This is my dick, Sup Forums

This is my dick, Sup Forums.
It may not look big and spectacular. Still, by the age of 25 I managed to bang 8 girls, 3 of them had their first clitoral orgasm during sex with me (and for one of them it was her first orgasm ever) and 1 had her first vaginal orgasm (the same girl with the first orgasm ever) despite the fact that none of them were virgins and they had sex numerous times with other guys.
At least 3 girls have sincerely told me that I was deffinetely their best sexual partner.
I can last pretty long and alter I cum I can quickely be hard and ready for fucking again.
So, size doesn't really matters if it's not horribly small you can still be a sex god, you just have to have good stamina, know how to make your girl horny as hell and how to take care of her in bed, also prepare her before putting your meat in her.


if you are a sex god then why are you a cut-fag ??

Your dick has nothing to do with the number of women you laid. They decided to fuck you before they even saw it. Your dick is pretty average. Every thing about this post is average.

this has potential

Actually I'm not, my nigger friend.

Not for Sup Forumstards, I believe.

I prefer fucking my girl when she's not horned up because her pussy is so much tighter. It's like fucking a virgin.


She is just dry, not tight, pussy gets tighter when girl is horny.

Girls tell everyone the same shit OP you're not special.

Nice, would you cock a pic?

Dryer feels tighter... and That's not true about pussy getting tighter during arousal. Pussy literally opens up. She does: however, tighten up when she cums.

Cock a pic?

Do you have kik?

>pussy gets tighter when girl is horny

spoken like someone that doesn't know how a pussy works. You're in the right place user.

Well, maybe you are right. Whatever, fortunately my current gf has pussy like a 10 years old, I can hardly put 2 fingers in there.

I've just never really thought about it, I rarely felt a difference in pussys' tightness.

What for?
I'm straight

it does

blood flow increases, causing swelling. more swelling = less space


i have a 5.5 inch asian dick
ive only been with 3 caucasian girls
each of them reached vaginal orgasm with me
am i a god?

Muscle tissue relaxes during female arousal so they can take dick without pain


You know women lie right.


Why are you posting cocks in my thread, dudes?

yea you're fuckin mr miyagi or some shit

suck it

Lawls, a woman told you that you brought her to orgasm and you actually believe her.

No, you're just gullible.

all hail the sex god /sarcasmoff

True, if you didn't feel it she didn't cum.

I felt, man, I felt it good.

No a guy with a big dick who can do all those things is a sex god. Youre just an average lay.

Nah, man, I know my worth, girls love having sex with me.

>first orgasm ever
>definitely their best sexual partner

They're lying you fucking moron. I've told loads of girls they were the best I've had, it's what people do.