Yo, I need some advice anons

Yo, I need some advice anons.
I'm 27, have a great job and am fairly attractive, get along well with people. I used to slay in college and never let myself get locked down into a relationship.

The last year or so I've noticed my dating prospects dip all of a sudden. I didn't get fat or anything and I'm making even more money than before, yet all the available girls my age are either uggos or single moms. I don't want to fuck with a kid that's not mine and I don't want to fuck fugly bitches either. Did I fuck up by not wifing a hotty in college like most of my buds?

Where do I find cute, single women who don't have kids? Do I need to start dating younger girls or something? Any other anons in their late twenties running into this issue?

Your just not looking hard enough

Ok, tips on where to look?

I too am dealing with this problem. I'm 28 and find college girls to be kind of naive and immature at this point. I'd like to meet young professional girls that aren't total SJWs but have no idea where to start. Like you said most appear to either be fat or have kids both are no-gos for me

SJWs aren't exactly a problem for me since I live in Boise but yeah I haven't run into a whole lot of young professionals either.

Lucky bastard. I'm in Portland the city is fuckin infested with em

>Did I fuck up by not wifing a hotty in college like most of my buds?
hell no. wait 10 yrs and those "buddies" will all be divorced and on the verge of suicide even moreso than they are now. only with the added pleasure of having your own flesh and blood be taken away because you're an alcoholic drug addict that hates his wife and his life.
just an assumption.

God damn that's dark b/ro. You speaking from experience?

no but i've heard that story before and i hate to see it happen to someone else. marriage in general is a trap unless you're dirt poor

So what do I do, fuck single moms?

idk man. why do you need to fuck something so bad?

Because it's fun?

what is your goal?

is it to fuck hot women? or is it to find a partner that you can have children with and go through life together with?

I'm at the point where I'm looking for the kind of girl I can settle down and start a family with tbqh m8. I've played around for a decade now I've had my fun, time to start getting serious

ok cool.

so, yeah, you may have fucked up by not locking down a chick when you were younger and in college.

the highly-sought-after girls your age, as you have seen, are either married or have a kid and are divorced/single/etc.

you're gonna have to either settle for a not-so-hotty (which isn't bad at all, honestly), or try to make a boatload of money so that you can attract those younger hot girls away from the hot guys their age.

or, you can just be patient and hope you bump into the girl of your dreams.

What line of work you in? What state/city? Forgove me of you already said

I'm a senior network engineer for a major telecommunications company in Boise, Idaho

This was my fear. Sounds like I'll have to keep putting myself out there and hope the right girl comes along sooner or later. I'm willing to relax my standards somewhat for a cool who's hella chill/shares common interests

Chads BTFO
You're now paying the price for being a living meme you dumb fuck. Congrats.
There is no way out now.

Oh come on b/ro is there no hope for a reformed Chad?

Nigga you are only 27, go to a fucking bar or something

Zero. There is no getting around the things you already know. Its nasty skanks now until eternity. Like the other guy said, you now have to wait until you are 40 so you can maybe get one of the divorcee hotties without a kid, though now she'll have an extra helping of mental issues. Its shit all the way down user.
Youre fucked.

I'm bout to become 20 and I got like 4 years of college left. I'm afraid of this happening to me. Is it because I have high expectations?

What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Do you not go to bars, clubs, festivals, grocery stores???