ITT: Badly describe movies and anons guess them

ITT: Badly describe movies and anons guess them

So? Get started, this isn't your personal entertainment system. Its not your mom OP

A guy's mum wants to fuck him, his dad is a sex pest and everyone likes a rapist


Guy is stuck in a time loop until he breaks out of it by getting the girl he likes to sleep with him

Magic ninja star versus aliens.

back to the future


Groundhog Day


Groundhog day




Torture porn for Christians

some niggas nigga dies and they smoke that nigga to get they nigga ass thru college

How High

Passion of the christ.

Passion of the christ

The Passion

hivemind is correct

Underground Nation struggling to defend itself from nuclear tests uses insect diety to retaliate against the surface world

6 fags stuck in a mansion like pussies while the world outside is burning until they learn not to be fags and dance to N-Sync

Bald guy gets his spaceship taken over by space zombies who travel back in time to stop the human race from meeting ayylmaos

Orphan girl gets pregnant, has the baby stolen, turns into a guy, impregnates herself, becomes a time cop, fails to catch a bomb maker, gets blown up, hires herself to be a time cop, orcastrates her own conception, retires and becomes the bomb maker

Shitty seth rogan movie

This is the end

My man.

City of Ember

I fucking LOVE Predestination!

Hell yeah. It's so underseen

ST: First Contact



>be journalist
>assigned to cover a race
>get high as fuck instead

Asshole finds oil, drinks milkshake


Fear and loathing

Crackhead nigga travels to the past to kill the fucker who kills his wife and meets his crackhead self being a crackhead and they talk about random boring shit

like two chicks play around in the snow and shit, and theres a snowman or something

silly boy goes to nam and hes in a world of shit

Forrest Gump

Five kids get locked in a room together so they smoke weed

Guys disabled son gets kidnapped and he teams up with a retard to help get him back. Meanwhile his sone escapes by himself with the help of cult members.

forest gump

Bullied kid cheats to win a sport comp

Full metal jacket


Daddy doesn't want some sausage

Bless you nigga

Jackie Chan gets into trouble but doesn't want it

You're right

Every Jackie Chan movie

Kid grows up on a farm. Kid discovers he's a magical knight. His farm is destroyed by the empire. Goes on a trek with a mentor from the old order of knights to join the rebellion. Kid becomes skilled at the magical arts.

Friends sell drugs to get their friend out of jail

Star Wars

A new hope

Pull your shit together

Damn that's a tough one


Can you make it any easier jeez
Star Wars EP IV

Dwayne Johnson plays a tough as nails muscular guy who is actually a nice guy at heart who learns a valuable lesson at the end

young british kid in a gang goes to prison n shit n comes out new

The Pacifier

A Clockwork Orange?

Jason stathem drives a car and kills people

poor, young, japanese, and alone

Some short guys go on a walk



The scorpion king 4


No takers?

The Transporter nigga

No dummy Half Baked


Animal gets a new friend by helping man get laid with a princess

far from it

There will be blood

When it's that easy? Yeah nah bro


shot in the dark here but frozen?


>hire babysitter
>good babysitter
>milf mom
>baby sitter wants to kill the family

Mark Wahlberg plays an average hard working American who is put into an extreme situation where he must talk a lot

Hand that rocks the cradle!

Patriots Day?

wroom wroom



>daughter is probably being abused
>kid gets tumor
>kid dies
>mom wants to kill kids friends dad

Mad Max

Guy and GF have baby that's not really a baby and guy kills baby then his head is turned in a eraser.

This man has clearly had stroke.
Someone hack his cam so we can watch

Yes, also acceptable would've been death race and the other transporter films

Man gets cucked, goes to prison, escapes to Mexico.

some fuckin dog's life is a lie

Nope sorry, but good answer

Bekfast club

Source code

very good

Vin diesel kills a lot of people