Some chubby that i made into my cute little slut. Have quite a few pictures...

Some chubby that i made into my cute little slut. Have quite a few pictures. Wouldnt mind sharing if someone has any requests.


Yes! Very interested! Post what ya got user!

lol reminds me of a girl I know, same hair same choker

Also interested

Dirty butthole pls

quite the common hair color actually it seems

Where's her gaping asshole op

CLEan buthole pls

i make her keep everything clean and ready whenever she is around.

got any more of her in lingerie?

Then no thanks

cute, do you also have some of her doggy/bent over?

I second that and can her asshole be visible?

always clean ~

lol thought it was akidearest at first

always sufficient lingerie pics




damn, shes hot nice pussy! got any bend over w feet showing? Some more dressed sexy too

omg this smile is so sexy, diamonds right now
and that lingerie....
you got kik user?

dont use kik. why would you even wanna kik with the guy?


holy fuck thats hot
do you have her set uploaded somewhere?

i just post here occasionally. even did 2 camwhore threads on b when we were bored and had some time to fuck around

any more pics with that smile visible?
hot af

does that count as a smile?

Looks big. She cums easily?

close enough
what about full body shots?
nude/in lingerie?

usually in the first 10 minutes after sattleing up on me. Usually takes me quite a bit though.

the closest we get to full body shots are similar to the standing ones i already posted. she is mostly lying down when she is over.

Must be nice to have a woman like that. Your are lucky user.

its not my only sub. But definitely top 2. So eager to please. Quite cute.



Any with cum on her?

Most of it on eyelevel though sadly ~

How do you find girls like this? Guessing college?

tinder, online dating sites, fetish pages, swinger sites, CL, the list goes on and on.


WOW keep em coming




guess i will let this 404 if no one is lurking anymore

Nah keep going. Love to see a sub getting used.

Best not.

You got more bj pics?

no bj pics?

request creampie

Guess we can go on a bit longer

well that's going the right way now

quite a few

So what happened in your childhood to make you such an insecure control freak OP?

How many other subs do you have that you use regularly?

Fetish social media sites have been pretty successful on my end. Try fetlife if you're looking for someone more your speed.

Takes me 6 captures to post a fkn picture, jesus...
insecure? control freak? i would say thats 2 things quite far from the mark.

1 other regular one, and a couple of FWB that i see every other month or so maybe.

You got a really attractive dick.

Are you sure it is not in fact you who is insecure, gentle faggot?

Dunno, I get the insecure vibes from OP too. Might be wrong whatever.

didn't think i'd hear this in a thread about my subs. But thanks.

Admittedly I made an inference, but he's treating the porn-hungry virgins on Sup Forums like he probably does his subs. Fear of loss, withholding reward, all the sales techniques that the dudes who feel they have to prove themselves as dominant apply to their daily lives.

>So what happened in your childhood to make you such an insecure control freak OP?

I think one thing a lot of people who aren't into this kind of stuff don't realize is that at the end of the day, the sub can stop a scene at any time (assuming the dom isn't a prick and understands the importance of consent.)

I mean, yeah, having subs is great and all, but their safety and consent always comes first.

Now this is what I really wanna see more of -
degradation and pet play (besides you giving her a creampie)

Checkin those satanic trips

Well yeah that's the point. If the dick is good enough they don't need silly games.

Yep, and going for weak ass ppl as targets. Beta af imo, but ymmv.

more pls

isnt witholding rewards the fun part of being a sub? it usually is.

pretty much. You don't force your partners to go down on their knees. You make them wanna do it on their own. Hard limits are limits either way.

she usually wears a kitten headband with most of the outfits.

But now you're just broadcasting your insecurity by asserting that Sup Forums is full of "betas", to either feel superior (thinking yourself as the sole exception) or make yourself feel better about your insecurities by having a community of "other betas"

It's Sup Forums, you get some haters in every thread. What fun would it be if everyone was just being nice after all?

She is adorable, would love to fuck her while I'm sucking your beautiful cock

This guy and I aren't the ones posting our medium dicks and the moderately attractive women that will bang us online for compliments on our catch. C'mon man, you know what website you're on.

Any of her rimming you OP?

Ever think about knocking them all up and having a harem?

I'm afraid we only invite other girls into my bed.

Literally took 9 captchas to get through

Share what your last fuck session was like please.

Of course. Too insecure for other dick.

not everyone wants to suck cock, fag

Hngg she's so adorable. Can I date her OP? I understand her pussy belongs to you.

Not everyone can have a 8 inch dick sadly. Didn't hear any complains so far, so i'm more than fine with what i got. Seems to have an addicting taste though ~

wasn't with this one. Was with a slightly more dominant and skinnier girl, Mostly foreplay since i'm a big fan of that and riding.

Haha, sounds like a good way to describe it, yeah
she is allowed to play with other girls, but thats it.

i need that cock all the way in her throat

What's it like having your foreskin massaged by someones mouth?

Lol she's fucking other dudes. You only think you're in control.

What the actual fuck kind of load is that

What about If I just cuddle her and no lewd?

Looks like wax, not a load

You're seriously begging a stranger for his average looking girl? Just go on FetLife yourself dude. If you're not ugly as fuck you can hook up.

i prefer my subs using their tongue and lips to their full extend before they are allowed to take it in. Or if they play with themselves for me a bit until they get needy enough to start begging ~

i would imagine its not much different. I only ever had one girl who really had a foreskin fetish.

lol, guess i should probably dump all my FWBs if they sleep with other people too. The true wizard way.

what he said You might be into cuckold porn too?

warm wax, see the candle just right her?

any creampie shot?

just a few videos but no pictures. just a closeup

sounds good,you should make a video

WEBM dude

harder to censor videos than a single picture.

but every second would be worth it

bump OP, pls more pics!

C'mon pls give us a vid man. Some pov riding cant bei too hard to censor . That eager little sub deserves it.

Any clit closeups?