Tell me about the time your mom caught you masturbating

tell me about the time your mom caught you masturbating

Not my mom but my cousin. I even told her to watch me fap as i continued to fap, and i came but she was grossed out saying "ewww" but laughing at the same time. I loved her reactions, an innocent but curious girl watching me fap was amazing

I was humping a pillow, and she walked into my room with laundry. I forgot to lock the door.

How old was she and how old were you?!

math fetish virgin

Never been caught, did it for almost 10 years before moving out

I used to watch tv with her & let my hard-on stick out of my pajamas. She never took the bait.

Not masturbating but similar. When I was like 13 I was tired of using my hand to masturbate so I made a homemade fleshlight. When I was done with it I would clean it and put it under my bed for later. Well one day my mom decided to clean my room and found it. She asked me what it was and I just acted like I didn't know what it was. I'm pretty certain she knew exactly what it was used for though.

So, I've never actually been caught masturbating, but the closest that I've been to being caught I had a knock on my door right as I was about to cum, so I threw on some underwear and answered the door actively creaming myself.

She never did. But she caught me like 3 days ago watching an animation of Clementine (from TWD the game) being fucked by a dog.

>Never been caught, doing it for almost 25 years since 15

What'd ye make the fleshlight from?

She never caught me because I am not a retard and always locked the door or did it in the bathroom

Only once my dad walked in on me (I was in the living room) humping a sofa pillow while watching Shakira "my hips don't lie" video

I pretended to just be jumping in the couch and he either believed me or played retard

I was 16 (now 18) and she was 12 (now 14). I'm probably going to be hated in here for showing my dick to a girl that young but whatever. I've never had any sort of sex with her, it was a one time "watch me fap" thing and she seemed to enjoy it. She's become attached to me (i.e more hugs, and she'd jokingly grab my butt on a few occasions), but no penetration/oral sex. She still functions like any normal girl at her age.

>I am gonna get hated on for sexual stories with an underage girl
>on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Ok retard you just made clear you are a fucking newfag, now go to bed you got hs tomorrow

> be me
> be 16
> mum is a drinker and kicked my dad out
> im in the backyard smoking weed
> "user, can i have a bowl?"
> weird as fuck but whatever
> we chill and head inside to make dinner.
> mum is in a nightgown with red panties.
> ahh yes the good shit.
> she is pretty drunk and high at this point.


A true Sup Forumstard only gets caught on purpose.

A latex glove, two warm sponges, and a cup. Not the best but I was 13 at the time and it was better than my hand.

fuck yeah more


I used to lie in bed and rub my little cock with this really fuzzy blanket until I came, watching music videos and stuff. Once I was watching Garbage's I Think I'm Paranoid and about to cum to Shirley Manson's crotch when my mom walked in. She was putting clean laundry into the drawers in my room. I stopped rubbing myself but my cock was fucking cumming the whole time she was in there. Pic very much related.



no thnaks

>I'm probably going to be hated in here for showing my dick to a girl that young
Stop confusing us with Ribbit you newfag, and stop fishing for compliments or apologies like this pussy shit.

btw nice

never caught by my mother. once when i was around 13 id faked being sick to get out of school and got caught by my dad. before he left for work he stuck his head in my room and saw me 'asleep'. I heard his car start, went straight for the PC in the loungeroom, kicked off my underwear and started going to town on my boy hood. Within a few minutes I was sprawled naked on the office chair with some porn on nice and loud.
My mistake was not checking he had actually driven away before I did any of this... turns out he had forgot his sunglasses.
I didnt hear either the front door open or my father enter the loungeroom.
My furious fapping was interupted by him saying with a chuckle 'Got your energy back I see..'
He walked into the kitchen, leaving me ro do the walk of shame to where I had ditched my pants. He walked back out, sunglasses in hand, said 'dont go having too much fun' and left for work.
It was one of the most cringe worthy moments of ny existance.

>>be me 20 mom says going shopping it takes her forever too do so bigger tv in the living room. i get some good ole rape pr0n i've downloaded 1 hour goes by fapping away i hear the door open shut the tv off run too my bedroom. She asked me if i was watching snuff ....well the was weird i told her it was pain anal and leave out the rape stuff did not get hard for a month.

nothing was inaccurate about his statement though?

No, kys

Go to bed new fag, I don't even think you know where you are.

Me and my mom always watched movies together, especially horror movies. There was one movie that had a really fucking hot sex scene in it. So I started to quiety jack myself off under the blanket. She was on the other couch. As I kept going I went into the kitchen to blow a huge load into the garbage. She walked in and seen me busting. It was only when I looked behind and seen her when she said sorry and bolted out of there. I came back to the living room to finish the movie and we never brought it up since.

She giggled and jacked me off

What movie, user?

Holy fucking shit
I feel bad but at the same time it's fucking hilarious

>he either believed me or played retard
ur dads defo a retard

How the fuck did you not kill yourself?

