Who wants to make a fake hate symbol?

Who wants to make a fake hate symbol?

Call me all the names you want, but I had a great idea involving this old orange man meme.
>Make anti-women images involving the orange guy
>Make fake accounts to call out the orange guy for being "a new anti-women hate symbol"
>Wait until people who aren't involved see either and join the bandwagon of hating the meme
>Watch the fireworks


Hate symbol is a good idea
Orange guy is a bad idea
>2015 Brazilian meme

do it cunt

(OP Here)
Good thinking, we could use something else

OP Again, Posting a reply to keep this from dying, If anyone has suggestions, feel free ti chime in. I'm just really in the mood to fuck with some people, and an autistic pet russian isn't really cutting it

pump it up

make an anti LGBTQ+ and put it on tumblr then see what happens

You could be onto something here. What if it's just an alt-right meme in general?

>Get characters from steven
>universe caption them with anti lgbt stuff

Well pepe was regarding as hate symbol by Sup Forums just making jokes, if they intentionally set out to make a hate symbol imagine what it could accomplish

This image is fantastic, I'd love to have your help in our mission

I will fight alongside you comrade.

I wish to fight by your side. Lets make this a thing.

He should call for the legalization of hate crimes and rape. Maybe mix in some ISIS level beliefs like kill all queers and women are to be owned. I'm starting to like this guy

This is a great idea. Orange guy also has the nice parallel to Trump that SJWs will feel so fucking smart for pointing out.

Should we keep the symbol as orange guy or do we have any better ideas?

Good point

I think orange guy is perfect

Photoshop trumps hair onto him and we are golden.

Xaxa xd

Op here again. When shall we start the show?


as long as it can trigger as many ppl as possible, or even start the race war early

This turnout is much bigger than I expected it to be. I want all of you to make as many racist, sexist, homophobic images as possible with the orange man. Save them all in an archive folder. We'll go from there.

this is the hate symbol
your turn for making it hateful

orange man

here so this is just an idea but how about we make a discord for this just in the event the thread is pruned or deleted, just a thought

I'll set up a discord in one minute

I'm not very good with discord, sorry if it takes a while

if we're going to make a hate symbol we should use symbols often used by the left so they would appear racist to use them.


You're definitely onto something there

To be honest I don't really like to use discord, and this shouldn't be too long of a process. The thread won't get archived or deleted if we use it, though. If it does, I'll make another thread with the same orange man image

if you want i could

Everyone keep making those orange man pictures, post them all in the thread and we can continue from there

Hurricane Irma is big in the news right now. Make Orange man say: "Thank GOD #HurricanIrma is coming to destroy gay Florida" or something like that.

once we have made enough pictures we will spam all social media using a specific hashtag to get it trending

Here's the discord link, although I prefer the thread:
(links are spam)

Once we have all of the images, we'll dump them all over social media. Then, we'll use fake leftist accounts to convince real leftists that the meme is a hate symbol. After that, the ball will roll by itself.


I'm pretty sure there is a way for anyone to make articles on the Huffington post. that could play a big role


I dig it!

You're right, Buzzfeed might work too

>Make a nazi flag with female symbol instead of swastika

>Fly flag at Antifa protests along with nazi flags

>Make group of femfascists that fight against the male dominated socialist and globalist society that allows Muslims to abuse women and promote their masogynist religion, while showing how nazi's were pro-women



Or shit like unilad, 9gag and all kind of normie shits?

maybe we should get Sup Forums involved with this?

I tried Sup Forums but nobody from there was very interested

can you post another link pls


maybe if we move together and talk there? I mean, post a thread and give us the link here, so we could start typing there?


Apparantly, the link is spam, so this is the end part:


i know but that link expired

Just so you know, it doesn't need to be in the sign format

It is set to not expire, but i'll try again

I'm trying to make a new link, but it's still the same one. We're wasting precious time here, I say just make the memes

Here's one that isn't in the same sign format



We only need enough to convince some people that it's a growing trend

Did the Discord situation get fixed?

Yep, uWHqUd4

I'd only say a few more before we start phase 1 here boys

>get the the feminist symbol, the symbol of leftist power and pride across the world branded as fascist
This has got to be the most genius fucking idea ever.

New course of action:
Phase 1 will take place over today and tomorrow
>make more shitty offensive orange guy memes
>post them everywhere
>make it seem like it's a new hot maymay

Phase 2 will take place tomorrow night
>post articles and tweets and stuff about the new "alt-right hate meme"
>make it seem like the worst thing ever
>hopefully, leftists will read it and be convinced that it's hate speech
>we've done it, we made a hate symbol out of an old maymay


I'll leave you to your own devices for now. Keep making them memes

If this works, the shitstorm will be huge and grand.

its ded

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