What are these b wil they go away?

what are these b wil they go away?


Nice, wart Dickinson.

is it Molluscum contagiosum?



can you pop them


i dont think youre trying hard enough

Is it right to

welcome to herpes

Shouldn't have fucked that bum.

Are you sure?

Cut your fucking fingernails, creep.

Tiny dick btw.

How long they been there?

A day

Its 6.5 inches hard how is that tiny

Yeah right!

I mean it could be herpes or genotal wart but its sorta hard to tell. Any itching or burning?

Was itchy yesterday but not anymore

Yes it is

You need to get tested bruh. Pretty possible you caught something. Go to a clinic or your primary care provider. If its nothing theyll tell you that. If its something, well then better to get it treated early rather thsn late.

People on patient.com said it's nothing to worry about

Seems like the pubic hair is different in color. Sure it's the same dick?

Is this a asian dick?

Its possible its nothing, im just an early med school student so im no expert by any means but trust me when i say if it is an STD you want to know now and not several weeks or months from now. Not worth the risk just to avoid a doctor. If money is an issue try to find a free clinic nearby or go to a hospital and ask them for a patient financial assistance application.


those are balls, and go away when you get castrated

trim yo goddamn pubic hair holy shit you skinny dick faggot

Does not look like herpes to me.


Sebum cyst

doesn't look like ingrown hairs.

maybe like pimples? try not to pop them.

keep your junk well washed and aired out.