Landwhale thread

landwhale thread

Roll faggots.

3 master race


You married a curvy girl and she turned into a fatty.
Should have gone for a trap.

If I could fuck men I would


This thing now owns have of everything you have.



gimme dat 5...

rollin for 5

Christ everyone is getting whales tonight.
But it's the average Sup Forums fags best chance at pussy.

if 7 I an hero on cam

And she thinks THAT is "super-fit athlete"? Why isn't being this stupid illegal


What the flying fuck, I'm a fatass (360lbs) and I don't have constant ingrown hairs and I can still see my dick too. Use a fucking mirror or something then...
I seriously hate fat people more than I hate myself.

roll a 2 ps


Damnit I wanted to see this turn into a gore thread.


that looks more like fat to me


ralll for 2



Is the before chubby or fat?


This is what you guys get to gangbang in an alley.


this guys in the middle of the moon, and new york city



Average American girl.

Rolley pollie

Which do you prefer?

sad. i would have fucked the old her.


Rollin for a 5 pls





Hmm left is alright

rolling for fit/anorexic just because I have a fetish for covered nipples/areolas and exposed breasts.



Here's a spooky skelly girl that got fat. Just for you user.


How is that fit? Lmao


Which weight would you rather fuck?





Ya know I like those odds.


All fat fetishists need to be gassed.


185,175, or 124.


I agree.



