What a hard choice

What a hard choice

That is a hard choice. But Green.


Yellow, as long as you can control it. Make all the money, get all the bitches.

Fucking furry
Red, because purple would phase you into the ground and then you fucking die.
Oh yeah I'd rob banks and other cool shit.

I have a question about pink. When it says "non-fatal" does that mean you can heal a wound that would kill a person but they just haven't died yet or does it mean that you can only heal wounds that would defiantly not kill somebody.

Purple or green... OBVIOUS BEST CHOICES

I'd be rich af, and nobody could catch me.

Purple easy, because even if you are discovered and caught (regardless of that it is because your positive impact on society, neutral impact, negative impact or just because someone discovers that you have this power) you could escape the torture and medical experimentation that would SURELY follow such capture

>wait until you're asleep
>shoot you

If Pink made you immortal, I'd go with that. But as it stands, purple has to be the best choice.

>inb4 phasing powers instantly allow gravity to pull you into solid stone and all the molecules in your body become interlaced with the fucking ground and you die
Sorry for long implying arrow, it wouldn't work.

You would have to find me first. Then dig up the concrete I'm sleeping under.
It might take you a while.

It doesn't say that you couldn't control the ability to phase through something while not phasing through other things, lets say a wall but at the same time not phasing through the ground

you can get anything you like with yellow..
power, money, women, anything

It means you can't grow your head back if you get decapitated you cuck.

I want to believe that if it wasn't so cheesy. Like gravity would still affect you and just saying "I want to phase through a wall" is putting too much belief in what a 'wall' is... fuck this I have aspergers and overthink everything.

>you cuck

>phase through light
>phase through bullets/knife whatever
>become invincible
>phase through walls
>fuck every women you want
>phase through pants
>buttrape OP on christmas dinner
>phase through air
>run faster without resistans
>phase through water (filter the air out)
>you can breath underwater


What if you just find the burried concrete room and just fill it up with dirt. Now you either fall to the other side of the earth if you can or be stuck in there and suffocate

You said it man

eh.. i dont think it includes these abilities, it is more like bending your atoms around other atoms to allow you to pass materials..

altho you could rape women, rape OP and phase through knives if you knew they were coming

Red so I can spy on naked underage girls

>phase through anything

>you can't phase through anything

you would be the first i rape

Why I am only thinking which one would make it easier to rob and steal shit kek prob blue or red

But Daddy

btw the people saying i would fall into the ground, i just phase through gravity.

>you can phase through anything

>You can read the read thoughts, this is the ultimative weapon after a atom bomb. Because no one can't defeat this.

You know what, that settles it, I'd go for purple as well.



I have wounds to heal.

>and i hope i don't must stay by the person

this is now a feels thread

Red or purple, I can't decide. They can both get me very rich, but if you choose purple there's a big chance you could just get caught. With red, it doesn't guarantee you can nigger your way into any place you want.

police caught you. just phase through them and go home. what's your problem?

>you can phase through anything

>Because no one can't defeat this
Excuse my Sup Forums posting but *coughcough* Mao from Code Geass *coughcough*

>wanting to be a known criminal your entire life
I mean, I'd rather not be on the run the rest of my life.


Yellow would be the best, but its mind reading not mind control, so I'm gonna have to go pink, if make a fortune as a therapist/ street doc.

cause ur a nigger?

What is Code Geass Sup Forums fag?

don't worry user, I can make it better again.

feel my pinkness heal you.

but then how would you stay on the surface of the earth? you would be left behind in space, wouldnt you?

pruple is cool yaya xd

Pink, become Jesus, rule the world.

you don't have to run. i mean what will the police do?

No cell or cuffs could hold me, no bullet or knife could stab me.

I'd get arrested pretty quickly if I tried using yellow.


Yellow. I'd become the world's greatest poker player.

orange could be nice too. only highspeed cameras could get a picture of you. banks don't use them. you could rob a bank in 2seconds without any camera caught you. you could kill somebody just by throwing them a golfball with sonicspeed into the face. no police could arrest you. if you're good you could even dodge bullets.

idk, taser you?

I'd rather we team up and form the International House of Pink Men.

we'll meet every sunday at IHOP in pink morphsuits and blow huge vape clouds and cure people of cancer with them.

Tier list

Top tier
(world wide consequences)

High tier
(life changing consequences for you and some others)

Medium tier
(possible gain mixed with costly trouble)

Low tier
(More trouble than it is worth)

Yellow is the key to any earthly success. Convince anyone of practically anything by knowing biases and gauging reactions. Top level cyber crime possibilities without the cyber element. Impossibly good at spying.

Pink is not only altruistic and potentially life saving but it opens up the ability to be seen as a faith healer and you can take advantage of any religion for your own gain or to slowly redirect their paths.

