Tfw smoking 13 packs a day

>tfw smoking 13 packs a day

any of you guys manuged to quit?

Nah smoking is too enjoyable. Just cut back to half a pack (10) a day and it'll be fine.

I paid 40 bucks for this. Did I get ripped off?

Age/job/salary I'll start
59/ fry cook at whogivesashit/4.50/hr


Why can't people who dont believe in god define what they dont believe in!?!?!?!?

Anyone have pics they shouldn't share?

faces of Sup Forums thread. i'll start.

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

i shouldn't share this

Yeah pretty much

Weird pics thread.

I will be 2 years quit in January. I smoke weed though so IDK if that's any better. They should really do some studies.

why 13 packs per day bruh?
are you having a bad season bruh?
you smoke in public or in private?

No now it's a get thread. Also ylyl


Rekt thread

Never started smoking since I'd always spend my money on beer

Feels thread

>be me
>no gf


I bought my first Marlboro Reds a few weeks ago. Told myself I'll only smoke it as some sort of emergency stress relief. So far, it isn't out of the plastic yet so I guess my life has been chill all the time while I myself overstate my sense of "emergency"

Why did you guys start smoking?

I'm gonna pick up the smok alien v2 friday after smoking for five years.

I only smoke if I'm really drunk or my head hurts, so far I haven't smoked a single pack of cigarettes. I end up giving most of them to other friends who smoke more often.

The buzz isn't anything special, and the taste is obviously not the best thing in the world. So I don't get how come some people get addicted to them.


Depression, cigs make everything better.

just started since i got on probation, i've quit cold turkey before but picked up the habit since being a manager at fast food is stressful as hell.

whenever i can smoke though i don't touch a cigarette for weeks.

So its more to stress-relievers than anything, huh? I guess it could work for me in a few situations. Alright, thanks for your input guys