Secrets/confessions thread. This edition is for real messed up things you have done. I'll go if people want me to

Secrets/confessions thread. This edition is for real messed up things you have done. I'll go if people want me to

Other urls found in this thread: chapel murders 1888&t=hj&ia=about

Called my stepsons P.O. and explained how he was beating the drug test. He was violated the next day. Still serving the remainder of his 36 months. Very peaceful in my home without the hithead.

Was he being a mooch or something?


my moms friend tried to fonger me in the back of my moms car

been releasing an exs nudes on pictureswap all night. havent done that kind of thing before.

There reeeeealllllly waaaas a caaaaaaaake......

Op here. This one is little long but here goes
>be 16 year old in high school. Huge band guy
>me and friends are playing some rock song at a park
>this one goth girl comes up to us and asked for our autographs. Says we are pretty good
>doubt but okay
>she's into me the most
>bass player so I guess she thought I had good fingers
>she's 19 and we hit it off pretty well. She's from a town over so completely different social circles
>no mutual friends or anything
>we call and text a lot and meet up like every week or more for dates and stuff
>she's super catholic btw
>when I finally convince her to get naked for me she does it and says we shouldn't go any farther
>I pressure her and she doesn't fight back at all
>feels good man
>tight pussy and a fat ass
>she was kinda chubby but had a nice body. Double Ds
>I didn't use a condom because dumb teenager
>she says don't cum inside her
>not on the pill cause catholic
>dumb teen so wasn't thinking
>oh shit man
she yells at me then goes to bathroom to wash it out
>we don't see each other for a while. Like four weeks
>she wouldn't return my calls or texts. Probably because I might have raped her
>then I get a call but I didn't answer in time. Voicemail was left
>she says this is super important and we have to talk
>she's crying real bad
>get another call the next day and she's crying this time too
>says that she wants to see me face to face to tell me this because it's going to change our lives
>realize she must be pregnant
>ghost her
>voicemails go from sad to angry to depressed to angry and sad again
>one last voicemail
>"I hate you"
>that's the last I heard of her

Well, she DID seduce you, and she WAS older and more mature than you... the way I see it, it was, is, and always will be her fault.

then one day he gets a $2k/month order for child support...

I guess so man. But even with the age difference I still had like 8 inches of height and 40 pounds on her. She was also crying afterwards. So I'm pretty sure I raped her. Legally she probably did but whatever

still fresh as the first day it was posted.

That would really suck. I've never told current gf about this and she'd probably leave me if she found out. I figure the catholic girl said she hates me either because me getting her pregnant made her get an abortion to hide from her parents or because her parents found out and made her keep and so she had to raise a rape child


not man enough to raise his child.
many such cases.

...what ethnic group are you?

In the end, that's what Sup Forumsros are for in the end: To raid on greedy irresponsible bitches who seduce underage boys just to get pregnant and gold dig for "child support" for a child who will grow up neglected at grandparents' house while his whore mother lives like a queen.

I groped the shit out of my best friend when she passed out at a party. I took her into a room and put my hand down her pants to finger her while i groped her tits. Kissed her a bunch and then licked her pussy. Felt up every inch of her body and rubbed my dick on her lips. Left her in there after re-dressing her and got someone to look after her.

Prove it, bitch.

I committed the Whitechapel murders back in '88.

>got someone to look after her.
she was raped by 10 guys that night, you missed out.

>implying that the whore wasn't just pretending in order to accomplish her dirtiest fantasy

shit I haven't seen this one in months
where have you been user?

literally what? never heard of them

Prove it, bitch.

It was one of her girl friends and she was lying on the couch in their living room 10 minutes later so i doubt it.

so 10 guys and 1 girl then

i lie on the internet.

im also a girl.

Haha. It's statutory rape and rape at the same time. Our fucked up legal system just imploded.

Wouldn't blame them. Pic related.

I gave oral sex to a really cute 9yo girl many times

White. I feel bad about it now, but I was just 16. I didn't want this whole thing to ruin my life. I have a decent job now which is why I've kinda tried to find her
I know I should user
The chick was Mexican btw

My favorite part was when you failed at being a man and didn't own up to your mistakes.

Sad, Many such cases etc.


you are doing god's work user

nope, sry

Beginning of this summer, I started writing a stupid love story between 2 dragons. I didn't intend to keep going after the first chapter, so I showed it to some close friends. They thought it was hilariously bad, but funny aswell. So I continued it. It's now 5 chapters, 110+ pages and over 20k words. I put some pretty fucked up shit in it, so I never sent it to them again.

