Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis

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Naw dog Semper Fortis.



Yo, what's your rate?


semper retardis

army is for faggots without brains

MT but ive been out since 09

Pfc undesignated.

It's all good, I'm currently an AT2. Never been on a sub, what's that like?

Long as you don't get that 03 life you're gtg.

quit and gay. idk wtf gets into submariners. those dudes are gay af. i started in surface fleet as an undes. i should have never left first division. i had the score to have more or less any rate i wanted but i should have been a BM. I loved the job. hind sight.


Do you have PTSD?

I have been fucked by US marines. They put australia to shame.

Fucking jarhead niggers.
Air Force is the way to go

Question, please I need an answer.

I had earned a spot into a scholarship of some sort. But the people that are offering it say that I have to sign a contract with 10 years of service upon my graduation.

Is that obligatory?

The Marines are def not a buncha baby killing queers. Def not butt fucking faggots either

good thing marines are not army

Rip, yeah my buddy worked deck dept and loved that shit. I am seriously looking forward to getting out though. I have a little less than a year left.

wrong branch


Read the fine print. But I've never heard of anything so bizarre. My enlistment was 5 years, and I doubt they can legally get away with signing someone up for a decade.

That shit is retarded, nobody is going to sign you into 10 years of service. Not saying you won't go rotc or some shit, but I have never heard of that shit.

Semper sucking dick. Usmc

Believe me I have contemplated it several times. Spend 9 months in Afghanistan and you will too.

I can have the service time changed then?

Thanks very much for replying.

Yeah, at least the marines have some skillz to go with the metal retardation...

I did 7. Can I think about it too?

I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not sure. But I have never heard of a decadal service obligation. Someone is lying to you.
Just be forewarned. recruiters and the like to like to fib and bend the truth. Just read it over, and possibly contact a legal representative. Seriously, you don't want to be fucked with those contracts. The government is shifty.

From what little bit I do know, programs like that are geared towards officer contracts. Being enlisted please take this with a grain of salt. Anyway from what little I have actually listened to what LT says, rotc is where you become a cadet and go to college. After that you go to ocs and become an officer. then you enjoy the cushy officer life.

Yeah, I am surprised you haven't already. Haze grey life is infinitely better than Osama's sandbox.

I would like to thank you all for your service.
Marines protected my brother in Iraq 2004 . He is a dentist and all the pictures he sent back had marines in the background.


Those digits...
I haven't thought about it because I removed myself from other vets and lived my life. Got married, studied in Germany, pursing a Master's. You have to stop living in the past, man (not to be a jerk). But your experiences to paper, and move on. It's the best thing you can do

I hope you don't go up to service members in person and say stuff like that. Not to be rude, or anything, but that conversation is awkward for everyone involved. That said, your appreciation is appreciated.

That's the reason I am getting out. It also doesn't help that my coc is cancer.

Why are the marine pilots so shit?

Because they're pogs.

Legit question from civilian
Would you do it again? Not re-enlist but do it at all in the first place.

Freeish college, ojt, slightly higher chances to pick up females. Probably.

How do you mean? Like, if I could go back in time knowing what I know now?
Hell yeah! I'd be like a god!
But really, yes. I learned a lot from it. It gave me experience, great friends, and maturity.

Welcome to the club. Everyone has had that problem. Just make sure you have a plan when you get out.

No I don't bug irl exempt when my I go to the Warrior empowerment foundation beniffit .

Yessir I am going to be a 24 year old college freshman.

Roger that, more power to you brother.

No. I was peacetime usmc. Highly tech trained. Everyone sat around doing nothing all day. Even officers. At the mercy of whatever dipshit CO or XO you might get. 4 years of my life wasted. Got out, college, never looked back.

>semper fidelio soup du jour

gtfo with your bullshit dipshit

You can barely read and write fucking english; none of you speak latin. Pretending doesn't add gravitas to your circlejerk.

That's about the same when I went. I'm 28 now. I'll be 29 when I get out. Spent 5 years at uni (spent one studying abroad).

Seriously considering studying abroad. You will learn a language, meet foreign qt3.14 (how I met my wife), and veterans are higher priority for the programs because they are so uncommon.

Succ Muhpenis

Also, gear we trained on wasn't gear we used. Tools were primative.

Fuck, i guess it takes a *mental* retard to spot one, also both my parents served in the marines so I guess the apple didn't have far to fall.


I'm already fluent in Russian, amazing what you can do with a laptop and no internet. I'll will look into that. I have a thing for slavic chicks.

Now, some of the most useless jarheads I knew are all nostalgic for it. It's like the big thing they did in their lives. Jesus Christ.

Marines are cucks for the AF

Yeah AF here, just letting you know we've got a little mishap, and some incoming ordnance on your location.

Run forrest, run!

fuckin pogs
get off muh Sup Forums

I wouldn't use the GI Bill for it, just in case credits don't transfer back. There are grants and scholarships available. But it really is a great experience, I hope you do look into it

That's alright, we bomb a few here & there, but, they keep making more, and lets face it, they're the branch of expendable soldiers.

Thanks for the insight.

Okay follow up question. I'm a 21 year old college drop out working in the trades. Would the marnies be a good fit? Or another branch?


Go air force, I work greenside Navy, and I drool over what the af has going for it.

Since you are on Sup Forums, the best recommendation that anybody would give you will be Air Force. Second best option would be Navy.

Unless you are a stupid fuck, then go eat crayons with the rest of the retarded kids.