You're such a cool guy, user. So how come you don't have a girlfriend?

>You're such a cool guy, user. So how come you don't have a girlfriend?


My wife gets jealous.



>This sushi is great. Thanks for taking me out for lunch today.

Because I work 50+ hours a week, and don't feel like being bothered wasting the money I bust my knuckles up, and scald myself on hot engines to earn, on a bitch who starts looking to "better deal" me the second she realizes I think of her as my girlfriend. Now, here's what you owe for your half of the tab.



"How come you're always so quiet, user?"

I Lost wayyy too hard to this...

Because they feed off of my cool guyness, and I don't dig being eaten by an aimless copypasta machine who thinks that having a pussy is they key to all doors in this world.
>tip of the fedora to you madame


lack of social skill and means to support myself.

what else is new.

now this is my kinda night. my cat thinks I'm weird

>can't even sustain a relationship with his cat
Wtf is wrong with you user

im stable and so boring to young thots and unwilling to date a single mother and be a cuck

we've had a lovey 16 years together and there are no brakes on this train.

but what's wrong with me.lets get the List

I can't you see thing is...
I prefer solitude
I need to become a wizard

Just perfect

cause i don raped all the bitches

Because I'd rather be alone.

im retarded in other ways

Too beta to talk to grills.
Don't really mind at the moment. Been hurt enough times.

You're not the only one with such ambitions you know?

Women are boring and full of shit.

wife and son are out of town for 4 days.
quick, tell me perv shit to do.

everytime someone asks me this a piece of my soul dies, how the fuck am i even supposed to answer that?

"oh dunno i just dont feel the same after that failed suicide attempt and 3 months of abusing meth*

i cant just say that can i?

You can say that.

im an INTP

Taco belle



Because hookers are less expensive and don't talk soit il don't give a fuck about

When I hear casual, even a simple joke, I cringe inside like I've heard it a million times and that It got banal. I'm slowly alienating from society and normal terms of life. I don't even mind where this is going, in fact I don't mind anything at all. The void calls for me.

i'm not a cool guy....why are you lying to me?

Cute grill i R8 her 14/88

Because I am a boring ugly weak piece of shit.

Because I fucking hate women.

because it's expensive to have escort 24/7

That's a good way of putting it. I've been dissociating from people for so long that I don't really consider myself human anymore. It's kind of liberating.

No idea. I do everything right, I'm not that bad looking, I make decent money, but never seems to work how I want. It's like prison, the sex I want I ain't getting, the sex I'm getting I don't want

Someone has women issues.


Because i'm disgusted by people.
Not tryna be edgy i'm just so autistic i can't stand if people touch me/ have to touch things others use. Need to wash my hands constantly and shit.

>Implying that's something to feel bad about, or change

Sorry, this is not a date. I expect you to pay for your meal.

Shut up grease monkey.

I'm not edgy or autistic but being touched disgusts me. I don't think I've had physical contact in probably a couple of years.

Thanks, anonachick. I feel comfortable around you. So, I guess it's time to have "the conversation." The truth is that I am not able to keep a gf because I suffer from a condition called acromegaly, a condition that makes my body grow to unusually large proportions. And I have acromegaly of the genitals. I can't keep a gf because my penis is just far too big. I hope that's not too personal for only our third cup of coffee, but I really like you. So, please don't hurt me. I can't control what I've been given. My body is my body. If you can't handle this about me, then maybe we shouldn't move forward. But it would really sadden me if we couldn't see each other because of something neither of us can control.

Not as cool as I think. Plus out of shape and depressed.

Nobody cares about your suicide thoughts and drug addiction. The sooner you accept this the better.

Sad but true.


yes, i know that, but i mean if my depression is the reason am quiet, and somebody asks me why am i quiet i cant say "oh nothing im just depressed and wanna die"

its just a retarded fucking question

Last girl said my penis is small, now my confidence is shattered.... Pic related

7cm is pretty small user

I found the lord , weve been going on a solid 5 years . I met him on my knees. Ba dum tss

I just answered the question honestly :-(

That food looks delicious

Me too

Kind of an oxymoron of a question really; if i knew why i was single then i'd propably do something about it and thus no longer be single

Or just hire a hooker

i have autismo

Hey I do that too!

Imagine if everybody did that tho..

Err... I don't have one right now I guess.
I do fuck that Chinese girl from time to time but I can't stand her.
Why are you asking?
And why are we in a restaurant? Who the fuck are you?

your cock is small. just because you measure incorrectly doesn't mean your cock is 7 inches.

lmao. thanks for the laff

Did you just assume my gender, clitlord?!!

omega level autism

Get a fleshlight brother

personally i like to fuck deers after I kill em.. I cut out a deer's vagina a few days ago and am working on makeshift fleshlighting it and making it preserve longer

Am I doing it right?

I have been told I'm too short,

you're not supposed to measure from your belly button, asshole. or asshole, for that matter.

I'm only 5'9", how tall are you?

I'm not american, I have nothing to do with politics and I don't care, but I would gladly enjoy dinner with Mr. Donald Trump any day of the week, ten times more so than with any girl posted on this website since its inception.

same, not american at all but i fucking wish he was MY PRESIDENT, i've also enjoy a dinner with him, or just see him at least one time

I do have a girlfriend hihihi :DDD



try INFP
sadbois for life


>more money in my bank account

>no stress

>no drama

>no heartbreak

>no feeling suicidal after she leaves me

>again, money.

>freedom to fuck any girl I please

Welp, that's the thread.

Nothing more to see here, folks.