I feel like im being stalked. I have no where else to go. I dont know how to explain it or where to start...

I feel like im being stalked. I have no where else to go. I dont know how to explain it or where to start, but there are always peolpe who look like me or who are dressed like my sims game characters in public.

its got me really stressed out. sometimes when i play games (actually all the time) they follow me on and choose usernames similar to mine or otherwise to mock me. they use my camera to record me doing things and then laugh about me on threads here. What am i to do Sup Forums???? i really need help. the final straw was when they started consistantly fucking up my internet when i was playing my favourite game. i canthandle that shit.

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do i call the cops

pls some1 help im alone and scared

They may arrest you for being a faggot that makes no senser on a Sri Lankan fudge making forum.



who do i go to for help, i feel like im being totally gangstalked and i cant take it. i feel like im losing my mind every day. im basically on the edge of sanity right now

theyve been doing this since may

Only help you need is a doctor. Call one asap.

fucker im serious, this isnt a joke

if i was actually insane (im not, im a functional person) then i wouldnt be fucking posting about my real fucking experiences here

did you..did you read that sentence before you sent it

Yeah man, This is called paranoia....

Sometimes I suffer from it too from having to watch my back all the time in my line of work

But have a sit down and think logically for a second, If you find it difficult try letting your doctor know you've been paranoid a lot lately and feeling anxious... He/she will help

You THINK your sane, when I'm telling you to call a doctor. Think I'm kidding? Walk right to your nearest police station and explain everything to them.

fucker i dont have any fucking anxiety

this isnt about MY MENTAL state, this is about me being GANGSTALKED by a malicious group

they're a really big group and they appear in public as small groups and talk about me while im around them, usually waiting for me in places theyll know ill be

For a start...no functional person comes on here. This is a toilet, we've all got shit fucking up some part of our lives, and you're no different

You have a known physical disorder resulting in a form of persecutory delusions. This is usually caused by lesions on the brain.



the worst partis when they interrupt my online game, that really gets to me

hEY i'm pretty normal except i hit myself in the head when im mad
op is nuts


kind of like my aunt that calls up randomly asking for money (for rent, no job), and then orders delivery pizza.

she hears people criticizing and judging her when walking down the street.

shut the fuck up faggot my brain is in tip top fucking condition, in fact my iq is probably 60 points above yours you pathetic quadruple nigger

i dont think theyre really out to get me, the only bad thing theyve ever done was fuck up my internet while i play Day of Defeat

This is either bait or you're actually losing the plot a little.

Okay fine, your brain is in tip top shape. If you really aren't imagining things then go right to the police this second. Stalking is criminal and they'll investigate it so you can play your games without internet interruption.

they usually wait for me on the subway

also they wear distinctive colors and call them selves the lizard clan

fucking disgusting, i think they communicate through phone aps but they never let me download them for some reason

i fucking hate them

How do you know they're not on this board sending you mixed messages right now?

I'm your only friend, you can trust me... I wouldn't worry about it

i have no evidence so i cant go to the cops

also you low IQ brainletfucks are no fucking help

half these posters are probably them, if you are one of them then fucking hang yourself you piece of shit, i just wanna play my fucking video game without ASSHOLES following me around or tampering with my router like a group of retarded 12 year old xbox live virgins

what city do you live in?

leave your door unlocked tonight.... We want to come apologise

scarborough ontario

gang stalking is real

We're of low IQ but you're asking for mental health on Sup Forums. Think about that. Let it marinade. I was trying to help some nut, but I can see that you too engrossed in the "Lizard Clan" to be saved. Good luck playing little kid video games, I hope it gets you somewhere... You know, other than a mental institution.

who said your IQ would be affected?

fuckign kill yourself, i dont wanna hear ur apologies, just stop fucking with my videogame b4 i reveal all of ur autistic secrets

the only person qualified to give mental health on Sup Forums is Alice3D

Maybe this guy should talk to her?

Kill them, Johnny.

Kill them all.

