Feels thread? my dad died

feels thread? my dad died.

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I'm so sorry user. My dad died this year too.

he he...

Im sorry user... my best friends almost been dead for an entire year and I still cry every other day. It gets easier, make sure you talk to people. Don't bottle your emotions in. I love you man, you're gonna be okay.

>do something fun/exciting
>exhausted for 3 days
Remember having energy?

I'm sorry user.


holy shit Sup Forums is almost making me cry like a faggot. thanks.

planing a funeral

Feels good to have a dad.

You're an ass lol.

My dad died too. This is a picture of him the night it happened. He had multiple surgeries to make himself look like a gopher and when he found out that he looked like a hedgehog and had thought that hedgehogs were not in the gopher family, he got really pissed and jumped off the roof. He snapped his neck when he landed. I can still remember that awful sound.

I'm so sorry, user. Did you at least go and pick up his rings?



He threw his wedding ring at my mom before he jumped. I got his class ring though. It's really heavy and I wasn't in his class so I probably shouldn't wear it. It wss the year I was conceived though so maybe I can. I dunno.


I'm sorry man. I fear this pretty much every day. But I also fear I'll die first and that would suck so much more for him. Be glad you outlived him at least.

Look on the bright side, you can no longer disappoint him.

The girl that I like doesn't even consider me a friend. Even though I thought we were cool

Only 2? That sucks, with 100 he could've gotten an extra life.

I can't feel anything.

So sorry, buddy. Hang in there!

Last time I felt "love" was... Well, tbh I don't remember anymore. It's been so long. I've never been serious with anyone yet.

Fuck dude. What ever shit I was pissed about I just got the fuck over, perspective man. So sorry bro.

I'm sorry for your loss

>no gf
>barely have any non online friends
>can't even cry
I just really want someone to cuddle with


My grandma, only cousin, and dog all died within 2 months. Surprisingly I didn't shed more than a few tears. Am I fucked up? I always thought I'd be the most emotional one in these scenarios.


That really sucks, you're going to have to get over her sometime, try not to think to much about it


>Do you have a father, though?



Sorry to hear that user.
I know they feeling, my mom died a couples years back. Went to take a piss one friday morning, heart failure while sitting on the potty.
Still have her ashes in my apartment, even though it's illegal to have them in my country.

>mfw, still not processed that my mom is dead



What country?


>illegal to have fucking ashes in a house
>on Sup Forums
how has a country like that not banned this terrible place?










Every morning I wake up I have a smile in my face because I dreamed that I died in my sleep. Directly after I realize I woke up I start to cry because I'm still alive.


Yes, not I'm in a worse place than OP, but this is a feels thread

>>on Sup Forums
>how has a country like that not banned this terrible place?
It's illegal because of "respect/honor for the dead" and if you've the ashes at home, state has no control over what you do with them.
Sup Forums falls under freedom of speech (loli and photo-realistic 3D loli are legal here, as no actual child was involved, same with child sex dolls - unlike the UK)


Please accept my condolences user. It will get better! :)


Thanks user. I'll just have to move on




Murder her, only option brah



that feels great




never been to the movies by myself. i feel like everyone knows im alone. i will get up to the movie theatre and turn around because i cant face the embarrassment even though there will be none.

unfortunately this is all too true.



I suppose it matter so when you go. I went around 2PM to kill time waiting for my brother to get off work and I saw a few people alone.

Its time user join me

I don't know why but this one gets me the most.





Same user, how as children we think we can achieve anything but as we get older, everything gets duller. Wishing we could feel normal again.


I consider myself a fairly lucky individual. I had opportunities other people would kill for, but i still happen to fuck it all up. I'm still too stupid to learn from those lessons and fuck up again when another opportunity arrives. Only so much before my luck runs out and I'm completely alone.

im sorry user. i recently lost my best friend of 20 years, since we were little kids. and i fucking hate myself because i moved across town and for the last year i kept telling him we'd get together for drinks and i kept making excuses. turns out he could've really used someone to talk to and i feel like i let him down.

I constantly fuck up and just recently, I singlehandedly destroyed my dream. I really hope that I can make things right again, but based on the pattern of my paradoxical life, things will only get exponentially worse.

I got out of a 5 year relationship around 2 years ago. I have fucked 1 girl a couple times since but otherwise I have sheltered myself to a point where i get horrible anxiety at the thought of inviting a girl over just to hangout.
I used to be great at this shit and could have conversations with anyone without any issue. Now I just feel nothing almost. I constantly convince myself shit is cool and I can do it I just choose not to. I miss sleeping next to someone, I miss having those late night conversations, I miss feeling human.

Heh I never met mine