Would you date a trans girl?

Would you date a trans girl?

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If a trans, it's not a girl and you're ghey

Sorry, but no.

I only put my penis in human beings that can bare children.

Literally nothing gay about trans girls

If he looked feminine, and had a nice dick, sure. Fucked a non-feminine trap, with a tiny dick and no ass. Was pretty dull.

I would date her and would love to suck her dick multiple times a day.

>bare children
Freudian slip pedo detected

The purpose of dating is to find a mate
Can't mate with a tranny
So no, I would not date a tranny.

yet another GAY thread outside /lgbt/

*man with tits

No its really gay

So a mentally ill man who thinks he's a woman? No I would not.

Penis = male
Vagina = female
Dude with mutilated dick = still a male

How is this so fucking hard to understand?

Literally a lot of things gay about trans girls.

Pretty dull because
a) you are
b) s(he) is unattractive and therefore desperate

also wtf is
>non-feminine trap trap


Gay guys dont even date them its straight as fuck. They are no different than cis females

Already do.

>They are no different than cis females
Demonstrably false. Get some bloodwork done and the differences will be obvious.

Nice how long have yall been dating and what do your friends / family think?

if he looked like that hell yeah, wouldn't make it public though,

Well, okay, trap is the wrong word. Pre-op trans, then.

This sight is filled with the most sickest human beans I have ever known.

You think your friends would care about you being with a trans girl if she was attractive?

It was a year in July. The family that matters accepts our relationship and her. I've dated cis girls before this, so at first they were a little confused.

What about someone infertile?

If s/he? looked like this:

i.4cdn.org/b/1504711968594.jpg ;

..... then I am sure that I would,

(assuming that s/he / it did not have a toxic personality / bad breath / herpes / AIDS / similar minor medical problems / excessive bank overdraft / allegiance(s) to: Donald Rump (or whatever it calls itself) / Kim Jong Unnnggghhh / or any other politically (or otherwise dubiously) motivated pervert / similar obnoxious pond-life you might care to mention;

..... then I probably would, if I was so rampantly horny as to be totally bereft of any rational thought.

No offence intended to any of the aforementioned / alluded to:

mental / medical / financial / political
afflictions that all such deviant perverts might be minded to engage themselves in.

Presumably the answer would be no.

Thats awesome did they ask the "so...are you gay?" Question?

Liberals hate facts

Conservatives love facts so much that they'll make them up.

What gave you the idea that s(he) even needs an OP? Are you sure you weren't just having conventional homosex? Lmao you delusional fucker!

No it's that I care, it;s just weird to me, but i'm so lonely that i'd fuck a cute trap at this point,

fuck yes i wanna lose my virginity to that sexy girl, imagine holding her warm bulge and brushing it aside to taste her warm pussy fuck yes, seeing her hips and stomach start contracting as she gets close until she eventually cums on her stomach, thick creamy milky white spurts, not having to ask, SEEING her orgasm then licking it up off her sexy stomach

i can date a real girl.
why would i date a dude dressed as a girl? that's just fucking retarded

but i'd let it suck my cock

As long as there's no cock, I'm down.

Yep. I always only fuck chicks after extensive blood work is done.

Only blood work that matters is an STD panel. Men, on average, are sexually aroused visually.

>implying you are the arbiter of what matters to other people
>implying men are dumb animals who only care about appearance
Personality, history, and circumstance matter to a lot of guys.

if she was convincing enough. penis preferred but optional

>I am the sole arbiter
Yes. Stating my opinion means I know the objective truth. Seems legit.
Gee, it's almost as if there's a word one could use to not state it applies to 100% of the set... I wonder what the fuck THAT could be...

Keep strawmanning. I'm sure you'll find an argument eventually.

not legal in Finland



>Stating my opinion means I know the objective truth.
You didn't say "Only blood work that matters to me is an STD panel" now did you?
>Gee, it's almost as if there's a word one could use to not state it applies to 100% of the set
Reread what you said until you figure out what's wrong with it.
>Keep strawmanning
Don't need to.
>I'm sure you'll find an argument eventually.
Tell me: what argument are you trying to make?

>You didn't say "Only blood work that matters to me is an STD panel" now did you?
My bad. I thought we all understood that context precedes in The English language. I do apologize that you didn't understand that a statement following a satirical representation of personal beliefs, to indicate the opposite beliefs, was also a personal statement. I'll be sure to speak very specifically from here on out.

>Reread what you said until you figure out what's wrong with it.
Since you clearly didn't understand this the first or second time, the word I used to denote that it wasn't all men was "on average", and I never stated it was the sole factor, although I'm beginning to understand that I need to spell things out in their entirety for you to understand them.


if this is what would happen after dinner and a movie, then... yes.

i probably would keep her on the side, a friend with benefits.

you understand some of these trans girls fly off the handle, because the hormones make them insane. not that they already were insane to begin with.

>I never stated it was the sole factor
Hint: Implying that sexual arousal is all that is required for the average man to date or even just fuck someone is sexist as hell
>beginning to understand that I need to spell things out in their entirety
Please do.

Now, what argument are you trying to make? If all you wanted to state was your personal preferences, you could have simply stated them rather than reply to a factually correct statement.

fuck, shes hot as fuck

Get your mental disorder fixed you boneheaded nigger homo

I want to marry one!

>Hint: Implying that sexual arousal is all that is required for the average man to date or even just fuck someone is sexist as hell
...you're dancing around my statements to find anything you can grasp at and go "HA I'VE GOT YOU!", your reading comprehension is atrocious, and you don't seem to be able to understand how you're strawmanning.

Do enjoy your day.

>you're dancing around my statements
I'm not dancing around anything. I'm looking right at what you've said in the context of this thread.

Rather than actually address what you've said or clarify the point you're trying to make (as I've asked you to twice now), all you do is insult me and accuse me of strawmanning.

yissssss :3

oh god, more of her pls