Neighbor's girl confessed to me in love

Neighbor's girl confessed to me in love.
The problem is that I'm 29 (but I look like a schoolboy), and she's 12 and it's fucked up.
She is very nyashnaya 10/10 on pulloshkale. I do not even know what she found in me. We do not talk so much.
I just say hello, repair it, and pick it up, but no more.
Although I noticed that she often looks at me when I sit in the square and read the manga. God forbid her dad or neighbors will recognize her, they'll burn me right in the sandbox fuck.
What to do now?
Sorry for my english.


I need someone to translate this to english

cant be done

Send me 1 BC and u got it

What the fuck does this mean

I have such nonsense, little brother. Why then kids are very fond of me, then, of course, to 14 years they cool down. So be patient until she falls behind, and she loses in any case, all the same, the consciousness is not ripe and subject to sudden changes. Do not get close in intimate terms. You will be fucked, I guarantee you. Do not ask how I know.

пoшeл нaхyй двaчep cyкa!

Wait a second. This story sounds very familiar except it was worded by a retard

Either take it under the mouse and fuck it without pale in the ebony, in another region / country / universe somehow improvise formally as your sister and guardianship over it, and live quietly. Either do not do fucking and deny her love, or even better, make yourself a girl, or you're already one foot in the burning sandbox

пyтин вoдкa bljad

All right said. To me, recently, there was such a hormonal whore as a teenager, who knocked the twenty, and from the very first day she began to seduce, admit, love, dream about a joint and so on. I played along calmly and with restraint, I was not surprised at anything, but also, if I were not a fool, I did not believe. And, as usual, was right - it was enough for 3 days, then under false pretenses it froze. Run for her no one has become, now is another love of all life.

OP syka

and blyat

What are you even trying to say

Why do you let the russian silly sit here?

peedorashka putin

just keep contact with her, somehow, and wait until she is 16 and just fuck her

Nothing serious. He pedofil.

You should be putin it in her.

watch the movie Lolita and learn from it

Too old.

Its not legit i think.

Fucking it is boring. It's better to just hold her warm small hand...

Where? In my ass?

Too lewd

>The problem is that I'm 29
>and she's 12
There is no problem. Tell her that when she grows up you will go out with her and by the time she's 15 or 16 she will have forgotten about it.

Cyka blyat
Nice google translate pasta, pidor.