First i stareted with porn sites, then i looked in twitter...

First i stareted with porn sites, then i looked in twitter, then Reddit and now i fap with girls of Sup Forums (fb/ig threads)
What's next? deep web? but idk if it's safe enough...

>more Please
> her face is so Nice


i have more, but, whats next?

>we should Forbid immigrants having sex. So they not allowed to having children on american and Europeaan ground.

>goes from fapping to naked women having sex
>now faps to still images of clothed women
And with his infinite wisdom, op suspects he might move to the deepweb to fap to... dead babies? That's obviously the next logical step

no, i dont like CP, all i want is +18 girls

I gave my advice, now give more pics of the qt


Well you're already fapping to clothed instagram pictures. I don't think you can get any more degenerate than that other than by fapping to dead babies. Now that I think about it FB/IG pics are probably worse. You're at the bottom as it is I don't think you can do worse

meet women


This is truly the next level OP, maybe you'll actually get to experience something.


To lose $0 first you need $0

fuck off

what are you exactly looking for ?

i have gf

hot girls from ig for example, or more internet interaction with girls maybe asking for tributes idk sure

Next is trannies and then you're gonna become a fag on Craigslist. It's a dangerous spiral. Quit while you're ahead.
Now post more

i like real situations. like my wife fucks other guys





I formatted my PC recently so I don't have my bait images, so here's a placement image instead.