Okay first off. How did she know about snuff and second off, was she still chill?

Your dad sounds cool as fuck tbh

Reminds me off the time I had to stand on my puddle of cum when my sister's boyfriend walked through.

In the garbage can??? : D why not the bathroom? Fucking weirdos.

Blow a load in the garbage.

Never change Sup Forums

Literally my gram was knocking on my door one time while I was cumming.

What happened next and do you have it downloaded for fellow Sup Forumsros?

Man half my loads go straight into the waste basket

Did you answer it?

I love Barb's art.

yes moar

Wrong Turn 4
I was blushed to shit for the whole rest of the movie. I asked myself the same thing.
I was experimental, still am. I even fucked my sister's stuffed animals.

I look back on it now at 27 and laugh

After I was done, yeah

>about snuff
i'm not sure i did not ask i was more worried about covering my ass at the time my guess a friend told her about it. chill to a point i did not get yelled at she just said if it was fucked up shit i better not watch it cause some people start acting shit out. she hates pr0n so i was shocked she what snuff was as well.

You ever watch that movie now and jerk off thinking about that time?

You should've fucked her, you pussy.

Only a few times when I was younger. Sometimes I would put the movie in just for that scene.

I didn't know what to do


I'm thinking about making a Shirley Manson fap thread actually. Would anyone here be interested?

Not caught fapping, but in high school I was 17 dating a 14 y/o. Parent walked in on us somewhere between 2nd and 3rd base. (And no, never made a homerun with this gf.)

>jacking off to JLullaby's Jackie comic
>3rd page
>literally cumming into a tissue
>mom knocks on the door
>swings door open
>look at her
>downsize the page
>"yo i'm kind of in the middle of something here, maybe wait a second before you just barge in?"
>she closes the door

I pay room rent and i'm a 19 year old man why the fuck can't she respect my privacy.

>My furious fapping was interupted by him saying with a chuckle 'Got your energy back I see..'
>He walked into the kitchen, leaving me ro do the walk of shame to where I had ditched my pants. He walked back out, sunglasses in hand, said 'dont go having too much fun' and left for work.

Ill give you a better one. Hoe about the time my dad caught me getting buttfucked by my bestfriend when i was 9

Learn2lock door,dumbass!

>be me, 29
>work graveyard shift coz it pays better than regular - $1.30/hr
>tired, need some sleep
>gotta fap first
>too tired to go through with it
>fall asleep holding my throbbing cock in my hand
>hear someone come in the room
>too benumbed to move or react in any way
>not even a mumble
>i wake up few hours later in the same position holding my dick
>mfw i have my undies on
>mfw i remember clearly i stripped them down to my knees before i fell asleep
>go to the kitchen to grab some coffee
>afternoon, mom
>hello, user, did you sleep well?

I don't have a lock on this door.

Wow. How did that affect home life the next several years ?

>lives with parents

Saddest post in thread right here

My mom never caught me masturbating.
But I've caught her.

you're right but you shouldnt downsize or stop doing anything if she runts in next time

does dad still talk to you?

Local Fred's sells them for about $8 or so.Five minutes to install with a screwdriver.

not parents, just mom
they're divorced

sure, living with my parents is the sad part, and not the fact that i make $1.30/hr

>i make $1.30/hr
what fucking country do you live in?

I assumed that was a typo and you meant to say $13 or some shit, that or you live in bangladesh or whatever


a 3rd world one, obviously

Then your money is probably fine for all I know huh Sadiq, but living with your mother is still sad as fuck

>>lives with parents
>Saddest post in thread right here

not really with the economy shitter more adults live at home than you would think. it some cases it's money in some it's a sick parent and you don't feel like throwing them in a old folks home too die. not everyone that lives with a parent is a loser a lot are but not all it's a case by case situation. as long as one has a job or some means of income ssi/ssdi and pays rent if asked or bills i would say not. theres one person that i know that lives at home and i would say he's a loser he's too lazy to get on ssi and is crazy then hell he just lives off his mom/dad ssdi and gets 5 dollars a month allowance and sells junk too buy smokes and booze.

not even a kebab
$1.30 isn't fine anywhere, you should have realized that by now
and no, you can't start a hotel business in slovakia for $0.50

i'd like to move out and start living on my own, but with that salary it just isn't affordable

there should be a new job opening soon that i can get in on as a linux sysadmin
it pays much better, about $4/hr
will be living like a god damn KANG if i get it

Hated my asshole of a step-father so I used to fap into his cans of sliced beetroot bc he was the only one to eat them.

I used to do it while standing at 'the head of the table' where he had to sit and cum into the can placed where he would eat.

I only did it once per can and never really stirred it, just flipped whichever piece I came on upside down soninknew his next slice would be pretty well loaded. Would watch him eat if I got the chance and tell him how bad beetroot tasted just to hear him how much he was living it.

