Grope/passed out stories thread

grope/passed out stories thread

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Who is this ginger goddess?

Don't know got up from a thread.

It would seem that I now have a new mission in life.

If you find something before the thread goes caput be sure to break bread my boi.


Here you go lads:

I couldn't post the actual site so I posted the Google link instead

user coming through with the sauce. Thanks man.

no probs man

Anyone wanna hear about how i felt some girl up at a party of mine?

Sure go ahead user.



One time I was driving, girl in the seat next to me. Came up to a stop sign fast on purpose, hit the breaks, shot my hand out grabbed her boob. Profit

Thanks user


So one of my friends got way too fucked up at a party and starting puking and all that. A few of her friends were helping her out but really wanted to get back to the party so they put her on the bed to rest in the dark. I was helping them so I still stuck behind to make sure everything was okay. They closed the door and the girl was completely knocked out. I even shoved her a few times to make sure. Then I yelled her name loudly into her ear but she still didnt move, this is where I got to have some fun....

hi newfriend

>be me in college
>have last years friend as new roommate
>both of us just broke up with our gfs
>hanging out in dorms on freshman orientation weekend to meet the new batch of chicks
>party sluts come by, crash the room
>we offer alcohol and chat
>cutest girl passes out on roommate's bed
>other members of flock go to next party, leave chick in our room
>me looks at roommate
>roommate looks at me
>devil and angel sits on my shoulders telling me what to do
>roommate is also listening to devils and angels
>my devil and angel starts talking to his devil and angel
>all these words are exchanged silently in the seconds we are looking at each other
>silence goes on
>finally, a collective "NOPE !" and we go back to drinking and talking while the chick sleeps it off
>an hour later gaggle passes back by and gets their friend
>I end up dating her for 4 weeks

too soon user, too soon.

whats the story of this pic I see it everywhere

Way too soon

The retards of Sup Forums think she was dead at this point, it's all Sup Forums bullshit

Judging by the file size, she's somebody's ant.

The day Sup Forums went too far. I still feel bad about it.

metoo newfags.