Phimosisfag here

Phimosisfag here.

I've recently started doing stretches to allow my foreskin to pull back over my glands. I can get it half way now before it hurts but today I started half wanking while pulling the skin back to the half way mark. My god, is this what masturbation is meant to feel like? I am 20 and have never pulled my foreskin over my head so whenever I masturbate I do it with my foreskin over the head. Doing it that way feels good but holy shit the difference is insane, I can't wait to be able to pull it back completely over the glands. Any other phimosis guys have a similar experience? Its like I am discovering masturbation for the first time again and its great.

Keep stretching that foreskin.

Also you should probably see a doctor at some point.

Will do.

Why's that? I have already spoken to my doctor but I'm just curious as to why you'd suggest it

doctors tend to know what to do, seeing as theyre doctors

Yeah true, unfortunately as soon as I mentioned my condition to him I was immediately told to get circumcised rip

circumcision is always the wrong decision, even for non phimosis

If the phimosis is really bad it doesn't matter how much you stretch. Then it has to be operated which is quite easy procedure but still...

Yeah I never want to get circumcised, initially I thought my phimosis was so bad that I would need an operation but after a few weeks I've been able to pull it back further and further. I am still way too scared about pulling it over the glands though.

just keep it slow, also try stretching the foreskin out and not just back to give it more flexibility

Yep. If I ever have kids the boys can decide at 18 whether they want part of their dick chopped off (LEL). No way am I going to reduce myself to nigger levels of genital mutilation.

Yeah I have heard of doing that but I feel uncomfortable when I try it. I will give it another go.

hell yeah, uncut master race

You can get a cream from the doctors that you apply to the head and skin of the penis which helps loosen the skin overtime I was in the same position at 19 and now I'm fully working without the need to snip!

While I've got you guys here, if any of you have/had phimosis as well, was your head so sensitive to the point that you can't touch it when you pull the skin back? If so how do you fix this?

I will definitely try that out thanks, do you remember what the cream was called? When I first asked my doctor about it he kind of just brushed me off so..But I will go back and ask again for sure.

Not sure what the name of the cream was as this was about 4 years ago now but it was a type of steroid cream, Also I found stretching the skin in the bath helped but don't do it if it's causing too much pain it's something that'll work over time, Sex is also one of the best things to help loosen the skin but if you are too tight and it's uncomfortable use lube it'll help!

isnt there a way to like slightly circumcisize it to cut of enough of the tip so as not to have it fullly gone but enough so the condition is compeltely gone

no, there isnt. and even if there was, you would cut off the most sensitive part of the foreskin, if not the entire dick

Yeah there is, its just a single slit down the back which helps it stretch out. That will be my go-to if the stretches don't work.

Oh okay cool. Yeah I do most of the stretches in the bath, it helps a lot.
Sex is actually the way I found out about how bad my phimosis is, I had a girl sit on my dick and tear the foreskin all the way back. It was so insanely painful that I have had to reject every sex offer since then as I am way too scared of that happening again lol

Good for you m8.

I got mine fixed at like 4 or 5 or so when I was in the hospital for a hernia, so I don't really remember how it was before. You're going to enjoy having a working peepee.

Did you have sex with a girl before stretching? How did that work out? Just curious.

Go to a non American doctor..

M8 even if it has to get operated you don't need to get circumcised. I had mine just snipped a bit to make the opening wide enough to work normally. Foreskin is still completely intact.

Yeah I had sex once before stretching and it was excruciating. It was my first time having sex so it really caught me off guard, for some reason I never knew that the foreskin was meant to be pulled back for sex. I remember my parents telling me to do it at a young age to clean but I never could.
The first time I had sex I noticed it felt a bit weird when she was tugging on the foreskin during head but once she sat on my dick for the first time she pulled the skin all the way back over the glands. The pain was so immense that I had to lift her off and push her aside while frantically trying to pull it back over, meanwhile the girl just kept saying "its normal its normal, its meant to do that!" I was 19 and was freaking the fuck out that I wouldn't be able to pull it back over the glands lol

Damn mate but sorry I kek'd a bit IRL thinking about that situation.


You feral fucks
Dont any of you cunts wash your dicks?


hahaha yeah dude it is pretty funny thinking back but fuck me it was traumatizing. I couldn't fucking believe that she was trying to tell me its normal while I was crippled with pain trying to fix the situation.

tbh when I first started stretching I thought there would be an odor or some signs of bad hygiene because of what I had read online but thankfully it was completely odorless and clean.

Imagine what was going through HER head during the whole ordeal

Yeah I never really thought of that, I can't imagine what it would have been like to witness that mess lol