Gore thread anyone?

gore thread anyone?

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Trouble is, I saw this pic 2560 times already


is she fine ?


Here, you nigger.

Dead women gore thread yo




How can she live without the head?






jesus christ, how do you end up as a pile of hamburger with your bike still in one piece? did he ride into a wood chipper?



Very fine
Would fuck both ends


holy fuck man, play stupid games win stupid prizes

Kek. Nicely put.

Did he died?













dat ass


someone screen cap the guy in the bottom right at the very end plz omg


This one always troubles my mind


I know what you mean.


Not really gore, but...

What is that? What is he trying to do?

I think they're removing an "intramedullary rod" - a metal bar that runs down the inside of the bone to fix it in place. I could be wrong though.

Isn't this the kid who got killed over WoW?

not my proudest fap.


I don't know. Story?

Let me take a WILD guess


Nope. She was on holiday in Thailand. They killed the guy she was with then raped and killed her.

A pair of workers met them on a beach in Thailand and slaughtered them (her and her bf). Burmese no less. I thought the Burmese were like super peaceful too.


what did just happen, I don't want to investigate it further but my curiousity pushes me on, can you help me?

She's just taking a nap that's all

Story on this ?

He forgot to wear his helmet. The freeking title of the video tells you that.