I was never asking for mental help, the fact that 5 peolpe has brought up my mental health (when in reality im 100% sane in ALL ways) just solidfies the fact (in this thread too) that yall are following me around and fucking up my beloved game

fuck your video game, we're gonna fuck with it more now

....you are clearly in dire need of mental help. Try to contact Alice; her IQ is at least 100 points above yours: [email protected]

it doesnt fucking matter if you do, you clearly want me to be your leader (you follow me around and call me jesus and all sorts of shit) because i have no time for such shitty tactics. i dont want to lead a group of 12 year olds with booters, im sorry. I'll just have to download games somewhere else and play them offline. this is like your last fucking chance assholes

there is no female with an IQ close to mine

Listen, man. A few years ago I had been ordering shit online (as in research chemicals) that at first were awesome but after starting them a few years prior I had developed a horrible chemically induced paranoid schizophrenia. I started just KNOWING that people at Walmart were watching every move I made and no matter how far away from home I went I could SWEAR I saw the same people out in public that I was seeing "harassing" me in my hometown. I got so crazy that I started telling all my friends and family the shit I just KNEW I was seeing and no matter how much they tried to rationalize the situation to me, I refused to hear any of it. I left my life spiral out of control to the point that I lost my business which in turn caused me to lose my home, my vehicle, and about half of the people I cared about in my life. I was constantly reading shit online about gangstalking and electronic harassment devices (I was sure that someone was pointing some kind of microwave or infrasonic device at my home in order to drive me crazy). A couple of years ago I finally hit rock bottom and had to quit the drugs due to being completely assed out broke. I'm only just know getting my life back in order and I'm happy to say that my mental state has improved dramatically. But only after I got help. Help I didn't think I needed until it was too late and I had already lost everything. Even if you don't think it's in your head, try seeing a professional anyway. You'll at least find out for sure if it's really happening or not.

Alice's IQ exceeds yours by at least 100 points

i'm gonna shit in your toilet when you leave the house next and rub my balls over your keyboard for being a dick to us.

No RC can do that; you had underlying schizophrenia

also they reduce the accuracy of my guns so that i cant fucking shoot anybody, and mess up my mouse so that the sensitivty varies (etc when i slide it slowly across the speed at a steady velocity it instead pulses like slowfastslowfsatslowfast)

You are explaining your situation to literal RANDOM strangers on the internet who can be ANYWHERE ELSE in the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD.

And these strangers who have never conversed with you before, cannot secretly contact each other (Sup Forums has no private chat), nor will be able to contact you again after this thread, have independently come up with the idea that you have a mental illness.

Maybe you should do something about it.

ur just a drug addicted idiot, this is a thread for sane people please leave


ive never done anything to 'you', i can though

Yes, no one will believe you. Be a good goy and go to thr doctor for your (((medication))) now

You won't because you're a little bitch who can't even figure out how to find us and stop us from fucking with you

hahaha you must be so mad, maybe you should just run away

kill yourself first of all

this is serious, i need 2 know if anyone else has had similar experience and what they did

Not true. I was using mdpv and a-pvp, two very potent stimulants. Any stimulant abuse can cause this shit to happen, even over the counter stuff.

Neither of those can cause long term schizophrenia; they can merely uncover a latent schizophrenic state.

imnot even that mad, i just cant relax to a humiliating match of day of defeat cuz my internet keeps going down

Move to another city? Are you a girl?

user this is one of them. They will kill me for this but I have to do it. I can't help feeling guilty for everything we've done. If you want answers, look in the walls. That's all I can say. I'm sorry


Listen man, my point was that no matter how it happened I was experiencing schizophrenia. At least mine was self induced and I wasn't just naturally fucked like your stupid ass. You know what? Nevermind, go fuck off and let the goddamn lizard people completely fuck your life up. I'm sure you'll outsmart them since your a fucking genius and all.


good get fucking killed bitch

im not even gonna look in my walls mnow

go smoke more bath salts idiot

im in a seriousfucking crisis here

Fucking hell, now we have to move the plan forward to this week

I didn't say anything about long term. I specified that it stopped after I got off the shit.

Yes, you're a paranoid schizophrenic. It is a serious condition.


you never even had schiz to begin with, you just had drug induced psychosis from smoking assloads of fucking bath salts

go eat ur moms face fucker

A lot of people are jumping straight on the mental disorder explanation, yes that is always a possibility, but it is worth noting that gangstalking IS A THING that happens. I don't know if it comes from govt or a private funder, but have noticed targets are primarily dissenting individuals, political activists, and whistleblowers.

