*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
>>"You ain't goin nowhere white boy!"
*locks door*
>>"Big girls need seminal reparations too user!~ Whip out that big white dick!"
What do you do?

pull her chicken wings out from under the bed and throw them at her.

Lel she got meat sleeves

I oblige the lady

My dick isn't big.

Immediatly cut off own dick

Fuck her gladly

"But my white dick is tiny and ineffectual"

Whip it out.. cut it off... throw it at her feet... say "are you happy now... look what you forced me to do... "

Might as well.


Make her deepthroat my cock

Call the local zoo and notify them their gorilla is on the loose

throw bucket of chicken in one direction, a watermelon in the other and watch her body split going after either. then masturbate with her entrails.


Why not, got a little thing for the big girls


Get raped by a fat horny negress

>"as long as you let me say the n-word."

An hero. No other choice.

Jokes on her, this is my fetish.

What else can you do? Dick out for Harambe...

Grab that bitch by her fucking head and slam it down to the floor
>"Boy Imma smac-"
fucking punch the back of her head "shut up you fucking farm reject"
She shuts up, I lift her dress from behind attempt to handle her ass
I conclude it's impossible to do so with my hands so I whip out my 9 inch pipe cleaner
I spread the great divide and attempt to enter
>only get 4 inches in the rest is blocked by the outer gates
Feels alright inside, her cheeks clamp around the base of my dick.
Shes mooing her fucking head off but idc imma make this bovine shit stain a mother
Grab her fucking hair and pull back as hard as I can
She screams in pain "shut your shit" I say
I pull so damn hard I can feel something give, I broke this bitches neck.
>doggy style but looking into her eyes too
Finish anyways, how was your day user?

Boy I'd beat that up right, she ain't never had a dickin down like I'd give her. She would be begging me to stop!

I'd get my headlamp on and go spelunking deep inside her maw of a cooch