Discussion: "tea is possibly the best drink there is"

Discussion: "tea is possibly the best drink there is"


Depends on the tea


My vote is a polish drink called frugo

What's it like?

Same here midlands fag


Milk or no milk?

(I'm a weirdo Amerifag who uses milk.)

Addictive green ones best cant understand polish so no clue of flavour


Fuck off nigger.
Also Wales not England.

Coffee is superior

I prefer milk and sugar but tbh I drink it plain if I don't have either, it still tastes good

Got to be with milk tea with no milk tastes like dishwater

Lulo + apple + lemon + kiwi

Good, but not superior.

yee huat maete?

How do I downboat this?

shagging your nan xD

So what tea does Sup Forums think is best? I'm torn between earl grey and English breakfast leaning more towards earl grey though

I like red bush tea. Fuck you all.

Tea is just leaf soup

I'm a Lidl Irish blend fan. Milk and two sugars.




Christ what a fucking pussy


Not bad mate, nit bad

Same but dgaf what teabags i use

i do enjoy a cup of tea every now and then.
i like rooibos and some herb teas like fresh verbena or mint, black and green tea not so much.
i have no comprehension why people pour milk in their tea, that is just disgusting.


Thnx could drink gallons of this

milk tea is good though

Yes and no. If we're including alcohol, wine wins. If we're solely focusing on hot beverages, it's close between hot chocolate and tea. If we're only talking herbal water drinks, then yes, tea is the best drink.

Agreed. Actually got pressured into trying it once, shit was disgusting

No idea why people do it

Twinings English Breakfast - especially if you want to dunk your Hob Nobs in it.

However a cup of Earl Grey in the afternoon, with no milk, and watching the colour change as you squirt a squeeze of lemon into it, now that is something special as well. But it doesn't work for dunking.

Fuck your shitty looking tea fgt
Needs moar milk

Fuck off wine is shit and tea is much better than hot chocolate

You have just described exactly what I do perfectly my good sir

>classless fag

Did you even try boiled wine?

Yes, still disgusting

Gatorade bitches

Get out

Ok fine, irn bru


Well, I guess not everyone can have superior taste

Le sigh

no milk USA drinker—tea or coffee.
No Earl Grey tea also because of slight sweetness.

Nah you got it all wrong. Beer is the best drink ever, then coffee, then tea.

Beer mate.

Way best ever

Slightly better

Fucking frog


Is tea best if brewed directly from tea leaves or is it the same with tea bags?


Brewed direct from tea leave by professional tea fags

Scotch is my favourite, followed by coffee

not that barista made shit either, it's always the temperature of the surface of the sun and tastes like shit

seriously though, any baristas here?
why do you guys use hot milk over cold?

probably opium

Silence Colonial Scum!

yes it is, tea is awesome
coffee is for edgy faggot
"oh.. don't talk to me before my morning coffee"
go drink your shit and fuck off

There are hundreds of teas, you moron
Tea is the top drink in Turkey, persia, china, UK

Fentimen's lemonades:
- lavender
- cucumber
- dandilion and burdock
- cherry cola
- rose
- lemon zest

carbonated lemonades are top

>"don't talk to me before my morning coffee"
is admittedly gay infantile shit
but coffee is fucking great
once in a while, I get me some nice italian Lavazzo. expensive, but so damn good

Coffee is better. Thread closed.

oy, a retard
lemme show you how to close thread


there you go

optionally, you can also chant "simsala bim! thread is close!"

go have your morning coffee before you hurt yourself faggot

>Reddit spacing
You shouldn't even be here let alone telling people how to end a thread

I've never eben been to reddit and hate that place, hands down.
lol all that false assumption shit is hilarious.

taking the bait, btw
jokes on you

simsalabim bam!

>"tea is possibly the best drink there is"

that makes me want to punch your face in. don't say that out loud in public unless you do not wish to keep your skull in one piece.

if you have never been to reddit, how do you know you hate it?
seems like your just following everyone else

Considering the sheer variety you're probably right

I've seen it come up for some search results
went on there
just a confusing, random mess with fandom faggots, fedoras and an allover horrible webdesign

you seriously think that spacing is an exclusive reddit thing?

i wasn't the guy who commented on the spacing btw

the water of Truth is better that flows from the mouth of God

lmao delusional bible cunt responding
has got to be bait

>le salami face
can confirm