If Ben Shapiro was taller, and not a Jew, would you vote for him if he ran for president Sup Forums?

If Ben Shapiro was taller, and not a Jew, would you vote for him if he ran for president Sup Forums?

Being a Jew is a plus.

Yes he's a hell of a lot better than others like him such as milo

No, people that think the free market would correct EVERYTHING are delusional.
>uber for lawyers
>uber for surgery
If they want to play the game of anecdotes than so can anyone else
Inb4 he's super based and tells the snowflakes how life works....I've seen him on my campus and at a conference, didn't need to shake his hand or get a photo, but all the sheep who are forever a follower will support their people

The squeaky-voiced Jew who thinks he's smart because he beats 18-year-old SJWs in debate?


I'd vote for him.

Demolished Piers Morgan on his own show. Good enough for me

id vote for him

You're retarded.
He debates with more people over that age, he's on the news networks debating with libtards on a daily basis.

I'd vote for him. His faith and height matter not.

But he's so cool, didn't you see the yamalka???
He owned that liberal, and he's for free speech, why don't you love him?
----every college conservative

I'm glad I stopped associating with the faggots in my classes who really think he's so edgy.

Fuck no, he's a retarded neo-con. No better than Bush.

>hurr durr, the market will fix it

He can go gas him self.

fucking this

not everyone who isn't liberal is worth a damn

I see him running for senate in 8-10. Then, who knows.

Not American, but I'd vote for him. Plus, I think he'd take Justin "I'm Only Here for the Selfies" Trudeau to school.

Well then you're as smart as Infowars' viewers.

>not a person who donates to e celebs

He lives in California, and nobody outside of youtube conservatives know about him. Who the fuck is going to vote for a short, annoying, pseudo-intellectual Jew.

How do those 2 things make a difference when running a country? Shapiro is based, probably the only Jew I have respect for.

Why the fuck does it matter how tall the president is? It's not like electing a gladiator, you idiot. If you would vote down an extremely intelligent, moral, and diplomatic person from being president just because of their height, then you are literally stupid because that is a stupid thing to do, to fuck yourself and your country over like that. Back to Stone Age with you, you ogre.

Spoken like a true manlet. What are you, 5'8"?