Cringe thread

cringe thread
feel fREE to
>link videos

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What a savage





thought it be small dick
still not sure


Holy shit







wait is that a female!!


this somehow gave me a hard one


Anyone who watches this shit

Hahahah this isn't cringe this is YLYL worthy

That is fucking nightmarish

The actual fuck ... ?

Looks like a young Mutahar


This is accurate. A "No Gods, No Masters (insert Rick and Morty reference here)" tattoo is the hottest new addition to tryhard numale fuckfaces. Seen four of them on compus already and the semester has barely started.

why is he in a desert with a jacket on?


photoshopped? but like in the way you stand in front of a green screen at your local sears and they shop you into whatever faggoty landscape you want? maybe?


Jesus Christ it looks like Jonny 5!