Alright boys i got a dilemma...

alright boys i got a dilemma, so my friend broke up with his girl recently and she's a super smoke and keeps inviting me over to "comfort" her and throws in that nobody is home. Is it fucked up if i go to her house and fuck my friends ex?

Just do it, OP... Things will settle out later on.

Yea, its fucked up, but cmon, you already know that. just do what your backstabbing ex-friend fucking personality wants.

I've turned her down about 3 times already i mean its only a matter of time before she invites someone else to fuck her right?

Just do it

If you don't do it you'll regret it OP
Do it and just keep it on the down low, if she tells him oh well, he shouldn't care if he's done dating her

Just impregnate her already, user. That's what she wants

Lose your sense of empathy, user. One day you're gonna get your heartbroken. You'll realize that humans are horrible creatures.
Use her and don't look back.

It's an ex, she's free game, he has zero claims to her.

pound that whore into submission dumbass

Bros before hoes. Don't be a dick to your friend. There is shit loads of random ass. If you really want to talk to him first and see if he is down for you fucking with her in terrible and disgusting ways.

You have the opportunity to teach a bitch a lesson. You have a choice to make: one-time sexual gratification that could cost you your friendship with your buddy, or devise a plan that will scar her for life and teach her she can't get away with everything just because she has tits and a lady clam.

The only thing holding you back is the idea that your bro still has feelings for her.
But since shes going after you, clearly he shouldn't be putting time and thought into her.
If she wants to be used, use her.

Dont be that desperate for sex, youre friendship should be more important

thats not a bad idea, just do everything I've ever wanted to her

precisely use her like a fucktoy

the problem is she's super hot and basically begging me to fuck her

Do it


It's true, all of it

Yeah, so he will forever be "that guy". It's a great way to lose the respect and the trust of the rest of your male friends, because what guarantees them that you will never pull such low blows with them? If a man has neither honor nor dignity, then he has nothing. And that makes him a bitch.

Ruin her

If your friend is a real bro and you think he may still have the feefees for her, tell him. Like hey bro, your ex wants to fuck me in revenge so she can hurt you. If he says IDGAF, fuck her and then tell her he doesn't give a fuck, so you scored and she got nothing but the dick.

Do it. You could even make this a revenge sort of thing on your friends behalf.
Have your fill then throw her to the curb.
Say and do what you must to get what you want and then when all is good, make it clear that you only used her.

So are millions of other women. Youre missing the point.

She's just doing it to hurt him.

If your homie broke up with her and she knows you're his friend, something might be up...I'd be willing to bet that she's gonna sleep with you then tell everyone about it, in an attempt to fuck with your friend and ruin your friendship..I'd stay out of it personally, not worth the nonsense. Just overall kinda sketchy.

I'd do it, especially if pic related

the girl who wants to get fucked

She wants to fuck you only because it will ruin your friendship.

You do know that she is using you for more nefarious purposes, right? She's playing 4D chess with you. You are a means, not an end. It will bite you in the ass, I guarantee it.

Though a good fuck certainly is tempting. We are but weak-willed men, in the end.

If you value your friendship, don't do it. She's doing this to get back at him, most likely. This is what women do.

>Like hey bro, your ex wants to fuck me in revenge so she can hurt you. If he says IDGAF, fuck her and then tell her he doesn't give a fuck, so you scored and she got nothing but the dick.
Damn... this is clever... if she does believe him. Which she has a fair chance of doing.

I'm one of the people telling him to go for it, but you guys might have a point. I don't know all the details of the situation.
But I don't think most girls would do this out of spite, rather because they're all sluts that can get sex at a snap of a finger.

If that's her, she aint worth it. Being that desperate for sex that you'd fuck with some girl that is very obviously just chatting you up to get back at your friend is pathetic.

Is it my impression or you have the feefees for her?

My brother's fucked a lot of my Ex's no issues here. i was done with her so moved on.

no I've just seen her over the years and she has big tits and a fat ass and I've heard some stories from my friend

Classic female bullshit. Shes trying to piss off her ex (if she doesnt miss him) or to make him jealous (if she secretly wants him back). Either way steer clear of all this. Trust me


thats a betrayal of your friends trust. do it and youre gonna be dead to him. unless you have the soul of a jew.ask yourself. is a cheap piece of ass worth losing a friend over? no its not.

Depends on the level of friend. If you think you'll be close to him 6 years from now then it's fucked up. Otherwise get the pussy

You silly fuck. She is just a cheap peice of ass.. duh! Precisely why he should go and fuck her. Of coarse his friend will be mad if he finds out but even if he does i give it 2-3 months depending how close you are and it will be back to normal

Why not just ask your friend if he'd be cool with it?

IF U dont fuck her ur literally a fag. Be king cuck or kill urself honestyly

its tough turning this down

thats kind of a weird thing to ask

This is just as bad as fucking her.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission

If he's really your friend, you wouldn't even consider it.

yeah "do you mind if i shove my dick down your ex's throat?"

Honor? Dignity? What's this trash you speak of normie? She's clearly a pothead and a free pump and dump at that.

This. Put yourself in your friend's shoes. Would you want him to fuck an ex of yours?

If you do it then you are less worth then trash.
I hope your friend disposes of you.

tell her you'r going and send your friend with a mike myers mask

Ok maybe not ask him per se but bring it to his attention that she's been hitting on you and gauge his reaction

or i can just get her butt naked and own her body

you'll likely lose the friend, unless he's a faggot

If you don't smash you should drink Clorox.