What do u think about daca

what do u think about daca

Any reason to toss a Mexican out is good enough for me.

can i get a OH HELL YEAH!

Nigga, fucked up on this one, everyone like a sob story

Genius idea

It puts foreigners ahead of people who were actually born here. Is there any other country on this earth that does such madness?

Cleaning up another one of Obama's open borders mess.

>Congressmen getting buttflustered over a president undoing an executive power-grab, and therefore giving power back to Congress

Daka daka.

Those kids didn't break the law, their shitty parents did. Why deport them now when they have nowhere to go.

It's a death sentence for children, just so the racists can feel like they finally got a victory over immigration... good job tards, you killed some kids.

White is right.

how does it put them ahead of people born here?

This. Statement. Pleases. Me.

yeah obunghole fucked it up! now the lil bitch is crying out, oh now GODKING trump fired my sweet pieces of shit spic loving daca

What does the word illegal mean to you?

Can't wait for that part. Congress has to be the final nail in the DACA coffin. I hear a blue midterm coming fast.

Seems silly even to me to glorify not following the rules, but there there is a seed underlying the idea about how deep down anyone in the world can be an American that really resonates with me.

americans suck so hard at working, no wonder employers prefer immigrants

>what do u think about daca

GTFO of my country mud person


Wont solve the black issue.

So this is what republicans are reduced to now?
Condoning child murder to call themselves lawful good...
Laws protect people. This is white nationalism.

>therese niggers are BREAKING the law by running away from slavery
>i have the right to kill them
>i am hero

>be illegal immigrant
>dodge taxes
>collect welfare, wic, ebt, etc

what is it?

You realize you just triggered a bunch of neo-Sup Forumstards for basically just saying what's on the Statue of Liberty, right?

hard red pill to swallow but its true, very few hard working Americans left

one pesticide at a time

So a kid who in a baby carrier who is dragged to a bank robbery is liable for that crime also?

Yeah no shit sherlock. That is what happens when you import mexicans.

>Dems literally lost control of the *entire federal government* to Republicans who promised to undo Blue immigration policies like DACA
>I hear a blue midterm coming fast.

Democrats' only hope to capture any seats was to attempt running on economic issues, and now DACA is set to expire and kick the immigration argument into overdrive within a few months of the midterms. The only Republicans losing their seats are going to be pro-DACA ones who get primary'd.

Nevermind the H1B visa program that is designed to lower wages for existing citizens.

But they actually had to pay taxes, while still not being eligible for aid.
It was a pretty sweet deal from the governments point of view.

Sounds like an accomplice to me

you rather sit and bitch that you're a lazy ass than actually work.

they have been an issue longer
cost more and stink worse

Fake news.
When you're illegal, you get paid in cash. Taxes aren't taken out by their employer.

>Illegal immigrants create a net gain in government revenue



Immigration is not the issue here. There are laws to keep people in check. Not all laws are just, but comparing slavery to ILLEGAL immigration is just silly.

It doesn't matter how they broke the law.

THE LAW WAS BROKEN. Laws keep society running. If you don't enforce laws, what meaning does the law have? They can leave and come back. There is a process. Everybody is supposed to follow. They aren't exempt.

Maybe so but they didn't choose to come here originally.

It fucking sucks. I get that it isn't the fault of the kids and they have nothing to go to if deported. But on the flip side Obama told them to work on green cards after he signed the executive order and true to god damn form of these dip shit illegals not a single one tried to get their records straight apparently.

I am glad Trump has finally done something on it. Holy shit, congress and falling over itself to put a fix to it. And had they not ignored the problem for decades it wouldn't be a big deal today. We've had pussies in charge for too long just kicking problems down the road.

They way I look at it.
If they are with their parents and their parents are here ILLEGALLY then they need to go.

If they are with their parents and their parents are here LEGALLY then they can stay until they finish high school or turn 18. When they turn 18 or finish high school they have one month to get the process started for citizenship otherwise they go back to the country they were born in.

kick all the beaners out, feed their kids to the bears, sharks, etc.

fed up of people treating them like they're humans

I can confirm I pay my fucking taxes. and BTW so did my parents ever since they over stayed their visas. yes I blame them, I wasn't even 2 when I came to this country FROM PERU NOT MEXICO. I wish things turned out differently...

seems like it's a slam-dunk of a policy honestly
like there's widespread republican support for the effects of the Executive Order, and the biggest sticking point seems to be that it was done in a potentially less-than-constitutional way and thus on unstable ground as it is.

The only people REALLY against it (in both letter and spirit) are degenerate racists, it seems like a win-win for anyone who doesn't just violently hate foreigners.

