Armpit fetish thread? celebs, smooth, stubble, hairy, post whatever

armpit fetish thread? celebs, smooth, stubble, hairy, post whatever

whatever as long as she isn't some ugly old broad, don't be completely tasteless


















Pretty much all I have, I need more pics


what the fuck...



Who is this fine specimen


I haven't a clue mate, saved a few days ago from another thread.

insanely cute, need moar


Those may be the only two I have, I'll triple-check my folder though.

Fuck that, those look like some top-notch tits. Moar!

Checked once more, that's all for her, sorry!

Do you happen to have any more pictures of her saved ?


I may but I believe that's the only picture of her I have with her underarms showing, I'll check soon though

Jailbait deluxe

This count?

Have two more!



Id say so, looks good

Whoops, I meant this girl


Only those two of her

dang it, also checked


I'll dump a few more and then leave, if anyone wants to do me a favour and post some I may continue.


Why is this disgusting beast always posted















Fffuuuuu, please have more of her or similar to this



Here's this one!





Gonna need more of this


I'm almost positive I've got more, hang on

Not quite underarm pictures, but I do have these.


Since I seem to be the only one posting images at this point, I'm going to post a few more then stop


dat rack, this one looks promising. post more?


nice, more?

Sure thing

It's a still from a still from a video, however not sure the name of it.



OK, thanks anyway.



Oh wow!
My first time recognising someone on Sup Forums who isn't a celeb or even (minor) internet famous


do tell..

Her tumblr is a-homoerotic-indulgence (dot) tumblahblah

She seems to have posted a lot more sexy stuff/nudes since I last looked, also gotten too fat for my taste which is a same. Hopefully someone else can enjoy them though


Fuck, you can see her shiny nipples through the damn shirt




Can someone explain this fetish to me? Do you just think armpits look good or do you want to fuck them and what is the appeal?

There is no explaining fetishes.

The former for me. They're sexy. With & without hair