I can never take pride in this.

don't be retarded

I have a fetish for flag fucking.

pic related

implying tor protects you from anything


I was in jail then I died.

i dont waste my time with tor, this isnt 2009

I used to post secrets threads all day long every day but haven't posted a single one in over 9 months. glad you faggots are taking up the slack

wait for the knock on the door


ive been waiting...they wont take me alive anyway so no real worries for me

>wont take me alive

Was out a small get together guy I knew thought I'd be lonely so invited 2 girls. We talk have a goo time end up fucking after a shower "with condom". Later that night she crashed off a heavy binge of speed and decided to test my limits. Start making contact to see how hard she's sleeping "she's out like a light" long story short fucked her again while she slept without a condom.

shut the fuck up about that you whiny bitch, have you had nothing else to do in the last year but complain? chapel murders 1888&t=hj&ia=about

i feel Sup Forumsro, did the same to an ex, dealt with it tho. aborted that jellybean.

post link, user. I wanna read it.

I put my dick on my aunts asscheck before. I cummed to feeling her ass also while she was asleep. Well she knew, cause she snores when she sleeps and that night she wasnt snoring. I was 16 she was 17

Are lying right now?

"...his name is Aegon Targaryen.

Promise me, Ned.

Promise me."


I'm wearing a diaper and some plastic pants under a pair of babyish footsy pajamas that are locked on me.

>me currently 28
>chance to blast a hot corporate milf shes thirst af
>go back to her house and pile drive her
>on and off for a couple of weeks
>shes long divorced with two daughters
>whole thing getting kind of stale
>sunday she asks if I can take care of her daughters for a week while shes away
>not really feeling it, reluctantly accept
>getting on okay with them
>last night was hot as fucking hades
>they're prancing around in shirts and no underwear
>kinda giving me a covert boner seeing full mound and whole scoops of booty flakes in view
>end up going to bed
>bout 20 minutes later they come in and cuddle up next to me saying they miss their mom etc
>eurrrrrrgh, okay its all good this is hella awkward
>theyre cuddling me one on each side, can see straight down the older ones shirt
>slight twitch in my boxers... oh no..
>relax... breathe....... ...... phew launch sequence aborted
>shut my eyes and try and go to sleep but its even hotter than a mother fucker with them in the bed
>after a while I feel like I'm drifting off to sleep
>feel a hand creep down my torso and slip under my boxers and go straight to my balls
>wtf..... no way, am I asleep? I have to be asleep.. no way this is
>theres no stopping it now, I can feel it boning up and at speed
>fuck, fuck, I have to be asleep, just at least pretend I'm asleep don't bail out and make it worse
>from the right side a hand creeps down and into my boxers
>fuck.... fuck........ she's jerking it clean and long, really deep strokes as well this feels amazing
>but no, no fucking way, don't even wake up don't even move... fuck what do I do
>welp.... hold..... HOLDDDDDD
>nope, I'm gone
>eyes glued shut I tense up and release slight "hmfff"
>unload my nuts all over my chest
>the beating stops
>the hands continue to caress
>I fall asleep, wake up and they aren't in my room any more
>fuck there is no way that happened, please no
>go all of today not saying a single word
>still think it may have happened but hope it didn't..

I'll tell you one I literally just did.

>Roommate takes really long showers
>I'm half awake, it's 4am, she asks me if I need the bathroom
>She gets in
>Fuck I actually do need to piss
>Take a pot off the stove
>Piss in it
>Wash out in sink
>Put it back like nothing happened

What I did, I did without choice.

>be 17 many, many years ago
>had to come with my family on holiday
>first time I ever left my country
>spend 4 weeks at some tourist resort
>after the first three days I'm chilling by the beach and avoiding my family
>girl close by is sunbathing and reading a book
>she's skinny and small but beautiful
>I'm sitting in the shade under some trees
>she get's up and walks past me
>I fall asleep a few minutes later
>she wakes me up
>she asks me something, can't really remember
>said I wasn't from there
>end up talking to her for a while
>same next day, and the next
>after about a week we are chilling in the arcade in town
>playing some Japanese game with robots
>she leans in and kisses me, very quickly
>ends up making out in the back of the arcade where they had couches
>next day I get some finger action in
>get a blowjob, end up having sex that lasted about a micro second before I blew my load
>just lost my virginity, holy shit
>keep having sex the following two weeks
>she suddenly goes away for a few days with her mom
>end up chatting with some dudes my age down by the beach
>"you got a gf user?"
>sure (describe and tell them who)
>they give me strange look and start patting my back while laughing
>"user, she's like 11 years old"
>hu.. huh?
>"her dad died like the years ago, her mom works in the titty bar down by Alameda"
>oh god dammit
>quickly go to my hotel room and continue my panic attack
>a few days passes, she comes back
>can't look her in the eye
>"what's up user"
>you are just a kid
>"no I'm not!"
>she gets pissed and nearly slaps me
>starts telling me how her dad used to abuse her and her mom before he had a stroke, and how she's been taking care of her self while her stripper mom gets high every night
>the last week we mostly talk and then I leave
>never saw her again

>be me
>lie on the internet to get replies
>usually works

I once caused a classmate to lose his left eye..
Stole a soft air gun from another classmate, hid in some bushes after school and started shooting
Hit him a couple times them he started screaming.
I ran harder than I though possible home.
He came to school three weeks later without his left eye and no one ever figured out it was me.

why didnt you just piss in the sink you autist?