Honestly I hate Trump but if the idea was to set a deadline 6 months down the line to pressure congress into passing essentially the same law, but through the legislative branch of government (making it more constitutionally sound, and more concretely law), then that's actually pretty smart and I'd agree with it, and say he, in this one instance, has gotten more shit than he deserves for it.
Someone claimed that that was the motivation behind this decision, I can't verify that, or claim that that was a claim made by him. But if that WAS the motivation, he ought to have made that more clear and he wouldn't be getting as much crap. But he is a bumbling incompetent, such is to be expected.

lmao what??? we get work visas and I pay my damn taxes and I fucking get payed wireless transfer to my bank account. try again neckbeard

That is assuming you got here via visa and not coyote.

Agreed with all these points, but what do you do about the fact that it encourages illegal immigration since they know it guarantees their children a better life? Seems like a loop hole for people to get their foot in the door to me. Maybe I'm just racist though, or not.

>>being this retarded

I'm fucking Peruvian and just overstayed my visa because I was 2 fucking years old. I was given a social # when I came here before I was 2, for schooling just not work. it specifically stated on the social that it was temp. I was issued an updated on once I was accepted into DACA.

You need to go to

>they have nowhere to go
They have another citizenship and country to go to

Isn't this what "anchor baby" was supposed to mean? Or has that been forgotten about by now?

Stupid. Just enforce the law, if you liberals don't have the political clout to make the laws you want to see then you don't get to just cheat. How would you like if conservative counties just started producing really low quality meth to sell in liberal counties and our own authorities never punished us for pushing cheap, deadly, quick money super-junk to your kids?

If you lefties keep cheating we'll cheat too. Trump could make Bush/Cheney's collusion with Halliburton look like a joke if we let him. How would that feel, if they did that and all the relevant local authorities were so partisan they just outright cheated the system? That's what DACA and Sanctuary crap feels like.

Trump is stupid. We need more DACA not to get rid of it

>spend childhood in another country, AKA the years where you cannot be a productive citizen and just soak up food and shelter and education on someone else's dime
>show up in a new country, which has paid for none of your upbringing, as a fully-grown working adult ready to contribute to the economy

sounds like their countries-of-origin are getting cucked out of the fully-grown workers they invested in, why don't racists love this?

and because we came here on visas my parents continued to pay their God damn fucking taxes. they even kept records. for over 20 fucking years. they should just allow anyone before 95, who has kept up with their shit and has records that they're not fucking useless pieces of shit to this country/society, fucking stay

That's the equivalent of someone making you go back to the country your ancestors came from. You wouldn't last very long.

These stupid sanctuary cities drive me nuts. I don't understand how an entire city can break a law and nobody does shit.

The fucking damage to this country is done. Much of it can't, and will never be undone.
I say put more time/energy/money into keeping them out, so they can't fuck and pump out kids.
Yep. The kids are an innocent consequence of yet more dumb adults. Enough of the wall shit.
We can set up hundreds of manned, armed posts to cover the entire border. Screening, databases, no pussy-ass liberal "amnesty". Get the up to no good adults out. No kids, illegal, out.

HURR DURR.. H1B lowers wages..

1. I thought we knew that blaming minorities was soo Jim Crow

2. Hire someone in IT for 100k or hire an H1B immigrant for 60k, who will do a better job for less money.

3. When youre a publicly traded company, feels dont matter. What matters is the profit margin. C.R.E.A.M

4. Those things called books in those places called libraries..

they send money back home, boosting the economy more than if they'd stayed.

That's why Hungry, for eg, loves the EU. It can pack all its young unemployed off to richer countries instead of paying them unemployment benefits. Money sent back to the family is a bonus.

thanks for making a cogent argument against the warrantless wiretapping bullshit the bush administration did. they had the power to pass those laws, they just chose not to. not as much fun when it's not something you support, is it?

prosecutorial discretion is a thing. you just don't know about it because you're a mouth-breathing hillbilly.

turn off fox news and read a fucking book.

>they should just allow anyone before 95, who has kept up with their shit and has records that they're not fucking useless pieces of shit to this country/society, fucking stay
I actually agree with that. Why not just get full citizenship instead of overstaying your visas tho?

It's not a particularly serious crime, but DACA is legislation which gives a kind of nod and wink in regards to a crime. Legislation shouldn't do that. If I illegally emigrated to literally any other country in the world, I'd probably get kicked the fuck out and deported (or imprisoned), no matter how long I'd managed to reside there. But just because they came from a fairly shitty nation they get a free pass for life?

The United States isn't, and has never been, a charity.

Therese? This mofo making up words now...

Yep. They have to be legal though. Squeaky clean. Lowered margins? Aw. Tough.

