Hey, /b

Hey, /b
Do I look like a femboy/trap?
(Wearing no makeup)

you look like a faggot, is that what you're going for?

That ain't you.
Quit lying.


it is

yes you look like a femboy. If you actually wanted to be a trap you probably could pull it off.

Now show dick

cute, original pic was terrible


this is a female and i won't believe anything it says unless i see a dick pic with time stamp

You are very cute.
Would have to see your body to know if look like a trap or femboy.

Id put my dick in you

Need time stamp with chest shot, adams apple and dick. At least 2 of these 3 to confirm cuteboy, otherwise just an attentionwhore gril.

>Do I look like a femboy/trap?

No. You look like a dull-witted faggot.

You're female so that kinda ruins it.

Just a regular faggot


fuck you

Nice trips

Daily reminder that you have to be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums

Op must of got the attention they wanted, or got scared and left.

I'm in College, fagoot
Already 18

post dick already fagoot

So you're still here.
What classes are you taking?

Computer Science and Information Technology

you have a pretty long face but you're passable
post ass already

Nice trips
Are you having a good day?

wheres the dick and ass

Dubs Checked

First of all, learn to spell.
Secondly, we are not cigarettes.
Children these days.
Just golly.

You look like kyler moss sprinkled with a bit of down syndrome. lul

Lucky number 7
Nice trips

you look like a faggot.

Nope you just look gay

Show asshole
