So what do you guys think about nihilism? Discuss

So what do you guys think about nihilism? Discuss.

It doesn't matter.

Time Only exist while you are alive when you die so does time

I don't believe in nihilism

>listening to the jew

whites will never be free

What happens when you're asleep ?

What do you mean? It's not really believing in something, it is a way to see things. Do you think there is some purpose in life, something beyond our physical world as we see it?

It skips to when you wake up

I don't mean

what is nihilism? what does one believe in?

Garbage ideology for lazy faggots who are too pussy to deal with the real world.

There's nothing valid about nihilism. Anyone who says otherwise is either a 12 year old edgelord or is a libertarian autist.

For all I know nihilism means adapting the idea that life doesn't really have meaning and we are just a grain of sand floating in the never endless void. Nothing matters, so there is no point to belive some political, moral or religious cause. You are nothing, embrace it

this. if you truly don't care, you'd be unimpeded by morals, society, and feel no capacity for selflessness. nihilists are just whiny little bitches who dont have anything going for them. If they did, they wouldn't be nihilists

Nihilist here, can confirm

"nothing matters, so may as well have a good time"
- someone

Ultimately they might be correct, but living your life that way is not fulfilling.

Id fuck his gf bloody

Being nihilist doesn't disconnect you from the real world, by rejecting classical social values you can find some new ones that fit you and the way you see existence. For me since there aren't really a meaning in life the best you can do is to profit of it. what would it change to behave in one or another way all for the same finality

Nihilism? Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, at least it's an ethos.

Good point. No reason to mope around about it. Just fuck around and do everything you can while you still have time to.

I think nihilism has a bad reputation that it doesn't deserve because a shit load of angry young people who very much do think there is point and purpose in the universe and feel like our world is betraying it call themselves nihilists and a shit load of ignorant people believed them that that is what nihilism means.

Genuine nihilism is interesting.
Edgy teenage "nihilism" is just stupid. If nothing truly matter - why do you insist on spouting your message of "nothing matters" at anyone who would care to listen?


Then what is your definition of nihlism? I'm being serious.

Caring about stuff is for faggot enough said

exactly. too many people confuse fatalism for nihilism.

ty, sounds depressing af.

Nihilists think they aren't playing the game, and by not playing the game, they avoid losing.

2 things;
1. You're still playing the game, you're just losing more, and when people tell you as such, you deny being dealt in.
2. Nihilism itself is a fundamentally flawed concept; Society doesn't function within a vacuum, it functions within itself.

Not really. If you truly believe that you don't care. You just accept it as fact and move on.

Btw this is a great show, been watching it since the 1st season. Stop calling it cancer just cause it's become popular

Fucking this.

most nihilists are edgy fedora tipping "intellectuals" who watch rick and morty and sit on reddit

the 1st season was "great", second season was a mixed bag of shit and good episodes. so far the third season is utter bullshit and hasn't made even crack a smile even once.


Standard fare. That the universe is without inherent meaning or purpose or value. That there is no objective morality.

That's pretty standardard for nihilism. But there are variations.

Here's a cute saturday morning breakfast cereal comic on the matter.

Did you ever see The Big Lebowski?

Completely agreed

if life is meaningless and has no point then you might as well enjoy it anyways

Guy I knew years back was a nihilist, and despite his acknowledgement that nothing mattered, he couldn't help himself telling everyone that he was a nihilist and that anyone who wasn't as such was stupid.

He's a fucking moron, and that seems to be the overarching theme of them.

>morty god isnt real LOL

I'm a nihilist. And this is the first time i've mentioned it in *looks at wrist* probably 10 years.

Do i win a cookie? I want a snickerdoodle.

I didn't say shit about the show I don't fucking care about your lil tv program faggot

it's the way to go.

I see that a lot too. It's the same with Christians and vegans. "Look at me! I'm special because I worship this or don't do that!" People feel like they need acknowledgement of their beliefs to be justified in believing them.

