Hey, Sup Forumsros my friends just offered my to drop some acid w/ them and I said sure...

Hey, Sup Forumsros my friends just offered my to drop some acid w/ them and I said sure, my knowledge of the drug is limited and Iv'e done some research but I would like some direct advice, provided you've done it and have some advice.

This is bait

But just go with the flow, don't fight with yourself

Have no expectations. Don't think about it and wait for it, get lost in something else. If you're not having fun, you'll settle into it after the peak.

Not bait my dude, just looking for advice

I'm taking 1p lsd this Friday can I get some tips about like music and some other stuff

in my experience its always best when u've got a lot of external stimulation going on. pick a nice breezy day and walk around outside. it'll all be great as long as you feel comfortable w your group

If you took acid knowing Donald Trump is President you will have a bad trip.

Acid is the best, my man. Don't think about it, just make sure you're in a really comfortable setting and just do it. Also, don't do it at night, that's a total waste of a trip.

your going to jump out a window

nahhh bruh night tripping is dope.

I live in a suburban area that's empty at night, so I had the whole town and streets to myself to explore

I'm really comfy w/ my group but, what would constitute external stimulation

It'll keep you awake for hours after you've started coming down.

my first trip it was 98 degrees out, I lost sense of time.
Got stuck in a thought loop that lasted 4 hours, and eventually almost called the cops to report the russian government for poisoning me.

Go outside.

I've only night tripped a few times, but every time it seems like I've just missed out on so much lolz. That's just my personal experience though

The acid headspace is actually very interesting. It speeds up your thought process and you get a boost in creative thinking. You'll feel like you have a decent amount of control over yourself if you keep it under 200ug.

Just take one tab and you'll be flying. Music is very profound too, it can really send you off to another land. One time a friend of mine who happens to be a massage therapist gave me the best back rub ever while I was peaking.

I dropped acid once. My dad was pissed at me because it stained the concrete floor of the garage.

honestly i'm not sure the best way to phrase this! but i've done it a couple times in nyc and once hanging around a friends house, i felt like being inside was a waste of a trip compared to the others. might be down to personal preference but when i'm tripping balls i want to see everything and hear loud noises and bright colors and look up at the sky and shit

OP am I the only one who imagines a nigger fucking the girl I'm fapping to?

Constant stimulus or your brain will make it.

That sounds pretty wild, my first trip was inside my apartment, I had a friend trip-sitting me. I because Soldier: 76 from Overwatch and I had to save an alien race from what they feared the most.

I played OW for a bit, it was when you could have two heros on a team... Two winstons ulted me and I nearly had a panic attack.

Then I started talking about how overwatch is like life.

Fucking acid man

if you can't fall asleep just masturbate and you'll knock tf out

You ever played GTA V on acid? I've spent so many trips on GTA V

Couldn't be any worse than hillary

i prefer to drop acid alone and walk the streets of tokyo at night (no niggers/crime issues here)

take it in the afternoon like 3pm so the effect will wear off totally by 3am and u'll have a good night to sleep it off. For music just go with what you like or try Shongle if you can and lay down a bit. If you start to feel uncomfortable change the setting: go eat something like a fruit or change the music etc...

Don't drive in road construction at night.

Well, my friends said that I'll most likely wont be able to focus on a tv for too long whilst tripping

Music is sooooo key. Honestly anything that you're in to, from jazz to melodic death metal, will sound exponentially better[

That shouldn't be a problem, we were planning on dropping around 6;00 in the morning and watching the sunset while we come up

Friends mentioned that aphex twin is great on acid

No, I feel that would be too many levels deep for me lmao


that sounds amazing. have fun man. try to remember to drink water even tho you'll feel like your body doesnt need it.

Listen to something you used to love but haven't heard in a while. It will take on a whole new dimension. Close your eyes and watch the images your mind creates. Honestly the way music feels while tripping might be the best part.

