Arnold Schwarzenegger is a race traitor.Fake Republican poisoned by anti White propaganda who sold his soul to Devil...

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a race traitor.Fake Republican poisoned by anti White propaganda who sold his soul to Devil.In his Anti Trump video he attacks Pro Whites, but at the same time says nothing agaisnt Antifa Commies and Black Crime Matters
I start working out because of him, I respected him and now I realized he is just another tool.

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K thx

saged and reported

I looked up to Arnold since I was a little boy,but after his speech I feel terrible.He betrayed me,our people,he betrayed HIS people.
What a shame we lost him.He wasn't always like that, but all this anti White propaganda got him, and he now views us as ''bad guys''.

Reported for what?

breaking the law


where's the fucking link OP? faggot

God Hillary is such a fukin ugly degenerate. Its rare for a woman to have such a punchable face, especially an older woman

righto m8



Chelsea is not Hillary's daughter. Hillary was never pregnant it was all fraud like with Michael Jackson's kids.

Arnold is such a fuck face anymore, fuck him


>that grammar
Are you a russian?

nyet my friend, am american

>says there's not two sides to hatred
>conveniently ignores antifa
>conveniently ignores that one side gathers peacefully while the other chimps out in rage

Arnold was great in bodybuilding, good in action movies, but sucked as politician.

It's true, Hillary is a Lesbian


loser detected
you have nothing in common with arnold
he has achieved excellence in multiple areas of life
you take credit for actions done by others, solely based on similar skin tone
you have accomplished nothing yourself
the best thing you could do for yourself, and the world, is kill yourself.

Show us how much of a man you are, punch a woman in the face.

I am Austrian

What's wrong with punching women in a face?
Don't they want to be threated e-e-equaly?

thats cool. do you still live there?
he is an austrian that moved to another country, made a fortune investing in real estate, became a famous actor, and married into the american version of a royal family, the became governor of a state with a larger gdp than his home country.

"his people" are the alphas and rulers of the world.
your people are the losers that blame their unhappiness on others.

take control of your own fate. dont be a victim. ignore the faggots. its not too late for you user.

Why don't you suck his dick?

the sad wailings of an user that lost an argument

Trump is superior to Arnold



started with less
more gains
hotter wife
more mistresses
could crush trumps high-estrogen physique in any physical endeavor

strange. i had a dream last night where I taught arnold about the game Disc Golf. no lies. he was super chill in my dream.

Give it up, Trump always had more sucessful career then Arnold

do you even know what samefag mean?
I think you need to go back

Trump = higher education then Arnold, earned much more money, built skyscrapers around the world, had longer and more secusseful career, has prettier wife, Arnold's wife was ugly and she divorced him.
Trump = President
Arnold = Governor
Trump's Apprentice lasted for years, Arnold's only lasted 1 season

Sure Arnold is superior compared to you and me, but compared to Trump...


Antifa is something the right made up to justify being terrorists. When you threaten someone long enough, including 300 terror attacks every year, you're gonna have some backlash.

Antifa was literally invented by a Communists.

do you have any evidence of this?


Proof or didn't happen.

Just Google it on YouTube it's all over the place from different sources

choo chooo.. waynetrain is coming!

next stop: whateverest

So what's the second side in your own words, tradlet?

>google it on youtube
reactionaries in a nutshell. Link the video that you watched.

Their first meeting was in 1931 in Germany at Communist gattering

Arnold is a moron. He claims to be a conservative, yet as governor of California he passed the most restrictive gun ban in the history of the United States, and he drove the California economy over a cliff.

Typical american


>Antifa was literally invented by a Communists.
You don't say!?



While this is just a picture, it is marginally better than saying "lmao google it bruh"

on the up side, you'll always have his films to fap to


He wants people to get killed with poison gas if they don't believe in fake Global warming.
Why did Republican party ever let this guy in?

Its the steriodss and other drugs he took. fianlly having an effect on his mental health.

everyone is a white traitor except me

no, me

if dub everyone is a white traitor except me

so , how do you feel faggits ?


The same as ever, sorry fag.

in literally no way is Trump superior to Arnold



>implying antifa isnt doing what rational "cops" should be doing.

Trump only got his education because of daddy's connections, not because of Donnies merits.

Schwarzenegger built his wealth and fame (long before he became a famous bodybuilder) without his daddy's connections (unlike Trump).

Arnold won the popular vote for his office, unlike Trump.

Why would anyone care about a TV show?

Schwarzenegger is fluent in multiple languages, Trump in none

Oh and Schwarzenegger didn't dodge military service unlike other people

what law?

assaulting civilians, trampling on personal liberties and silencing any and all opposition {which includes anyone who has any opinion other than theirs) through violence? sounds like a police state to me, not sure how that's really all that different or better to fascism

lol faggot

What the fuck are you talking about? Arnold used his families "wealth and connections" to become what he is today.

And by "wealth and connections", I mean stolen Jewish gold and art that his NAZI family stole during WW2.

His uncle was the Gas Master at Belsen.

A traitor

When they identify with Nazi's its automatically a patriotic service.