Op here. That's my point. Being nihilist doesn't mean sit in your room and cry all day. Once you accept it you can aswell profit you your meaningless existence. Even better, helps you to not give a fuck in certain difficult situations

4chang is on the picture Riiiiiiiiiii

No, you fucking retards. That's just existential nihilism, the most famous and most stupid form of nihilism. True, original nihilism is, at its root, a rejection of knowledge. It's basic meaning is "you can't actually KNOW anything", from which the conclusion "so don't even bother" is often (but not always!) drawn.

you just made me lose the game fug you

Just stop caring about anything do you want to and Don't give a fuck cause it doesn't matter

It's funny, you seem to think your understanding of nihilism is any better, but it's just as stupid. I'm sorry, did I insult your retarded fucking ideology? Get a job, faggot.

absurdism > nihilism

fuck you asswhip
read a fucking book once in your life


nihilism is for edgy atheist faggots
real man live fulfilling lives for the lord

i red one fish two fish read fish blue fish yesterday you uncultured swine

Why are you guys arguing? You are just making yourselves look retarded.

I doubt even that

Says the dipshit using a truly retarded worldview as an excuse for your complete lack of ability to function in society.

Fucking kill yourself.

Have you ever been on internet before?

The thread's full of nihilists, I don't see how they don't stop after realizing there is nothing to gain from this.

no u

It gets a bad rep, because the truth hurts.

Most peoples egos can't handle it or people who place too much emphasis on being happy.

They're kinda right though. So far life hasn't presented a purpose.
It's a 'fuck it, we all die, let's just enjoy every second of the ride' mentality.

I'm kind of a fan of epistemological nihilism. Doesn't have much application in the real world, because sooner or later, you're eat that ham sandwich. But i think it is the most sound position to have.

Talking to ppl and know their opinions and points of view is always enriching

Oooh shit you motherfuckers wanna miss with Nietzsche i killed god bitches

I'd say you should neck yourself, but it won't matter either way.

why is the martian on there

The irony.

Nihilism stems from unremarkable people angry at society for ignoring them. Failing to acknowledge that the world we live in requires tribal engagement doesn't make them smarter or more capable; In fact, it makes nihilists less so;

Autists claiming nothing matters because they don't have the capability to exist within a social heirarchy should be laughed out of the public sphere. The only validity to existence is to play the fucking game.

Do what you want

Validity is not required for existence or happiness.

The pursuit of the meaning of life isn't an objective artifact of human existence. It is, for lack of a better term, a meme.

It isn't required for anything. It's just a thing a lot of people choose to do.

Nope Rome fell all civilization fall everything burns we all die it's the most beautiful thing the world burn everything n everyone

Choosing to not participate within the bounds of society isn't enlightened, it's lazy and unremarkable.

Not when everyone is just telling each other to kill themselves or get a job or to shut up.

Nihilism is inherently contradictory, and anyone who calls them self a nihilist is a hypocrite.

Example: A nihilist may say "There are no objective values or purposes in life", or "Nothing matters". These are both self-detonating statements, and are false.
1) "There are no objective values or purposes in life" is a statement of objectivity. When one uses the word "is", they are making an absolute statement - an objective statement. All objective statements presupose that truth is preferable to falsehood. Thus, truth being preferable to falsehood is an objective value, so nihilists have to abandon that argument.

We need only to look at how people behave to debunk "there are no objective purposes". If you have any knowledge of economics, you know that individuals act to maximize their own utility. This could mean either to work for wage (valuing the wage more than the time they spend working) or giving to charity (valuing the benefits and the feeling they get from giving more than the money they give). If human decision-making is based upon maximizing utility, that is what we call a 'purpose'. This also applies to suicide (valuing nothingness, or lack of pain, more than continuing to live)

tl;dr: Nihilism is a worldview for the philosophically illiterate

Nihilism doesn't prescribe you to not interact with society.

Yet another RELIGION.

It is also the position of people who know that hypocrisy isn't synonymous with wrongness.

Is it? What do we worship?

I said participate, not interact. There's a hefty difference.

