Implying Australian Girls aren't master race

>Implying Australian Girls aren't master race...
Prove me wrong, thanks bye.

Only the blonde ones are.

Uhhh true flecks on god.

>you wouldn't fuck the brunette on the left?

>australian girls


slovic girls are best physically. african american best mentally. but i'm weird and love violently aggressive bitches.

Abo's are black. They don't count.

Creampie tho.


it's true...all of it

aussie girls are almost sluttier than American girls


Brunettes cover their hair in mud. They're mudsharks.

So, no I won't touch the girl on the left. The blondes on other hand, umph, they're all fine as hell. I'd grope each one of their pussies in front of their parents.



Don't you have to twist their nipples the opposite direction to get milky or some shit because of the southern hemisphere? I'll stick to northern hemisphere women.




Their personalities are shit though.
Immature, bitchy, dumb, etc. etc.

God. Damn.

australian here, this thread is very unrealistic, there should be chinks and streetshitters for it to be an accurate representation

>suck cock like a vacuum
>cooks hella steaks
>rides cock like a wild emu

Fuck I hated the swimming carnivals...

You must live in the outer suburbs of Sydney hmm?

I loved them, must've gone to an all boys school.

Who ever wants their fb's bump.


I'd definitely fuck the girl on the left in front of her parents.

yeah, but i'm more thinking about in the unis. if only our forefathers could see who would be inheriting the country they built, i doubt they'd have bothered


Your forefathers were criminals exported from Europe. Look it up.

What else would you do to her?

Nah just a regular HS. Enjoyed the chicks but everything else was crap, including the weather every single year.

wtf i hate my ancestors now

Barely anyone has convict blood running through them anymore.


i think it's 20% or so

>Does it matter tho?

1 million immigrants in 4 years
WTF is an Australian anymore?



I'd play with her pussy openly in public. Especially in long lines, like the movie theater.


Literally nothing you listed is an innate trait in any human, let alone a nationality. Anyone could learn all 3 things you just listed. How are you so confused on basic biology?

doesn't mean the country is better full of non-european descendants

Sounds like something an EUFag would say.
How's muslim immigration goin?

Right. We tried to say that about slavery in the US. Fuck you. You're a convict. You always will be a convict.

Yeah that article was from 2007. It would be under 15% now.


choose one
australia is even worse melting pot of all races than usa.


I choose

Australian here.
As Jim Jefferies says, "Aussie girls are only good until theyre 25, after that the sun has affected them in a terrible way"

you do know up until the revolution america was used in the exact same way right?

And your post before sounds like an aboriginal. Hurr durr you're the nigger of Australia on b spam posting white girls you can't get eh monkey?

In that case, youll always be a slave.
Rather be a white convict than a black slave

Implying Abo monkey cunts even have internet. m8 they don't participate in the HSC let alone fucking using technology.

Look at all these gross Australian girls.

2 1/2 of them of wtfs I need a beer .


Hard for skinny girls with gaps .

Do you look like them? If not, then you're not Australian. You're nothing but a fucking lowlife criminal who was sent from Europe because you had rapid dog disease running in your veins.

Post Aussie schoolgirl upskirts

I tick that I identify as an Aboriginal on job applications just so my application would stand out.


Are these Gold Coast girls?


She may have convict blood in her, but I'd still eat her pussy out.

Nahp Sydney m8

Post her full set, please.


samefag, im guessing an aussie roasted him real good and he's letting off steam in this thread


top bloke

Scared of the truth, Dundee?

you sure? Larissa Maddy Allie? the three on the ground? could be wrong but those three look familiar.

That's pretty much what people are saying when they say stuff like "auatralians are the hottest"

They're talking about white blonde women.

what truth seppo? that my country is better than yours in every meaningful way?

Maddy and Aly are accurate.
No Larissa tho.


yes please

mmmmmmmmmm probs just a coincidence. i swear i went to school with these girls on the coast. I left that school in like grade 7 though so no idea what they looked like past 12/13.

there is no australian race-- at least not in this pic


LOL, good one. Shit tier prison island that contributes nothing to humanity other than existing.

Aly Larkin
Maddi Sanna
Look em up


lmao chill out fam



yeh nah. weird. they look like a maddy and an allie I know.

Melbourne Tram btw.

Nah, you're scared to find out the truth of you heritage. But I'll break it down for you in four easy sentences.

Your granddaddy from both side of your family have toxic blood. That blood caused them to behave like wild dogs. The pure bloods of Europe said, fuck it, and sent them across the world to a presumably empty land. When your granddaddys arrived to this new land, they were so pent up with rage they started killing the Australian people without remorse.

Got it? Cool. The more you know.

Gotta love em

>pure bloods
interesting way to say inbreds, mate

>everyone just wants to fap
>Sup Forums jumps in here and ruins everything
Every time.

you have videos?

i think you missed a few gr8s there m8, you're a couple of centuries l8