Rig and specs rate thread

>Rig and specs rate thread.

>Asus STRIX Z270e MB
>Intel i5-6600k (3.5 GHz)
>MSI Geforce GTX 1060 6B
>2 x 16 GB Ripjaw RAM sticks
>256GB SSD
>Western Digital 1TB HDD
>Corsair H100i V2 cooler
>Phanteks case.
>650W PSU

fucking amateur

Seeing other cases with the hard drive bays removed is so satisfying. A new era of clean looking builds is upon us.

i put a 1070 in my xps 8700 rekt noob

U AGAIN? guy has been posting this shit all day. Fuck off.

I posted this thread once well over 6 hours ago. Shut the fuck up and get over it.

Go play a game or something

My life is a lie...


I fell asleep and didn't get to see all of it.

no, you fuck off, you keep posting the same shit, no one cares gtfo retard.

and here u are posting another one.....fucking retard. You dont have anything better to do than boast about ur shit computer instead of actually using it, lol, gtfo.

says the guy replying to a stranger on the internet


you probably can't even afford a gaming pc can you?

i do, i dont go posting it every 6 hours kos im such a samefag.

Step your game up op

>Keep posting the same shit
>Second time I've posted it
>Crying this much
>Being this much of a child

Its bed time kiddo.

>Wahhhh!!! Wahhhh!!!! He's posting on Sup Forums!!! WAHHHH!!!!

I bet you're the asswipe who's posting the daily trap and BBC threads.

i'm not OP you cock muncher

look at you, getting all riled up because you got caught posting the same thread in less than a day, in any world, you are a complete fuck tard. Congratulations on the retard of the week award.

rx 480, dual water cooling, 16gs ddr4, i7 3.8ghz, 1440p monitor. Where done here.

>Wahhh!!! Quit posting the same shit over and over!!!

Irony at it's finest.

>Riled up
>Crying like a bitch

You take this shit way too seriously kiddo.

I've got like 25 servers at home, and a box with a few TB of RAM in it.

Yea, words are cheap, show Speccy or something.

>Dual Xeon E5-2670 (32 threads)
>8x 6GB DDR3 ECC
>LSI Megaraid SAS 9261-8i
>4x 2TB HP Enterprise SAS Hard Drives
>Kingston HyperX Predator 240GB PCIe SSD
>1TB 2.5" JBOD hard drive

chump, you are the one looking for approval on a thread, you are a sad lifeless friendless fuck.

>Faggot continues posting on same thread trying to prove how much better he is than me.

Who's the chump here kiddo?

i stopped reading at rx480. my processor won't get past 20% maxing out these games i currently own, and i'm waiting for 4k at 60hz to be affordable, it seems you're the one that's done here.

not better, just sad that you come back after 6 hours to post the same thread and got caught red handed and is clearly butthurt becuase he needs to defend himself so bad on the interwebs, thread is cancer. Look closely how no one is posting specs. Gtfo.

negative. I have up to date spex future proff for 5 years, eat shit.

>waiting for 4k at 60hz to be affordable

kek poorfag


>future proof for 5 years
You're delusional. It's impossible to predict 2 years, much less 5.

>6 hours
>Trap threads, BBC and cuck threads posted every hour on the hour

Which is exaclty where you should be right now instead of blowing up my feed with your incessant bitching

>As if I'm fucking trying to hide something by posting the exact same thread again
>Butthurt (man, the irony)
>Acting like a 2 year old

Do you just waltz into threads like this all the time and tap the breaks or are you just this socially retarded?

You have been fully tilted and thread derailed, mission accomplished. Go back to bed bitch boy.

There you go sweetheart, recycle my shit then think you've won.


Lmao just shut the fuck up. You have no basis for anything you've said and just continually whine like it's going to prove something.
I think the only reason you're here is to project how sad your life is because you can't afford a PC of your own.

>hurr hurr I was only pretending to be retarded

You both shut the fuck up autistic faggots!
