Do you ever forget her?

Do you ever forget her?
wtf its 3am I am thinking about this girl I have not sene or talk to in 7 years. Had other girlfriends, she was never with me only dated. But at night if I stay late I always end up thinking about her. Pic related she looks similar like that.

Girls are poison. And the cure is to see them for what they are. No matter how beautiful she was. She was most likely a heartless bitch. Get over her user. I also think alot about girls i met long ago. But im aware that i would most likely hate them if i met them again.

love... what a cunt

dont listen to first reply virgin user
this could be a simple matter of closure, i myself had a similar experience, you say you didnt really have a serious relationship, did you want one? what happened which prevented the relationship? also does she happen to resemble your mother, at least in personality?

Dont listen to this cunt. Hes too postitive to understand this world. Thinking about a girl that you met 7 years ago is a waste of time

Basically this.

I, too, catch myself thinking of old loves that are 10+ years. Specifically one girl. What's different is when I think about her now, I don't miss her. She just crosses my mind. I guarantee I'd hate her if I re-met her somehow, she absolutely sucks.

Because of her I turned into the person I am today, which lead me to break up with my GF after her, which gave me the opportunity to meet another person.

Today is my anniversary. I've been married to the last one for 3 years, been together for nearly 7.

Life gets better.

I feel you user.
I've been in a relationship for 8 years now and when I get sleep drunk I always think about the one before her.

Smell, voice, touch. And Just stupid shit she would do.

Now I'm phone posting in bed next to my current. And I feel completely abandoned.

you might be the first person to say that to me in 10 years

have a good fat wank over her social media, that will get it out of your system

No, she was really weird, I mean she was super beautiful like pic but eyes more into the green grey. But she told me she was bullied a lot in highschool. I think this gave her a weird personality like a damsel in distreess you just feel like saving.

You never forget the first love. Real love. Not just infatuation. It gets easier with time but you never really forget. You move on and better yourself. Meet the wife, etc. Have kids and grow old with your family. You block "her" out and 99% of the time you don't think of "her". But in rare instances you think on something that made you smile, and who you were with. It was "her" but thinking about "her" doesn't hurt. You smile about the memories and the new ones you've made.

I don't think about women at all

You're welcome user

I dont masturbate thinking of her, she was more beautiful than sexy if that makes sense? I was 20 years old and had never fall in love until I met her. I still remember what she was wearing the first time i saw her. Then we had a class together and without knowing me she would always sit next to me, even when i changed chairs and would talk to me and i probably acted stupidly , then one day there was this show of japanese drums and she looked at me and said, want to go with me? I had probably exchanged 5 phrases with her so imagine how i felt.

tell me about your relationship with your mother
briefly of course

I was really going crazy could not eat, lost 3 kilograms in a week, my track teacher told me I was exercising too much, i was not. I just did not feel hunger and was thinking about her all the time.

You think about the ones you didn't want it to end with. You rarely think about the ones you dumped.

Deep down you know your current girlfriend is a downgrade in some ways.

Maybe she's nicer, or kinder, but she doesn't feel as good to kiss and her butthole doesn't smell and taste the same way.

Your ex girlfriend is also trapped in time. You don't want to date her now, you want to date her again how she was then. Your memory didn't retain that little pimple on her ass, or her shrill voice when she was being a bitch. Instead it held on to those perfect moments where she was amazing.

What you really want, is a new young beautiful girlfriend that makes you erect at a glance, who makes you feel alive, but you think you can't get that. So you focus on the one you used to have.

Go get what you want and stop letting life pass you by. It's only going to get worse.

"Your ex girlfriend is also trapped in time. You don't want to date her now, you want to date her again how she was then. Your memory didn't retain that little pimple on her ass, or her shrill voice when she was being a bitch. Instead it held on to those perfect moments where she was amazing."
Damn user, you are right, thx for writting this, I cant have her as she is no longer

Rhyme XI. I am ardent, I am dark...

"I am ardent, I am dark,
I am the essence of passion;
with yearning for pleasure, my soul is full;
is it me you're seeking?"
"No, it isn't you."

"My bent head is pale, my plaits golden,
I can rain on you sweet thoughts without end;
of tenderness, I have a treasury;
is it me you're seeking?"
"No, it isn't you."

"I am a delusion, an impossible,
a vain phantom of mist and light;
I am unbodied, I am impalpable;
I cannot love you."
"Oh come, come you...!"

You're welcome my bro.

I also suffer from the phantom visage of a long dead siren who haunts my thoughts and dreams.

Mourn her like she died, because she did.

Don't be such a fag


wrong person?
look user ive got things to do, here's my 2 cents
you most likely built an image in your head that this woman would unlock some key to happiness
a void left behind probably from your mother whenever she withheld affection
its very easy to be put into a trance for a beautiful woman, to most men a relationship with a perfect woman is essentially the goal of their lives, so you feel she wouldve fulfilled this dream, that you may be unaware of
the simple way to get over her is realize that despite the fact that you may have never gotten closure, you wouldnt have gotten it by talking to her because the image of her in your head cant talk like she can
shes just a person with whom you crossed paths with, and you've been holding onto her image and thinking about her to satiate these deep-seeded desires that she awoke, they make you feel like a complete man, but when you open your eyes shes not there, but you're no less a man
get on with your life, you're letting yourself be dragged down by her, let her go and open up room in your heart for another

Not op but I can't be the only one that remembers all of a girls imperfections and loved them for it? If a girl was literally perfect it would be boring I feel.