Orange is the ability to outrun anything on the ground and if you can control it you can find success and wealth as a world class runner and world record holder.

Purple is a lesser version of Yellow. This allows you to move into places you wouldn't normally get be able to get to and take or learn whatever you want. Still powerful in its own right but yellow would let you position yourself into getting legitimate access and then provide so much more.

Grey is easy sex, fun but ultimately not that great a power.

Red is a weaker version of Purple. You can get into places unseen but doors and locks can be a challenge. Powerful utility but it is outmatched by both Purple and Yellow.

Blue is more trouble than it's worth because flying would be incredibly hard on your body and the air is extremely cold at a high enough altitude to not be spotted. Some potential usage but extremely difficult and dangerous.

Green. Why? Better flight potential than blue but hardly any usage that doesn't involve being extremely obvious and putting yourself in danger.

just phase through the electricity?

phase through the barbs. Taser useless.

you can phase through anything, right?
anything means anything, right?
why not phase through space-time, travel back in time and knockout the policeman before he fires the taser?

That would be groovy, let's do it

You could but it seems like more effort to travel through time to stop a thing from happening when you can just make that thing irellevant.


Purple. I want that phase
If all out of purple lemme get those nymphos

>phase through space-time
>fixed points
You'd better hope you're actually naturally physically allowed to knock out the policeman, let alone phase through time. I mean, think about it this way: a paradox in a universe that remains staunchly causal and goes by-the-book about A to B to C would be like trying to grab the back of your wrist with the hand that's attached to it.

Without being able to phase.

it says the ABILITY, not that you are constantly phasing through everything. it implies you can control it, that you have the option to use it or not.

Elaborate spam

Yes, the ability. To phase through time. So you're moving information (matter, energy) to... where?

What is the past? That's the point I'm making. You could be going back to
past, you could be going back to another "universe", you could merely be changing the entire universe around you and causing a slightly different series of events, of which all possible events exist but only a distinct set can be "present". The laws of nature might not even allow you to go back, hence the wrist analogy.

Nobody said you'd be phasing forever through everything.

the law of relativity says that you can go both forward and backwards in time. we simply haven't found out the actual way to go backwards, but to go forward requires travel near the speed of light.

Theory. You're missing the big picture.

What happens if a cue ball goes through a wormhole and stops its exact self from going through the wormhole? If the future cue ball simply doesn't happen, the cue ball was never knocked away from the wormhole, so it goes straight through, and...

Then what? Something has to happen. The most simple outcome is that the cue ball literally cannot follow that path, because it is physically, via space-time, impossible. If not disagreeable or nonsensical, illogical, etc. Unless you can have duplicates, and that invokes all of the identity theory shenanigans. Then also much talk about what a universe even is, and if there are more, and so on and so forth.

I feel like Pink is the safest choice. Second going to Yellow in terms of good choices. Yellow could get you a great job working for the government or you could gamble your way to riches but might get assassinated. Pink you could work as a doctor and make tons of money and generally not end up in an alleyway.

Agreed. Green is best choice.

Not a hard choice.

It pretty much gives you RED, and gives you BLUE. You also get PURPLE to some extent, and although you can't read peoples thoughts, you could still find out a lot about them.

Name an animal that can phase through solid matter.

Read what I said:
>PURPLE to some extent

Depends how small you are.

That isn't phasing through objects. That's just being small enough to fit through very small gaps in things.

>PURPLE to some extent
>PURPLE to some extent

Well the most useful is probably the yellow one.
But also the least fun.

either red or purple... you could get in high security facilities and with purple is the wuestion, if you might even be able to phase through in comming bullets

yeah theory still doesn't mean it's not proven, a non-proven conclusion is a hypothesis.

wormholes have not been proven to exist, your whole argument has no point it's a hypothesis based on wormholes existing.

Fucking pink
Then I can be a healer

Sure, but a scientific theory is still not a scientific law. A theory takes working explanations and constructs a flow of logic that links them all together, like colors in a rainbow. A law is an explanation of a phenomenon or aspect of the universe in question, one of those colors.

>wormholes have not been proven to exist
>your whole argument
Not my whole argument, just the wormhole part, which yes, was based upon the premise that wormholes could exist on a pool table. And you know, time travel. I mean, honest to goodness, how else was I going to demonstrate the act of displacing something through space-time without a wormhole? It's all contingent that way.

Time travel. So, tell me what you figure happens when you go back to the past. Do you not occupy space?


easy, you don't bring up a worm hole and instead refer to it as a space time anomally.

as to the past, how the fuck should I know? I'm not attempting to speculate on the ebb and flow of the universe, I'm simply speaking of what I know in the tangible reality, the physical reality and not the metaphysical reality.

see, if you believe in a flow of time relative to space and you are using wormholes to try and explain that, guess which theory created all of those concepts?

