I fucked up big time. i killed my pet rat...

i fucked up big time. i killed my pet rat. i was so drunk and he pissed me off so i threw him at a wall as hard as i could. killed him instantly. he was old and paralyzed from the waists down but he loved me. i feel like dog shit


You should. That creature knew only you to provide its needs, stimulation and love. And you Payton'd it at sheetrock. Brilliant.

Your rat's final memory was being betrayed and killed by someone he loved. He didn't understand why, what he did wrong, he just knew he upset you for some reason and you killed him.

That's what you did. You killed a poor, confused, innocent creature that loved you for no reason other than because you're a fuck up. You can never undo this. Hope you're happy.

gahhh fuck dude u just made me sad.

dont beat yourself up over this, but you should learn from this and try and control yourself next time. you are still at fault here, but hopefully you dont take this too hard.

better yourself from this, its what he wouldve wanted


Because of this thread I'm going to go hug my Guinea pigs. You're a piece of shit OP.

im not offering excuses, but i suffer from severe PTSD and alcoholism. i checked into detox and never want to drink again...

just do NoFap™
we'r are all gonna make it brah

Well, at least you know you have a problem and are working to fix it. Good news: Your that's not paralyzed or hurting anymore.

Fuck you, Google.

Well there's your problem, you had a shit pet. That's not to say you aren't an absolute nutcase. But get a medium size dog and go running with it whenever you feel like drinking. You clearly can't handle your booze and should cut it out completely.
Plus the exercise will be good for you

I feel your pain OP, I've done something similar, my beloved pet rat who looks like that pic was named Linux, he was 4 years old which is fucking ancient for a rat and finally in his death throes, I was broke from being laid off and couldn't afford to put him down humanely because all the veterinarians were Jews, and so I figured he was already in pain and scared the least I could do was shorten it, I brought him to my shitty little bathroom, filled the sink with lukewarm water, kissed him goodbye as I cried, and drowned him, he didn't swim because he was so weak and gave up quickly, I felt like a monster afterwards, I've never told anyone this before aside from you guys, it was 4 years and I'm back on my feet now but it still haunts me, I loved that little feller

geez user, your pet rat loved u and only wanted to provide the best for you, as it grew old with you it learned to trust you, only for it be betrayed and suffer a painful death for daring to trust you

good for u op

Three valid reasons you should kill yourself.

im so sorry. i console myself cause he was in pain but i think he still enjoyed life. always happy yo see me. it will always haunt me never would have sone something like that had i been sobee

I mean, he feels regret and shit and has PTSD. You're acting like
>Human life < Animal life.
That's just bullshit. Millions of rats die while being disemboweled alive by Hawks and owls and shit. It still had a better life, even if its ending was sudden and violent.

You shouldn't have pets if you can get dangerous like that.... in sorry but I felt sick reading this. Animals aren't toys. It trusted and loved you and you killed it in a drunken rage. I'm sure you feel awful about it, but please do not get another if you don't plan to take a serious look at your anger and drinking issues. I know it'll sound like bait but I mean it.... small animals need you to protect them and care for them. If there is a chance of this happening again, do NOT get another

Its not the rat that im upset about, its the destructive alcoholism and killing something that loved him. I think that all alcoholics should just fucking die to begin with, this is just a nice glaze of reasons.

I feel an unreasonable amount of hatred for you considering the worth of the life of a rat. My consolation is that you, not being a horrible person, feel the guilt you should feel.

Don't buy another goddamn pet.

I know your pain brother, I know that feel so well, rats are the best pets they are so misunderstood, I just wish death wasn't so grotesque and that I gave it, the last thing he knew in this world was that I killed him, killing something you love and that loves you kills something inside

take picture of rat

Drink more and go get angry at a pack of niggers.

I know they have short lives and I was poor, and I probably did help him by shortening his suffering but still, I regret it and hate myself for it to this day

It was a rat.
Rats are vermin, not pets.
Get a dog and stop drinking so much.

Well, I'm the one who said he Payton'd it. That was shitty and he was a terrible person in that moment. He saw such a bad part of himself it makes him want to enter a form of rehab for alcoholism. My father was an alcoholic and abused me, but you have to realize no one just wakes up and says "I want to only feel happy when I severely depress my nervous system." Telling them they all deserve death ignores how they got there and even IF they can recover and live a productive life. That's my point. I feel bad for the rat but its death could at least cause some good in the world by changing an alcoholic for the better.

Kek. Ah, welcome Old /b. You know OP...I feel bad for your rat and all...But now is the perfect time to implement a Space Program...

Just sayin'.

im in detox now and going into rehan and the veterans hospital.... feel like the scum of the earth


whats the difference netween taking an old paralyzed rat in pain to the vets for a painful euthanasia or chucking it at a wall to kil it instantly? it is a rat. not a human

That's terrible dude. Pets don't deserve that. They are so helpless.

I'm a piece of shit, but I had a cat I loved when I was around 16. I have severe anger problems. Like punching walls and stuff. So when I would get mad I would grab my poor cats neck for like 5 or 10 seconds. Would set the cat down when I relized I'm being a fucking awful person and then I would try to comfort the cat. But it would run away and I would get even more made.

I get so mad I starting crying because no matter how hard I try to hold my anger I can't and it frustrates even more.

I hate myself because of this.

>rages out
>strangles cat

This is half of Sup Forums user

You're confused. It's chickens that /b chokes when it's angry.

Get your emotions under control you alchoholic faggot.

Fuck your ptsd. Ive seen more people shot than you ever will and I dont do shit like this. You are s useless cunt.

Imagine if you had a family and that was your child.
You should feel like dog shit.

ok issac

lol, you also probably killed and abused civilians faggot

Sounds like time for a hastily put together suicide you worthless cunt