Trips and I fuck a double cheeseburger on chaturbate, username is swim96

Trips and I fuck a double cheeseburger on chaturbate, username is swim96

I'll give it a try

Roll threads are fucking moronic. No one wants to see you fuck a double cheeseburger. That's also moronic.

where do you think you are?

eat it afterwards

rolling for burgerfuck




Serve it to a family member after...

Jesus christ dude, how many fucking times are you going to make this same exact thread?

only sandniggers, only pork

> (You)
>where do you think you are?

Roll threads are moronic. I'm here for the good stuff, not for idiocy.

damn, reroll

newfags can't even get trips.
check em



I'll allow this.


Nice. Kill off the newfags


ohhhh shit checked and rekt

get on it op

op deliver now

Op we are waiting