ITT: what is your favorite cigarette brand and why?

ITT: what is your favorite cigarette brand and why?

I'll start: Marlboro Menthol Slate 100's because they are the strongest in my opinion.

Also, general cigarette thread.




Hah, no one cares about your trash habit.

My favorite is Camel Turkish. But it's expensive.

For that reason, I smoke Decade Red 100's by the carton.

Classic reds or sometimes regular newports


When I really treat myself I go with either lucky strike or camel filterless.

I prefer camel filterless because they have a very well rounded taste and the smoke isn't too harsh

Normally i smoke red LA

Don't smoke menthol, user. They are way more bad for yohr health, at least in my personal experience. I smoked menthol for 2 weeks and started to get yellow toenails.

I don't smoke regularily usually, besides some phases like the one mentioned above, I only smoke on weekends. I usually just go with the packs that looks best or the brand I associate something with. So NIL, L&M Blue or picrelated.


i'll have to try those. i usually go with reds, the newport platinums are good too,.

nasty af


Only black people smoke Menthols, they fuck up your lungs.

I love that bitch

Lambert and butler silver

I don't smoke much (only if I'm offered) but next blues are pretty good.

>Only black people smoke Menthols, they fuck up your lungs.

wait, is here some joke or are you implying that menthols fuck up lungs and regular ones don't


Camels when rich, russian Jin Ling or russian (both illegal here) Goldengate

Menthols are for niggers. Cigarettes in general are a habit of scum.

Malboro black 100's, because my wife used to smoke them.

smoking this lately

dont smoke much but i like camel crush

I used to love Djarums

And you have no many ideas how many chicks I picked up just because my cigarettes were black

>have no many ideas
i'm fuckin idiot

are you me?

I remember this guy from school that bought a pack of black cigarettes, everyone made fun of him

Totally different for me, everybody was super curious about them and about me, it was great conversation starter with literally anybody

I love turkish Parliament, but since i cant get any im stuck to the german version


I only smoke menthols, switched to these after like 3 years of camel crush, got tired of them. These are pretty good.

And no, I'm not black.

Kamel Red

i dont like cancer

Portuguese Ventil.

Where in the fuck do you get those O_o

any store sell them in my country
>Mexifag btw

>not smoking the almighty cigar or the noble pipe

Camel 100s

There's a reason they're the patron smokes of goths and goth women.


Marlboro Red

White. I'm American, but Swedish girls are the hottest on the planet. Then comes young Native Americans, Latinas, and Asians. The Natives and Latinas age terribly though.

Sir I think you may have the wrong thread.

I smoked nothing but Marlboro reds until a couple weeks ago. I tried the new Turkish royal full flavors and ended up switching. They're very rich and bold but still smooth.

LOL, shit. You're absolutely right.

Fuck it. Marlboro Lights, because force of habit at this point.

Marlboro special blend lights. Used to smoke Marlboro gold pack. Then money got a bit tighter so I started on special blend. Same taste, a bit cheaper, just not as smooth.