Hey Sup Forums, it's my birthday and not even my family has called me all day

Hey Sup Forums, it's my birthday and not even my family has called me all day.

Can you guys please wish me a happy birthday? That's all I'm asking.

Have an excellent day.

Happy B-Day bro. Dont be tricked into thinking you owe loyalty to family. Plenty of people out there would care for you, you just have to go out there and find them.

Happy birthday

Happy birthday brother. Your chosen family is much more reliable than your biological family. Have faith.

Happy birthday my man. Family is gay anyway

Happy birthday, old boy.

It's actually my birthday too, so happy birthday from one user that has a Sep. 4th birthday to another ^-^

Happy bday dude!

>I need people to validate my existence


Family is good for keeping you alive for the first 12 years of your life, but not much after that.
I feel ya, user.

Happy birthday you autistic son of a gun!

Happy Birthday bud, hope it's a good one.

"Family" is made, not born into....
The people I've been closest to I'm my life have definitely not been those I'm connected to by blood.
Happy Birthday!!!!
Keep your chin up!!!

happyyy birthdayyy toooo youuuuuuuuu!

Happy bday bro

Even gigga nigga even remembers!!

Happy birthday.

Thank you, I definitely will.
Thank you, user
Thanks brother

Happy Sup Forums day

Thank you Sup Forumsro

Happy Birthday user! Hope it was a good one.

Happy Birthday, user. And many more...

Happy birthday!

Thank you, user. It's way better now
Thanks for the good wishes, user.
Thanks! :)

Is that you


No, user. It's just an unrelated pic I have saved in my PC. She's definitely very cute though.

Also happy Sup Forums


Thank you Sup Forumsros :)

>She's definitely very cute though.

Happy birthday user :)

HBD 11:11

Thank you user

happy b-day bro, where do you live perhaps we can order you a pizza and beer


Thank you user, although I just had a pretty satisfying dinner. I very much appreciate the offer

Right on.

Thank you, spideyposter :)

Happy birthday!


Thank you user c:

np op, ive also had some pretty lonely years too, mainly because of distance/work, but hang in there bro, enjoy yourself!

To be honest I was gonna ask for tits, but fuck it. Happy birthday.

>happy birthday
How do I know that you are you?
How do I know that it's your birthday?
How do I know your motives behind why you want me to do it?

Happy birthday.

Well thanks alot for taking the time out of your day and stopping by, and I hope your work situation allows you to be closer to your loved ones in the future.
Thank you, hope you see some nice looking tits pretty soon.


Happy Birthday man! My night's been pretty shit but I'm hoping yours is the opposite. Try and have some fun for me.

Happy birthday, user!

Thanks mate. Fun fact: the more birthdays you have, the longer you live.

Happy birthday OP. hope you have a good one! :)

Happy Birthday user!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday motherfucker. Don't let family get you down. I disowned both my parents and for good reasons. Blood ain't shit... You got family here bro. Have a good one.

Happy birthday bub. I know the feels. Birthdays present a large amount of stress that realistically, they shouldn't.
Had mine recently and spent it getting drunk, sleeping, and playing games. Killed a half gallon of shit whiskey by myself that day.

Happy birthday user. Hope that everything turns out okay in the end.

I'm a pilot, so idk about that, but it feels good to bring people closer together

Well, if you can trust me that'd be cool :) Thank you.
Aw man, sorry to hear that. Mine's been fine, but I hope yours gets better. Thank you as well.
Thank you, user :^)
That's so true lol
Thank you, I definitely will.
Thank you very much user!
Thank you :)



I have a folder of her, I can dump if you like.


Yes please

Cheers, user.


Thanks, user :)





very nice, classy



happy bday op



Thank you, brother :)

That's what

whoops, auto post beat me. That's what I have, but I'm sure there's way more of her to be found with a quick Google search.

happy birthday

Thank you, user

Happy birthday op. I know them feels on the birthday. Hopefully you found some enjoyment today Sup Forumsro

Happy birthday faggot.
The only reason I'm calling you a faggot is because OP is always a faggot, except for when OP is not a faggot, which is rare.
Regardless, happy birthday faggot.

op just dumped a ton on its b-day, op was not a faggot this time

Hot ones?

My bad. On this glorious day, OP was not a faggot. Blessed be, my anons and anonettes. Praise be unto Kek.

Thank you, it's reassuring that others go through the same but still do alright.
Thank you, lmao

Send hot ones

Happy bday OP, Poland will always be here

happy birthday. it was birthday yesterday and i didnt see a single person face to face... im 24 living at moms. should i kill myself?

Thank you, polandbro :)
Thank you, and happy birthday a day late to you too, bro. You shouldn't think about killing yourself, it all works out somehow in the end.

Happy birthday

Thank you very much, user


Would you like a birthday card?

It's not necessary, but thank you.

Happy Bday OP. Do you plan on stalking and killing this girl? Why the obsession?


Not worth the effort. Wait at least 24 hours and then reassess your situation.
That's my suicide rule. It gives me another day to think about things.
You should not be fucking up OP's thread with your dumbass an hero shit. This is a happy birthday thread for the glorious winged faggot that is OP.

Thank you, and no, user. I just dumped her pics cause someone asked for them.