One day mum and step-father were out for weekend shopping/lunch routine and my younger step-sisters were doing overnight stay at friends houses.

New can of beetroot, freshly opened. Time to fap. Never any chance of getting caught bc I could hear anyone coming up the back stairs even before they had to unlock the door. Furiously fapping my 15ish year old dick with lid bend back so I can be sure to get maximum amount into can.

Still to this day I can't believe I didn't hear her, but my mum hadn't gone out bc race day in my town so my step-father had jgone out to bet on some horse racing. I remember I was getting pretty close to cumming so was angling my dik down as best I could to shoot load into tin can of beetroot.

Mums room comes from a hallway into the lounge room which opens directly into the kitchen through an open living style kind of plan house.

She couldn't have been there for more than a second but a second long enough to see exactly what I was doing. She didn't scream. She didn't shout. She just stated in a semi-hushed but stern voice 'omg user what the hell are you doing?'

That was the second I realized she was there and I quickly turned around. In my fury to hide my shame I knocked over the beetroot can. By the time I had gotten my pants up mum had left and I was left to clean beetroot from table and floor. Some was salvageable but I binned it all bc mum had seen what my intentions were.

I've been caught multiple times, but not with my dick in hand

I'll post a summary of each
>Friend is watching porn in corner of my room on laptop and my mom walks in and is pissed. I warned him my mom would come in. After that my mom was suspicious

>Jerking hard to Hannah Montana and have Miley's pictures pulled up on shit laptop. Bed is banging against the wall and my mom walks in. I pull my underwear up and close the laptop and she asks why I'm closing the laptop and what the banging was. Tell her idk and that it was nothing and she leaves

>Mom is cleaning my room and finds my friends sisters used panties in my drawer. End up sobbing because I was so embarrassed and had to tell her why I had them.

>few years ago I was jerking in the bathroom and my dad opens the door for no good reason to ask a question. I guess he caught a slight glimpse maybe not, but I answered the question and he left.

Now I live alone most of the time so more of that bs. I've also been caught jerking off in class by the girl I wanking it to but she did nothing. Also my moms found my porn history multiple times. What can I say I get caught doing everything under the sun.

Lol plebs getting caught


I recall hearing step-father shouting at mum for 'throwing out beetroot bc looked old'. Never spoke about it with mum and didn't make eye contact for a good month but live my mum. She had my back. and took the fall for it.
Never thanked her but how do you get to thank her for something like that.

Thanks mum.

>Mom is cleaning my room and finds my friends sisters used panties in my drawer. End up sobbing because I was so embarrassed and had to tell her why I had them.

Should have told her you had a girl over and fucked. Would have been way less embarrassing.

Your step dad seems like a cunt

oh god. . . so i never "officially" got caught, but when I was like 13 i'd let my dog sometimes lick my asshole because it felt good. I only did it when I was certain no one was in the house. Apparently my dad forgot something and came in the house, luckily the back door to my house was so loud so I heard someone coming in. I didnt have enough time to pull my pants up all the way. So there I am sitting awkwardly on the couch in the living room with my pants seemingly all the way up from the front, but behind almost my whole ass was exposed. He asked me what I was doing, obviously I said nothing and he went in his room to grab whatever he forgot and left. I almost had a heart attack.

Nah she knew I was a huge virgin haha. It sounds cringey but I never lie to my mom. She knows everything about me basically.

My sister caught me jerking off in my scout uniform to satisfy my fucked up fetish. She ran away screaming

Oh god I used to do the same fucking shit. You ever feel ashamed about it? I've done some weird fucking shit when I was horny.

Yeah I was just the baggage that came with my mum. Two real daughters he treated like family.

I remember him often yelling at me and hear him complaining to my mum 'why do you always take HIS side'. Have a great mum.

I think I'm going to call her tonight and tell her that I love her after this thread lol.

did she tell on you?

The truth doesn't matter in that situation. When you admit it, she knows you're a panty sniffing pervert (not judging).
But if you lie then at least she'll have some doubt in her mind.

True. It still haunts me that she knows that shit.

once you bust that nut thats when the regret comes in, cant tell you how many times i tell myself what the fuck was i thinking?

>Never been caught, did it for almost 10 years before moving out
same, and also smoking weed in the house, still haven't moved out. Been 7yrs fapping, 2yrs weed

Sometimes I wish I didn't have the ability to become horny because of some of the shit I've done.

I remember trying to hide the fact I was smoking weed in my room. I thought I was so sly by putting a towel by the door and cracking the window xD

>25 years
>since 15

Yeah I figured that'd be shit, so now I put the towel at the door, turn the window AC on, close the balcony, sit under the AC and smoke nice

are you retarded user?

you're not going to lose your virginity like this

sure i love a good fiction story before bed