The end goal is to drive the target to suicide, though a mental hospital is still a success for them. This is achieved by doing very small, subtle things very regularly, the kind of things you actually would not notice unless it repeatedly happened around or directed at you over the course of weeks or months. The kind of things that if someone showed distress over, they would seem genuinely crazy.

Please spread this info if you ever come across someone in a position like this. Shit's scary, being reminded it's an external thing and you can still trust your senses can be incredibly helpful.

In all seriousness what makes you so special that a group of people would stalk you? Unless you owe an organization money or something it just doesn't happen.

thank you

i think the jews are trying to fund this to harm me cuz of how much I hate jews. theyre generally power hungry, evil individuals who only care about themselves. EVERY JEW IS raised to be a zionist, and is one in their heart, whether or not they admit to it.

Are you ex CIA?

Yeah but how common is it really
Also dubs get

There has literally never been one case of gangstalking except in Ontario. That's the only place our group cell is active.

i guess i just hate jews the most, and for damn good reason

There are literal neo nazi groups wouldn't they be more focused on a group effort on removing them before they focused on individuals? Look I know what you believe and that some people of Sup Forums are dicks but we are literally trying to get you help, go to a professional and see how it goes. Mentally deluded people don't know they are deluded, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible.

I'm not even from your cancerous country. Probably the only thing worth noting about my country in context to this is that we are part of five eyes spy agency agreement with usa, uk, canada, aussie, and nz.

It happens here.

Lol I bet that is the worst part, you insane fucking freak. All you TI fucks just stay on youtube posting your weird little videos

Dude, the Jews don't give a fuck about your minimum wage making ass. This is happening to you because of somebody in your past that you hurt very badly and they've hired dozens of people to fuck with you as retribution. Think long and hard and you'll know who I'm talking about.

Op, take off your hoodie. Also we are the ones ddos'ing you. Nifty little camera on your phone huh? How's that scoped kar98 treating ya when we dodos your modem?

I could never be a mental health professional.
This is maddening.

Want to just reach out and choke out OP at this point, but any kind of violence or retaliation would just reinforce his delusions.

Lol OP doesn't realize they are watching his threads aswell. They won't stop until they reach their goal. It's happened many times

if you want to continue being little giggly 12 year old xbox live basement kiddies then thats fine by me, but you never get to see me fuck my self on camera again and you DEFINATELY dont get to hear me play guitar or make ur OC

killurselves thanks

Bath salts is the dumbest fucking normie ass term for that shit I've ever heard. Way to browse CNN.

You're either delusional or a troll. Anyone who legitimately thinks they're being gangstalked is actually going off the deep end.

Seek help or shut the fuck up. Dumb bitch.

chop off ur dick and eatit

>implying that anyone outside of his fucked up head would want any of that shit to begin with

It doesn't

Or was that our plan the whole time? Was that message a ruse to trick you into NOT looking in the walls?

Oh no please. Anything but that. What do we need to do so that you continue?

They can get bored, tired, make mistakes, get BTFO at their own game, etc.
They fucking suck man. Conscripts in the army spec.

*misses the joke*

I hate to say it OP, but it really sounds like you are a paranoid schizophrenic. Get to a doctor, bud. Eventually, you won't be scared anymore. People don't really watch other people like that.


No of course not buddy
Solid 7/10 tbh

kill uyourself lizard cuck beta

now theyre giving me endless fucking capchas

Also OP if you are still here look up informant hand signals, they are used by police informants who are often tied up in shit like this to assist with all the little things that need doing. There's not much it'll help with really but it will train you to always be scanning people around you, and occasionally might give you a chance to lowkey mock a nark. I just like studying them, it feels like they don't want it.

This'll probably just get drowned in trolls, but please op. I've seen something like this first hand. Had an older friend who thought everyone was out to get him. Once just forcefully vomited because he thought he was poisoned. Never once did he think he was being irrational until he got help. Even if this is really happening, there's no shame in talking to a doctor or shrink about it.

Don't tell him shit like that you uneducated low iq plebeian! He came here looking for real help! I.E. people who will pander to his schizophrenic delusions! How dare you offer rational advice!

Score 1+ for the stalkee. Genius, bro!

It beats shitposting on Sup Forums, easier to get them mad. Plus they can't exactly walk up and shoot me in the face, or there wouldn't be a need for all this cloak and dagger bullshit.