>try to fuck around with the people that urban economies literally run on and can't function without, just because they're brown
>cities try to safeguard [THE PEOPLE WHO THEIR ECONOMIES RELY ON] from arbitrary nationalist propaganda-goals
>b-but muh rule of law

Fancy that, cities don't like rural nobodies with no stake in things trying to detonate their economies for stupid petty bullshit

what is jurisdiction? city and state officials are not authorized to enforce federal laws. your ignorance of the way things work does not automatically make them bad.

all fair points..

but let's dig a little deeper. Out of all of the countries where we get a majority of our immigrants.. name some that the US and or CIA hasn't had involvement in overthrowing or destabilizing.

>source user's ass

Who's economy?

>>The United States isn't, and has never been, a charity.
Kek go back to school son.

Can Trump not deport people with DaCa and just not accept any other illegals? I have lots of friends with DaCa : (

what if i told you if you pass a law to make something legal, it's no longer illegal?

>who will do a better job for less money.
I almost thought you were being serious

This country was founded to have simple, pain-free immigration. You get off the boat,, give the guy your name, you've immigrated. Conservatives want to end immigration, and have tied up the system with so much red tape that it can cost thousands of dollars and take decades to become a citizen. Nobody is advocating the country being a charity, just to make good on its promise to accept immigrants.

come to Canada

So our government did something shitty several decades ago, therefore people that had no relation to the actions of that government except having to pay a protection racket must now pay to take in and care for the people that the government screwed over.

That's not justice.

I'm one of the recipients of this Defered Action and I work harder than most US citizen friends i have, i work and go to school fulltime. I get no fucking help from the govt in terms of financial aid or wellfare or anything that gives me an advantage over a us citizen. All i have is a burning desire to become successful. All you fucks who support Trumps actions on this suck my dick you fucking butt hurt white niggers, you're just burning with jealousy when you see a successful brown man.

Do you know what the H1B program is?

other countries are based on blood and soil.

america is an idea, fuckstick.

you know how you keep thinking america is the best country in the world? this is literally why.

my best friend who is not at all wealthy isn't given a free ride in nice colleges. he and his family pay their taxes and hardly scrape by and put almost nothing into his brothers college fund which will end up going to the shitty local community college.

yet illegal immigrants who brag about being undocumented and pay zero taxes are given free rides in VERY nice colleges?

i mean call me a racist but shouldn't the tax payer be first in line? not some fuck who came here for free shit? i dont care if you are hispanic, asian or canadian. if you come here illegally, you do not diverse our resources before our underprivileged.

if you all have such a hard-on for "rule of law", why don't you just make it easier to immigrate and become a citizen?

Not him but getting citizenship in this country is fucking hard.

Assuming the country that was destabilized, recovered, right?

For a second I thought you were talking about black folks wanting reparations for slavery.

Immigration outside of the proper channels and without documentation is still a crime. DACA is a provisional forgiveness of that crime, but that doesn't negate the fact that the action it's forgiving is a crime.

It would be like, "Punching people is a crime. Unless they're nazis, then it's okay to punch them."

No, it's still a crime and shouldn't just be ignored.

I'm British and I've been able to understand why illegals get such an easy ride in the US.

If an illegal comes to Britain and applies for a driving licence, rents a home/room or gets a bank account each is a felony that gets prison time followed by deportation, any kids are sent back too, even if they were born here.

Any person who rents them a home is committing a felony too and can potentially get prison time. You've got to crack down on these criminals.

this horse shit is not supported at all by data

take your anecdotal racism - sorry, "economic anxiety" - somewhere else. the grown ups are talking.

That doesn't make you racist, others just want you to believe that you're racist.

Things change. Wtf. The country isn't new anymore. Nothing is "forever and ever". The inn is full. No vacancies. Right, the conservatives are making it "harder". So what? How about no immigration. Ever.

but if they pass a law to make it not illegal, then what is it?

So did Trump drop Banon because Banon told him to support the Nazi rallies and Trump only figured out supporting Nazis was a terrible idea after the fact?

>yet illegal immigrants who brag about being undocumented and pay zero taxes are given free rides in VERY nice colleges?

is this not one of those "wow, now that I actually say it out loud, it's pretty clear how unreasonable I'm being" moments?
just because you dreamed up a world where this is the case doesn't make it so. do you really think that's what's happening?

The home country.

It's better to have your young people go to America, get jobs and send money home, then claim benefits or turn to crime.

If we DEPORT every single illegal immigrant.. What would happen to restaurants when they no longer have chefs, bus boys, dishwashers.

How about Hotels.. No house keeping.

Agriculture.. No harvesting, no growing operations.

Landscaping/House Cleaning..

Go ahead and deport every single illegal you want.

I want to see the world burn and the United States fall apart.

Then when everything is in complete disarray, we'll probably get invaded.

You guys seriously think average American citizens will do the jobs these immigrants did?

I get that, but that isn't an excuse to game the system. Getting a job can be hard, that doesn't justify doing something illegal to get free money, like robbing a liquor store