If ever you would kill a girl, how would you do it?

If ever you would kill a girl, how would you do it?
Also post that girl

Jesus dude get help lol
What if your mom knew you were posting threads like this

Same way I'd kill... anyone? With a bullet to the head.
I think OP is closet gay Mgtow.

Get off the internet Tommy, you should be doing your homework

tie them up and use them as a fuck doll until they die of thirst or starvation

Christ dude

How would you do it OP?

I wouldn't you sick fuck. Maybe you should spend your time imagining how to make your pathetic life worth something instead.

Put gun into her cunt, then shoot


Does sage command still work? Anyone want to sage this with me?

Would you fuck her first?


Oh come on are you some sort of gay faggot?! Kill the girl then rape her why would you shoot her in the pussy that's a good opportunity wasted faggot

Kidnap fat girls and starve them. Keep the pretties, kill the uglies.

We should make deal with these guys they send us the hot chicks
We send them traps to kill

It's win win

with skill

Why would you kill her if she let you fuck her?

because she dont let me fuck her

they would all look ugly, shocking the body out of carbs like that promotes skin flaps and stretch marks.

Fapping to porn is better anyway.

Eric, its past your bedtime, honey.




Slow mutilation with a knife and then a beheading after rape.

Why do you ask?


>Not FBI guys I swear lol

girl for this?


through selfdefense with a lot of regret. i'd feel the same way about men too.

no desire to kill, just a desire to survive

so much edgyness on this thread

one of the few sane posters

Eeew man. You're gross. That's sick. Regret? Ugh.

Whoah dude that corpse looks savage af! I hope I'll look that wild and badass when I die

Too many think of. Most likely a slim, 16 year old blonde with perfect hair and pale skin.

you better make some serious enemies or else you'll be bloated on the floor of your apartment after the neighbors report the foul odor after a couple weeks.

maybe a girl you know?


Fake as shit kys

Honestly, if I stumbled across this in the woods, I would grope that titty. I would also finger her pussy and asshole if it was still intact


This is why we need that damned wall.




Strangle the bitch with my hands.
I've got enough size over her to really effectively hold her down with both my hands on her neck and my full body weight on her.

Goddamn, the thought of watching her die brings me joy.



Go scuba diving and pull her air, hold on to the tank from behind so she doesn't scratch. Leave her below, come up and look for her, ask around if anyone has seen her.




>purple elbow/knees and no panties

I would be surprised if they was no raped to literal death

And put their clothes back on? Unlikely.

Then your DNA would put you in prison

Unless they are gay as fuck if you are going to torture for info and then kill 2 young woman the least you can do is rape them a little

I agree,would have raped the ever living shit out of them. Story behind the pic?


Its in the pic itself "this happened to us because we was giving info to some spic shits"

pic is gf
poison, watch them writhe around and beg me

I would just beat them to death with a bat


Dna dont tell where you live nor what you did to body.


hot af




Wait, if this was the work of a mexican cartel why aren't those two hacked to pieces?

holy shit source

>the least you can do is rape them a little
a true gentleman


i would love to see someone do this to my gf

That's how id like to see this one.

got kik?

Sup zangief

No I dont

hatefuck her mouth until she stifles!

I am not into that.
but what i would like
is two murder a sick person like you

painful and slow

why seeing girls being hanged or tortured makes my pepe rock hard ?

my wife, if i knew i could get away with it 100%

but honestly i think i would rather just divorce her sexless infertile bitchy crybully ass.

take her off her schizo meds and lock her in away in a dungeon

I think Jess would look good hanging but open to other ideas



I would never kill a 4 year-old girl. 4 year-old girl is my master. If she tells me to lick a floor, I will lick a floor. If she tells me to get naked and then laughs at me, I will do it. I will do anything she wants.