Einstein's theory of Relativity, which also tells us that time travel is "possible" and travel forward is proven with math.

travel backward has not been proven with any known form of science, so to speak of it with any certainty is bat-shit insane.

this is what I know: purple is the power to pass through anything. right now, by occupying physical space, you are already travelling through time. time is not a physical thing that you have to choose to pass through, therefore to say that you could phase through time is redundant, for everyone else on the planet already has that power.


Second powerful ability. If you are silent enough you can literally walk into any office, watch people type in their keywords. But if there's an infrared camera, you're fucked.


Amazing feeling, but too dangerous. Sooner or later someone will notice.


Most powerful ability, but not easy to master. You have to make people think about something in the first place. But if you say: "think about your pin code" and the next day their money is gone, you're done. Could easily lead to hubris and people noticing that you know something about them and getting you in the long run.


Nice, but also dangerous. You want to get into a bank and transform into a fly, and suddenly someone kills you in mid air or you get caught by a spider. You can probably save your ass by transforming back ,but then someone will know your secret.

Pretty much useless, unless you want to cheat at the olympics.


Cool ability, but since you are not invisible, this can easily bite you in the ass.


Fun, but only for a while. Not a powerful ability.


Theoretically cool, in reality you'll end up locked down in some CIA blacksite prison where they try to check your DNA.
My pick:
Red is the coolest, but I'd take yellow, since it has the least potential to backfire.

>pass through this thread rules
>press the other buttons
>now I can do whatever I want

Have gravitons been discovered as a particle?

how do you make your body go through a non-spoken rule that only exists on the internet?

wouldn't that make your consciousness phase through your brain?

guys. purple could phase their consciousness into another human and take control of it.

all you guys talking about time trave land shit, forget that shit.

just move into a new body.

bingo bango bish bash bosh.

I can pass through anything
So I pass through the rules

Does green include the ability to shift gender?
Seems like it should as some animals are not sexually dimorphic and you still can shift into them.

>shift into bitch in heat
>take miles of big fat doggy cocks
>win at everything

clever viral advertising

Damn, I didn't think of that possiblity..
Someone buy this man a beer.

why not just go into the bodies of other people who have powers and control them?

then you have 2 powers, but you can also freely move into whoever's body you wanted.

pink could be fun

>space time anomaly
Uh. What exactly... what exactly is the difference? Both are a vehicle to operate the thought experiment of time travel, and both are spatial-temporal anomalies. Aren't they?

>how the fuck should I know

>I'm simply speaking of what I know in the tangible reality
I was too. Physically and logically, a paradox seems to be a no-no. Can't stop an object with itself. Since the universe is much more granular than a highly specific model, a paradox is inevitable assuming things like A to B. As in
>release ball
>ball fall

>if you believe in a flow of time relative to space and you are using wormholes to try and explain that, guess which theory created all of those concepts
Einstein's Law of Relativity and Special Relativity? You know I'm not telling you you can't time travel, right? I'm just saying there are some problems here that one would need to seriously consider. And I mean that in the most serious way possible.
>travel forward is proven with math
It is also proven by touching my finger to my nose.

>travel backward has not been proven with any known form of science
Phlogiston is what causes fire. Wait.
>so to speak of it with any certainty is bat-shit insane
Well, good thing I'm not talking about the act of going backwards in time as if I do it daily, so much as the theoretical basis behind the hypothetical example of treating a particular system/s like that.

>time is not a physical thing that you have to choose to pass through
>to say that you could phase through time is redundant
Space-time, however...
>that you have choose to pass through
Unless you start talking about possessing a power to phase through anything, the particulars of
>changing phase
making it very clear that you are doing something that is fundamentally already batshit insane and shouldn't be possible; let me just alter the physics of my body so that the second law of motion applies in reverse to me, why not. Then, also implying that you could phase through "time", and then implying you can begin moving in a kind of direction that allows you to get behind your own light cone- and alter your own trajectory in some macroscopic, significant way.

Easy there Varys.

>PURPLE is phasing
>PURPLE is being small enough to fit past

pick one faggot

You can't fool me Satan, OP's image says nothing about shapeshifting genders, just species.

This man knows what's up. Agreed, I'll take yellow.

Become absolutely invaluable and highly compensated and protected by uncle sam. Downside is they fly you out to all the hot spots for data extraction from captured sandniggers

Hey thanks for the beer, Satan!

Red for me just because I'd like to be around when stuff happens but not be in any harms way.

Also the whole sneaking into bank to steal shit, though I guess someone will say anything I hide beneath my clothing will be visible.