I have never met this person...

I have never met this person, but I saw their post online and I want too see if my/b/rothers could do a social media blast or something. Her house got broken into someone stabbed her dog now she has 1200 in get bills. In FB she actually posted pictures of the bills so it's legit.

Thanks guys


A) not your personal army
B) dogs suck cats rule

bitch should do like most people and take out a loan (or ask her family to give her a loan), I'm tired of these fucking millenials thinking they can crowd fund anything

failing getting a loan, she can slut herself out for the money, either digitally on cam site or on craigslist

sage related

Sup Forums has seriously savaged people that have hurt animals. Straight up hunted them down and wrecked their lives, sharing a link on Twitter/fb isn't even asking much

This is not a personal army request, I'm an oldfag who loves dogs and I feel bad for this rando

Stop being edgy. If it's legit, it's for a good cause

I follow a lot of animal lovers on twitter, but I have no followers. I can't help, but here's a bump.

shut up newfag Sup Forums has always been pro-animal.

Except for shoveldog.

I only have $7 so maybe a bump will suffice.

>shut up newfag Sup Forums has always been pro-animal.
welcome newfriend, but I think you meant to be on

>imma oldfag
>believe me guys

fuck off white knight, she doesn't care about you

I actually live in Rochester hills, I'll be by before work tomorrow to drop off at least $100. If you can get a message to this girl tell her to buy a gun.

Did they catch the nigger

I'll take your bump as reparations for you being a dickhead.

I saw it on my local pet fbi page and she only has like 80 bucks on there. I would def want someone to help if it were my dog

How new are you?


Just a bump for you oldfag

Fuck off new fags

I'm sure local social media/the news/the vet office and plain old local knowledge will be able to raise the money....fuck off with this shit....she won't suck your dick...NYPA....have some ass...

Also, I want a picture of the dog in a cowboy hat. My daughter's name is Gracie and she wears hers all the time. I'll drop on of those off too.

the edge. it hurts.

are you a 14 year old boy?

Y U So Butt-Mad

Your badass man. I'm from SE Michigan but now I live just south of the border in OH. I wish I had the money I would just call the vet and pay for it.

yes how did you know

>11 posters / 20 replies

fuck your pit bull i hope it dies you piece of shit white trash

You're in Toledo aren't you? I go there for work all the time. Come back to Michigan, Toledo is Ohio's detroit. Plus our taxes are better.

Hahaha absolutely. I'm kind of nervous about that police shooting tonight. I hope that doesn't turn into a shitshow

bump for pup

how do you upvote?

Only Sup Forums Gold members have that ability