I miss my girl bitching at me for something stupid and all her flaws.

Oh, then you really fucked up the real deal and should feel terrible.

If she's the one who wronged you then you're an idiot.

We wronged each other but me more so than her.

Well then you blew it son. Go find a new one and do it right.

I still google my ex from 20 years ago. I don't know why am so curious. She was a wonderful fuck, which I think is part of it, but also the break up was very rough from my standpoint, and I think that's what drives it more than anything. Takes a little bit of self-discipline, I think, which a lot of us do not have much of.

Thanks this helps, I know she was not the same person as in my mind. I just wish I had not felt so much. After knowing her for a couple days I asked her after class and she said yes, I do not know how I walked to the store I was floating. She was all I have ever really wanted.

Once I was studying int he library and soemone huged me from behind, tought it was a friend playing, turned my head and it was her , still holding me, think my blood presure droped

How did it end?

you dont think about her , you think about an idea of her

just let go of the idea and focus on what's real and present

i agree... listen to the dio song dont talk to strangers

I have to say I meet her in college, in an introductory class, but when I enter and saw her just could not forget her, but then didnot see her for a year, and then I am sitting and she comes in my class and sits with me, and we started talking, she would do stuff like saying oh my hands are so cold, and hold my hands, I just could not believe it. I did very cheezy things, I hardly spoke to her but brought her chocolates and globes for her birthdya mid class. kind of cringy. But she would always look for me and sit with me ask me out etc. Well she asked me why i as so sad once, I told her I was always thinking of this girl and I understand I love her pasionately without reason. She knew it was her and asked me I said yes. She then started telling oh but you are my friend I think you are very special to be honest you are not the first guy that falls for me (fuck I felt like shit like anyone) and I dont talk tothem when it happens but I really like you and want to keep seeing you.

I just got over a similar situation. Get some clser and it will go away. You will still think about her from time to time but it will be in passing like most other people. I had to drive four hours to get closer on a reoccurring issue for over 20 years. Get closer and keep sanity.

translation:i enjoy the attention you are giving me and im sucking it up like the tick i am , but i wont even kiss you , ever , you are my beta bitch slave

Had the almost same happen to me. Since "her" been married twice...on second now...married 6 years together 11. It does get better, then it may get worse, but remember everytime it gets worse it will get better, and vice versa. flow and ebb, gotta ride those tatsy waves.

I started avoinding he rbecause honestly It just felt like crap seeing her. She would look for me and ask people for me. then I agree to meet her and we went tot he movies between class, saw a terrible kind of romantic movie, and there was this sex scene, and she told me "you know when you see it you want to do it" and I said, i cant pocture you doing it, and she turned her head and said why? I just said oh no just dont think of you like that, I dont even think you pee and if you do its like rainbows, she laugh. I was joking. when it ended she ASked again, why ? And it was weird to ask me twice so I just told her, Because i am in love with you.

She made this disguting exagerate face like picture, and told me you should not think of me like that, we talked before, and I said its not like i can turn it off with a botom. Then she broke my heart. She said you know what I can do whatever I want I can have sex and even more right now I am going to my boyfriend apartment to do so. (fuck

And its probably done now...women are autstic on another level...give them what they want they don't want it...keep what they want away from them they want it more, until they get it. Women are like petulent spoiled children, with a degraded attention-span, emotionally so as well. But God I love them just the same. I think that makes me autist too.

She had started dating this guy right when I told her my feelings, and had not told me everything to not hurtme acording to her, I never sproke to her again. She would see me in the campus and stare at me I remember once after running fwith a friend I saw her in the parking lot and she came to me and say "ey how are you!"ยท acting excited, I looked and her and just kept walking, not to act tought I just knew I cant pretend nothign happen, she tried this more times I never responded. then at graduation something happened she wa snot there the last semeset I do no know what happened to her but the week of m graduation I saw her at a mall and felt my heart pulse going crazy like I was about to have an attatack, never felt that before or since. Like seeing a fuking ghost or something. like if she was scary for some reason. I dont have her on social media blocked her, but just so I dont suffer seeing her with guys.

No you doofus.

How did the relationship end?

Oh nm. There never was one.

My first love was some 20 years ago and I still think about her often. We spent our early teen years together. I've loved other girls since then, but none like I love Erica. I even had a dream last week about going to visit her, but I wasn't able to find her.

I feel like we're probably better off without each other though. I'm a piece of shit and get way too protective/obsessed when she's in my life. She's hands down the most interesting girl in the world, beautiful too, and I'm positive she can find a better source of happiness than me. I hope she has at least.

i can only say how it is for me

this november it'll be ten years since she broke up with me
i still have feelings for her despite being together with someone else for almost 8 years

i once dreamed that i had a life with my ex
that we were living together, that we were happy
she told me she wanted kids
that dream made me so happy i cried both inside my dream and in reality

when i woke up and realized it had all been a dream, i was heartbroken

it won't ever stop
the only thing you can do is fill the void with whatever till you die

everyone has an endless want..we all try to stop the pain in an infinite different of the most common is to believe that someone from our past could have saved us from this..the reality is that this is just part of being human..and though this realization will not stop the endless want, i believe it helps in dealing with it..

With a forehead like that, I bet she never forgets either.


Impossible to forget her if you can never stop thinking of her