>I think a hacker learn on their site

Hypocrisy is absolutely synonmymous with wrongness. More philosophical illiteracy. Truth is objectively preferable to falsehood, and consistency is preferable to inconsistency. If you say "consistency is preferable to inconsistency", its internally consistent, and can be logically maintained. However, "inconsistency is preferable to consistency" is a statement of consistency, thus must be rejected because it contradicts itself. Internally inconsistent claims are inherently false.

Square circles are contradictions in terms.

literally doublethink

you don't need to beliv that everybody you are talking to are philosophically illiterate

>hypocracy isn't synonymous with wrongness.

Yes it is. Deciet, incincerety, and dishonesty are literally synonymous with hypocracy.

Literally the ideology for emotional edgelords

It's not a belief, it's a fact. If you hold inconsistent values, you don't know anything about philosophy.

It's like saying "Just because I can't count doesn't mean I'm mathematically illiterate!"

I don't think so.

Nihilism is a statement about the world, about reality. It doesn't make any statements about how one should act. It doesn't prescribe justified and nonjustified behaviors. It doesn't care about that.

You could be a soup kitchen worker and still be a nihilist. They have nothing to do with each other. Now, if you as a soup kitchen worker justify your work as having some objective meaning or purpose in the world, then no, you're not being a nihilist. But that isn't actually really required.

I think that most people assume that it is impossible or at the very least intolerable to live without meaning. When it is merely intolerable or impossible for them.

A murder kills a man. He then says, "Murder is wrong."

He is a hypocrite. Is he wrong?

why does this post have the Sup Forums logo?

Because i'm an incorrigible attention whore faggot.

i think a fairly large segment of humanity are in point of fact at their core nihilists despite what they would have you think they believe in/appear to be, it is why the world functions as it does...war, greed, envy, corruption, etc. of course this fluctuates in the population, so that at any given moment there's enough logic/common sense which either propels us moving forwards or ultimately killing ourselves. (sadly i think that ratio isnt enough to counter the bad parts of humanity for quite some time so we are steadily killing ourselves slowly and yet at any moment that could skyrocket)

You are using wrong in two different contexts. The first one, where the murderer says murder is wrong, is being used in a way to describe the moral level of an action. The second one, where you ask if he is wrong, is being used to determine whether the statement the man made is true or false. Please elaborate on what makes an action "wrong" before I make a sound response.

Why just not ignoring them? Are you really that affected when ppl tell you to kys online? Fucking kys fag

I'm not affected by it. I am curious as to why they would be so stupid as to use phrases like kys or stfu to justify their argument.

she sounds like she has been in some sort of car accident, severe brain damage style
half the time she isn't even saying proper words, they are just odd noises

I'm gonna spit sum truth on you faggots to be nihilistic is to not care about living within society norms cause they don't matter live for what you want to. the search for pussy can be a meaningful life pursuit

Holy shit, did you have a seizure on the keyboard and hit post?

it's just not nice to insult people , and It doesn't help either side of the argument. By dismissing the person with the other opinion as philosophically illiterate; you hinder your ability to listen to what he has to say and then you simultaneously make the person you are arguing with antagonize you, making him less susceptible to your ideas. You may as well stop arguing because you squandered your ability to both change your way of thinking and his way thinking

You're ignoring the point.

I know that one of the most infuriating things in the world is hypocrisy, and for probably all of your life every time a person has been called a hypocrite, they are also wrong. But they aren't synonyms.

Accepting this as being technically correct wont change anything 99.99% of the time. It isn't like stupid people will accept this subtle point and turn it into a weapon - too subtle for stupid people.

So every nihilist that ascribes meaning to actions or objects isn't really a nihilist? Because that sounds like a No True Scotsman.

Regardless, removing yourself from the tribalism of humanity means that YOU don't have social value. The only way we as a society maintain objective purpose and forward momentum is to accept that the things we place value in do, in fact, have value.

So then buying clothes, watching television, even shitposting on Sup Forums, should be considered valueless by nihilists, but that doesn't stop them, and you, from doing it.

It's inherently hypocritical, and the hypocracy of nihilists, namely their participation in a society that requires acknowledgment of value, it's a blustering cannon of stupidity.