Sup Forums is involved in tonight's premiere of American Horror Story Cult...

Sup Forums is involved in tonight's premiere of American Horror Story Cult. They mention Sup Forums and Kai Anderson finally coming out of his Mother's basement now that Trump has been elected.

pic very related

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sure kid

omg wtf bbq XD

Chekt wtf

so catch us up on what's up with this son of satan.

user's right it's on the news here right now
we've had a lot of clowns so they're doing a special story on clowns and Sup Forums wtf

In a town council meeting, Kai suggests having less police officers on the streets is better—a way to encourage a society of fear. In response to his outlandish requests, Ally's friend Councillor Chang says, "I appreciate that a lot of you Sup Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip." His words are eerily resonant given the events of Charlottesville just a few weeks ago.

Kai's response is key: "There is nothing more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man."

>Sup Forums unilaterally pro trump
Nigga pls, if that was the case, I wouldn't have to see all of these fucking political threads shitting up my Sup Forums, they'd just stay and circlejerk in Sup Forums.

...oh wait, that's already what Sup Forums does, just sometimes spills out.

yep already on it

that's verbatim from the episode and the news article, I didn't write that shit nigga

nice dubs


>nice dubs

wtf learn to math

it doesn't feel true to me. fake news

>wtf learn to math


I just watched the episode
the entire clown cult are from Sup Forums and they're preparing children to become killers by taking them to the dark web and desensitizing them to murder, they call it giving them a vaccine

watch the premiere if you don't believe it
everyone on the internet is talking about it
it's fucking worldwide trending and has been for the last 3 hours or more

>congress is solely responsible for the determining the federal budget and releasing funds in support of that budget
>congress fails miserably
>blames the president


Wasn't blaming you. Just rolling my eyes at the writers who have clearly never fucking been to Sup Forums and only get their information from FOX and CNN.

The episode is pretty damn funny. Im liking this season so far

Now it's numero uno trending worldwide



so you say. my opinion is that it didn't happen.

nigga you don't even understand the art of the troll
it has to be subtle and smooth
it can't be about something that is so obvious hundreds of thousands of people are talking about it

now you know how fucking idiotic you sound when you deny global warming and when you defend trump saying he condemned the nazis and didn't give them comfort.

exactly this stupid

"Evan Peters’ Kai Anderson is the opposite of that. A charismatic fiend molded to resemble Charles Manson, David Koresh, Jim Jones and, yes, Warhol, Kai is a stand-in for every Sup Forums-loving degenerate devoted to Making America Great Again."

are you brain dead? I've never liked Trump, he's a fucking senile piece of shit

but the other user sucks at trolling though, bad

salon. ha. might as well be CNN. nice try

In response to his outlandish requests, Ally's friend Councillor Chang says, "I appreciate that a lot of you Sup Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip." His words are eerily resonant given the events of Charlottesville just a few weeks ago.

typical republitard reply. flip it around.

>you Sup Forums guys

watch the episode, it's on right now if you have a decent subscription service

Meanwhile, Kai is contesting the deployment of more police to protect a local synagogue in a local court. He gives a crazy-person speech about the politics of fear, how if the town lets things go to hell, then citizens will let the government do whatever it wants in exchange for protection. Kai’s politics aren’t exactly conservative—they’re more like those of Heath Ledger's Joker from the Christopher Nolan Batman reboots. He wants chaos. The judge, a neighbor from the Mayfair-Richards’ party, dismissively calls him a “Sup Forums” guy.

you are fake news

that OP faggot is copying and pasting from news articles about recaps of the show
I didn't watch it but my sister was talking about it when I got home from work asking me if I still got on Sup Forums because it was about to get bad for people that did - she said that the guy pissed in a condom and threw it on some mexicans

Not that guy but I'm a fan of a Freytag's steep rise and plateau when comes to trolling, as in some guaranteed reply b8 followed by aggressive shitposting filled with an additional b8 hook to keep discussion rolling. It's only initially subtle but I notice it kills threads better than subtle trolling because it nearly obligates the victim to feed the troll.

>she said that the guy pissed in a condom and threw it on some mexicans
now that sounds like Sup Forums

You're right. He does it intentionally because in later episodes he is going to use it to propel his political career. I just watched this for the first time with my boyfriend. It makes Sup Forums users out to be racist, psychopathic murderers. There's also a part toward the end where the guy's sister is babysitting the lesbian couple's Son and she asks him if he wants to see a real dead body. Then she proceeds to get on TOR and the Dark Web and shows him a video of a murder. When he refuses to watch it anymore, she tells him it's like getting a shot or a vaccination, only that it's a vaccination for his brain. It wasn't a bad watch. Not really my thing, but not bad. Toodles.


implying tor protects you from anything


it's a fucking tv show faggot

implying tv protects you from anytying



lame show

Fag is fagging

after last season ...meh