I (m) got molested by my uncle from 5 to 12y.o.

I loved it.

I am Anx.

My cousin used to fuck me when I was around 10 years old. He was like 20.
>mfw had analsex when I was kid but still a "virgin" when it comes to women

Was he gentle?

It didn't hurt so I guess so.
And I clearly remember him being balls deep and the sound it made when he pulled out.
>reason I play with dildos now

I've sucked my brothers dick a few times and had a 4 some with my sister when I was 6

You're just another nigger

dude i want to read that shit, at least a green text or sumary or something

I only ask because my uncle spent about a week training my ass so I could comfortably take him. I think him taking his time and always being gentle is what made it such a positive experience for me. Is it just me or did cock feel better when you were younger (smaller) ? I still miss that full feeling and I haven't quite felt it since. It's amazing what can fit in a little boy's butt with the right amount of lubrication and stretching.

Digits confirm. Rape child

I was in the room next door, when a couple of guys fucked my sister. I heard her say no to the second guy, and then the third.

Well he didn't go in without fingering and stuff before but it didn't take a week.
He was baby sitting me every Friday when my mom and dad went on "date night".
First time he just made me blow him, then he started with anal, took a few hours before he could go all in so to speak. And yes it did feel amazing.
(tip, buy a xxl size dildo, only similar thing available)

I'm the reason the world is ending and I'm going to burn in Hell for the rest of eternity because of it.



>my uncle spent about a week training my ass so I could comfortably take him
Details please user

> beme
> 12-14
> bored horny as fuck
> suggest to my cousin to let me fuck him in the ass
> He agrees
>Tried for like 10 min to get in
> end un jerking each other off
Not even gay though just was fucking bored before the internets

Were you hard?

Not him (the other guy) but when I got trained it was fingers, licking and olive oil. You have no idea how quickly a fresh butt opens up.

I like cute jewesses

>this is what fags and trap lovers really believe

>whole scoops of booty flakes

wtf am I reading

who did it user?

are you a homosexual now?

How did your uncle start doing it ? Why did he stop?

I think tits are better than ass

>I am the real PePe

That is my secret

It was my older cousin.
No, maybe bi but don't find men attractive, just like anal sex.
Wasn't my uncle in my case, cousin did it.
He stopped because we moved to another city.

I killed Rogério Gaspar.

Did he actually fuck you? Like in real sex or just blowjobs? Did anyone find out?

Yes, he did. And I liked it, used to take me on the couch and the comfysack on the floor, put towels out so the olive oil he used as lube didn't stain anything. When he was done we used to watch movies my mom didn't let me see (horror and action etc)
And no, never told anyone (why would I? ) and when we moved saw him like once a year at Christmas but that was it.

no one gives a fuck

i will kill you.

how old was your cousin?

how many liters of oil did he use on you?

I was five when it started so it's a hazy memory, but it started with him fingering my ass and teaching me to blow him (badly). He went to a sex shop and got one of those "anal starter kits" with tapered dildoes and butt plugs in girly pink (I still have them). I spent the week watching gay porn and learning about everything (kissing, terminology, enemas, kegels, tips on bottoming, etc.) while he slowly worked my hole open more and more with the toys and his fingers. He asked me how I wanted it and I told him slow and steady with a deep creampie at the end. He gave me an enema, we took a shower, then he brought me into his bedroom, put a pillow under my ass, lubed me up and spent what felt like 20 minutes slowly entering me (he was 8.5 in, uncut, and THICK) while I squirmed. He kissed me and stroked my face the whole time, asking if I was ok and telling me how much he loved me. Eventually I relaxed and let him know I was ready, so he started slow fucking me. I remember arching my back and feeling his cock moving my guts (I could actually feel him through my skin with my hand). I started doink kegels like he taught me and he started going crazy and sped up alot. He told me he was almost there and I begged to "please cum inside me" (like I'd seen in the porn scenes) and he pushed balls deep and pumped a week of pent up frustration into me while I milked him with my ass.

Around 20. I was 10-11. I have no idea.

Show your ass.


As someone who has been alone for his entire life, it makes me sad that men sometimes avoid fatherhood so sternly.

If I accidentally had a kid I'd be fucking happy,of course I'm pretty much on the very bottom of the totem pole so I don't get to be picky and choosy.

But what is also sad is that you did not end your suffering by avoiding that child. You merely dumped the pain you would have faced unto them, and now that child (if she did not abort them). Will have to fix your error through sheer force of will, by growing up without a father and still making it.

And I hope that they fulfill their lives despite the absence of a father and still manage to live a good life, no thanks to you.

You did not avoid suffering by avoiding that child, you merely placed it all on them. Make no mistake, another generation will have to fix your error.