and itself post it in some social network

Images i mean

Here's an add on for firefox.

And android volafile app

Make automated SJW trolling software because I'm getting lazy

You should make a virtual cookie that lets you authenticate with like a webpage or something but make it encrypted so someone can't just like take cookies from you, Then have a java,.

What does the black and white imagery represent in this gif?

A general purpose AI that is more intelligent than Dondal trump

they already exist.

I really want a SoundCloud bit to boost follows and likes and plays

Random number generators already exist

Magic 8 ball?

They exist as browser cookies, the poster wanted java, so jsf or jsp would be it.

How exactly would that work? Give it a to-do list and it plans around when you usually do stuff on the internet?

I have tried to work out a chat app that lists people nearby. Something like tinder , but without the match shit.
App works out user's location and delivers results of people nearby. As to not destroy privacy it would not list exact distance to target below 2km. You could have the option to message all of them or engage in p2p chat with someone(message requests or some shit).

The POF app does that and tells you the exact time you crossed paths in the street.

extension or software that scans links for virus b4 opening

an app that me and my friends can use
that detects when we fart, so i know when my friend just farged
>hey john, you just farted didn't you?
>ya, how did you know?
>we're using the fart detector app, remember
>oh yes you have helped me remember now
>yes, i detected a fart of a 2.3 flatulers at 9:30am
>but i was in bed still slumbering
>john, this means you passed gas in sleep

>at 9:30am
Underage confirmed