I served my time

I served my time.

However, I really feel like I should be punished more for my crime.

Is there any self-induced punishment I can inflict on myself to please the Moderators?

I can electrocute myself with the wall outlet, or maybe even burn my skin with caustic oils.

I'm just very ashamed I allowed myself to compromise the integrity of this board. Is there anything I can do to make this right?

Like start a trap thread, a celeb thread edging circlejerk thread, or maybe a loli thread?

I really don't want the majesty and splendor of this board to be impeded by my actions.

I love you moderators. Keep making Sup Forums amazing

Other urls found in this thread:




Is that what it will take to make things right?

Why do you post that fail, OP?
You should know how mods are ticking around here. There was no real reason to ban you, they did it for shit and giggles.

Mods are complete useless cucks , they don't ban bestiality nigger porn but they ban that smh

I clearly deserved it. Are you saying that you disagree with the moderators?

Isn't that a bannable offense?

I posted this so that others may learn from my horrible mistake. I'm trying to make this a more friendly, caring, safe place.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with this dilemma.

God bless.

Nah. Clearly you try mock mods to ban you again. You can get that eazier. Just close the tab and never return. RUN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!

I do apologize for giving that impression. I would never say or do anything that would compromise the moderator's authority. For you to assume that, really hurts me at my core.

Sup Forumsro, your trolling is obvious but in earnest : Stop visiting this site. It rots you from the inside. Unless... you like it that way. Then you're welcome to stay and rot away.

You are simply incorrect. This is a safe space for mutual idea sharing, and intelligent discussion. The moderators do their part in making this a reality.

You appear to have lost your way.

I will be praying for you.

Looks like we are alone in this thread.
Your elaborate plan has failed, Obi Chan, as I'm only replying because I'm bored as fuck.

Anyone have ir pr0n or horse pr0n?

This is the second time I've posted today. I'm going to continue to do so, in order to promote meaningful and rational conversation and such.

the only way is to summon moot from his googly grave to save us from the Asian menace


Mister Hands google it.

Why you no like jackie Sup Forums user?

Looks like you got 8-10 more days left on your ban, newfriend

because file size limit and banhammer mods

Don't be a nigger

I thought it said September 13 at first too, but it actually says September 1st

That gook jew really did screw this place. Cheap piece of shit

Have fun, OP.

I'm off building metal dicks in Space Engineers and ramming them into asteroids.

Just a bit of substitute action because I have no woman around.


I haven't gotten banned so I obviously don't care enough to stop coming but a good piece of Sup Forums died when they started enforcing raid kills.

This is now a summon moot thread. For old times sake

I'm reporting you for criticizing the moderators.

I'm criticizing you for reporting to the moderators

What's up guys? I can't hear you about the screeching sound my metal penis does while I fuck an asteroid.