Sounds exciting but aren't drugs really hard to find in Japan? I've read it's like $100 for an eighth ounce of shwag over there.

for sure my guy

Also for your first trip don't do more than like 200-300 micrograms (2-3 normal strength tabs) because it'll almost certainly be too much for you to handle

the come up will very possibly be lame. The come up and even the peak can be very uncomfortable, there's a lot going on and you can feel overwhelmed. Especially if you're prone to anxiety like me.

politically accepting the lesser of 2 evils often leads to a bad acid trip.

its pretty common knowledge bud, educate yourself

Like everyone has said, just be someplace where you feel safe and comfortable.

I did it very much like you plan. Went to a friend's place early in the morning and dropped our tabs. Went outside (it was winter and there was snow everywhere). We sat in a deer hunting stand.. or something.. and chilled until it hit.

It was amazing. We tried playing pick-up sticks during the peak and totally failed at it. Listened to some tunes and just enjoyed ourselves. Smoked about a million cigarettes and talked about life.

Good times. Probably won't do it again though. Lol.

absolute number one most important tip I have: Drop it in a controlled environment, the first time i did acid me and my friends had his entire house to ourselves, we were able to set up our beds and made sure we had a "home base" to come back to where nothing out of the ordinary could happen.

>controlled environment

Probably the most important thing

i was on a microdose when i voted for trump

i knew he'd be terrible

and i still voted

because i like seeing things burn

Heres my adivice in bullet points.
>Let it take you for the ride, don't resist
>Think about how to improve yourself, and what makes you happy
>Good environment, well lit.
>NO video games
>Listen to music if you want
>Feel comfy
>Listen to sounds of animals like birds, or a mix of animal sounds as long as it's not aggressive.

Also, don't eat a hot dog or spaghetti. I did and it made me feel uncomfortable.

my tips:

go out into nature if you can.
>Tripped in Yosemite, best experience of my life

have a sitter, someone whos not fucked up that you know can take care of you if shit goes wrong
>someone whos not a total fuckstick

dont eat too much right before... it can be messy.

the first 10 to 15 minutes after you take the tab will feel really strange and probably uncomfortable... your body is trying to react and doesnt know what to do.

after the first 10-15 mins itll hit you really fucking hard. and be a slow coast down from there.

its not as scary as you think, be comfortable and enjoy

your fucking retarded

Try mushrooms first to get the feel of a psychedelic experience.

>i have literally been drugged and robbed in japan
yeah they still have niggers in tokyo.

i'm not even that stupid. i immediately realized i was drugged and tried to run to the bathroom to puke and some nigger stood in front of the door and told me to "calm down" and wait

next thing i remember is being unconscious and the bar sluts/prostitutes trying to get me to sign the credit card receipt. i refused and they grabbed my hand and signed it for me.

they then walked me to the streets where i thought i was free, but walked me into a second botakuri bar where they charged me thousands of dollars again

then i was set free where i met a friendly brit who took care of me the rest of the night

i woke up in a bush having pissed myself and a bunch of japanese cops asking me questions

they didn't really want to listen to my broken japanese and didn't want to find a guy to translate.

i reported the whole thing to my bank and the embassy and the bar is still operating to this day

there are definitely niggers in japan

and no it was not roppongi. i was in golden gai

don't take too much and don't take it so seriously and you'll be good. also don't take your brain too seriously because that can fuck with you. just remember you're on drugs and try to have fun and relax.

when fuckin' weebs go abroad

put about 12 hours aside
stay home
have some weed for the come-down
have something cool to watch - The Wall, Tommy, Yellow Submarine...
have a copy of Sgt. Pepper

my credit score took a small hit because of all the overdraft fees but overall i came out unscathed

they didn't even steal the shit out of my backpack, they just ran my credit/debit card up and i had the charges reversed. i still had the cash in my wallet

everything was taken care of on my end. the japanese faggots didn't give a fuck. in america if you reported this shit that bar would be gone in a week

japan is a third world asian shithole

Crank up some Pink Floid, Frank Zappa and Infected Mushroom. Good shit like that. A walk is a must if you're taking it with a friend. You might get paranoid like I tend to get, epsecially since a cop car drove past us sitting and talking late in the evening.

All your senses are hightened like the max setting of a game. Play Overwatch. You'll either pick Mei and zone out at the beauty of ice, or you'll be Tracer with reflexes to match. GL HF.