The games you play

The games you play
Make people say
You're either weird or lonely.

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Bump for moar

Did OP died?

Go on, I'm somewhat intrigued.


No more of Tom. It's on hiatus until I can get the motivation to face putting this poor man through more agony. So sorry.

I have a few other comics if you all are interested.

Thanks OP I know gasoline horseys because of you

You're welcome.

No, THANK YOU! I'm embarrassed that I literally had never heard of sparklehorse until you posted those lyrics in last thread.

Also whose drawings are these?

Sparklehorse is my favorite band. Mark Linkous was a genius. I'm just glad I could introduce another person to him.

These are all my comics. Or at least I "wrote" and illustrated them.

If this is oc the keep post op.

Good stuff

I'm embarrassed that he flew under my radar. I'm 30 and didn't even know ever existed. Shame he's dead.

They're neat comics. I liked them the last time too. They're depressing but that's because life is pretty damn depressing

op make a site or some shit and make a patreon cos this shit is the type shit people want ,
give the people what they
want give them more tom

What the shit op.
Also finish Tom's stuff.
Also yeah make a site you lazy fucking raft nigger. Hosting isn't that expensive.

Winky Face! ;)

Yeah, he killed himself while making his sixth album. I believe Steve Albini was the producer for it. It's very unfortunate, but he was very sad. At least now his trials are over.

I showed Tom to an old college professor a couple of years ago. When I told her it's supposed to be a comedy she looked at me and said that the comic wasn't funny because the thing Tom is going through is something people actually go through.

I need to make a site. But I don't know if a patreon would work so well. Not many people enjoy my comics.

Where are my doritos!!



For real tho, where IS everyone?


That makes me sad!

dva is 2nd tier

I'm sorry. It's better this way though.


Jaaaames I'm drunk, probs awake for ten minutes. Text me, curious about your situation


Bwugghh, no way!

Who's first then, HUH?

I disagree!


That's alright.

I can see the comedic angle, but too much verisimilitude. Everyone hates everything after a certain point

I try to laugh at the things that are upsetting. It takes the power away from it.


Pretty edgy aye?
Cool art style tho

But I don't have a Mei tripcode yet. Not just "any" tripcode will do, it has to be perfect!

I'm sure you know what I mean, "!GGGGGGGGY."

I don't know if it's edgy. I just thought it was funny.

I dig it.

Thank you.

I like that piece. Also that's admirable. Somewhere along the way I forgot how to laugh

I forgot how to laugh once, but it didn't feel right to laugh then.

I wish I'd gone to art school or taken some art classes in college. I hated college

I went. I don't think it's necessary. So many people go to get degrees so they can get jobs. There aren't many who go for what they really want.

Yeah, college is horseshit (gasoline horseyshit? lol). Seriously awful. I rue the day I went even if most of it was paid for because of my major. I wanted to be a teacher, but I may go back to school for accounting just so I can have a bedrock middle class job. Maybe I can be like Tom lol.

I feel very bad for people like that. My mother wishes she went to college. She doesn't know for what though. She says it's too late for her now. I might apply for a job teaching English in Japan for two years.

This thread's not really taking off is it

Evidently not.

It doesn't need to. It's slow, quiet. I like that.


My code just got spat out when I was looking for another

A happy accident

OP you need to focus less on your lettering and more on your illustrations. Your illustrations look like shit compared to your lettering and it makes it look like try way too hard on the letters

I spent the least amount of time on the lettering. They are done in the fewest amount of strokes possible for the given letter. But I guess you're right. Someone else said they were focused more on the words than on the images.

Its literally the only thing that looks good when you do ink and paper. I cant imagine how much paper you probably waste. I think its time to buy a graphite pencil set buddy. Get a steadier hand and a more constructive approach before you try illustrating

>The games you play
>Make people say
>You're either weird or lonely
hide the sausage

I own several pencils. I use them for the comics where I have to do layouts. For Tom I tend to write the pages out when they come to me, then go through everything I wrote to boil it down so it can be one sentence and one image, with a text bubble if necessary, then I do it all in one quick shot in ink. I spend the most time on the face.

I did redraw the entire comic at one point in a little book and even finished a handful of more panels. I think some of the redraws look better, namely when Tom is a kid, but some of the originals on the loose scraps are definitely the better version. If I can find all my Tom materials I might consolidate and redo where neither the original or the second version is any good.

I even have everything up to the second major event written out, I have an ending thought up, but nothing to connect it.