Draw thread

draw thread

hey doods. let me get some requests

How about you fuck off and delete this thread,.

requesting your pussey filled with honey

gay furry scat porn

Currently waiting for UPS to deliver my Galil parts kit... so maybe Galil from Upotte in a box/UPS truck?

Taking sfw requests
[spoiler]for now[/spoiler]

Its going to be a while before I can drawfag.

I feel ya.
Depression and gf being a useless shit isn't helping.

brb filing my teeth

Wow, who would've thought furre ran in the family

Draw poke girl, hi pin

jimmy neutron punching spongebob in le face xDDDD


Requesting art of this fox lewd or not both is fine but it should wear the dress.

Requesting a drawing of this

what pokegirl?

Still no UPS truck.

said they'd be here by 630.

its 830...

Why are you still here?
Could have sworn I told you to fuck off....

You in a bikini riding on a shark with a cat

Because she's a really sad and lonely individual that has to fill the huge gap of her life online.
You'd think a child and responsabilities would be enough...

Hey thread. Anyone got advice on some simple shading? SAI specific preferrably


Isn't she like 40?
Jesus Christ.

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

Pin has a kid?


Poor kid...

god...the most...disappointing...final evolution ever

She's 10/10 cool and you guys couldn't change that even if you got an army of ppl telling her to leave and paid her 10 million dollars to leave. There's nothing wrong with her.

Ignore the haters pin

t. EHG

I need old Chinese man eating noodles pin

that's shitty drawfaguettes envious of the Pin popularity for you

Still taking requests?

White knights always make me laugh.
Pin is one step BELOW a cam whore.
As a cam whore shows their real assets.
Whereas Pin just draws shitty lewds and acts like a cunt half the time.

Lol one fat wetback cunt down, one to go

I'd recommend you to try drawing simpler shapes with a different linework style, prefferably one without as many gaps or asymmetries.
Then select the inside of the drawing and shading that.
Now you can shade by hatching, contour hatching, crosshatching, stippling, scumbling, meat beating, whatever you feel is easier or better.

Keep going.

To anyone who isnt circlejerking over pin, should I add accents to the hair or keep it a flat color?


put some tight jeans and 'ha-chaa' random user, Peach style

Happy now, Marc*?

People watch pokemon

can we not derail this?
I came here to see shitscribbles, not people arguing over which shitscribble is what on a scale.

Good advice. I find that a lot of the Issue I have with conveying depth is easily solved by adding shadow, but I need an efficient way to go about it.

gonna pass

I wonder which brainwashed sorry drawfag is this...

Draw a kwaii version of the fat sjw meme.

Okay now butthole filled with honey?

Delphox is shit compared to braixen sadly.. like how do you go from fluff to weird flat fur robe.
Thank you for drawing my request it looks really cute!

I'd recommend contour hatching. At least for me it was the easiest one to do.
Also, don't shade with black, ever, unless you're drawing monochromatic.

hey thread
any relatively easy req?

But why, it's repetive as fuck

Pokemon in a nutshell
>New pokemon
>gym battle
>team rocket shenanigans
>ash doesn't notice girl

Pokemon games in a nutshell
>make game
>put other half of new pokemon in alternate version of the game
>sell them $40 a pop
>make ultra version of both games and sell them $40 a pop a again


draw someone breaking a stick, or someone trying to break a mighty faggot

gonna pass
dude i knooooooow
it really bums me the fuck out
i didnt evovle my braixen cos of that. its just so ugly when it couldve been like...the final form of a magical girl or something
its fun


An anthro fluffy mare!

Broken Square Titties is at it again.

LEAVE for fucks sake.


>its fun
No it's not. Why don't they just make a new pokemon game and call it just pokemon but with dlc for new maps new pokemon and other bullshit like ultra mega evolutions

Are you the one who was asking for anatomy tips the other day

Then can we at least get a cute butt shot?

edge: the comment

same for litten;

that pussy had so much potential;

then it turned into a fuckin gay ass meow-wrestler

yep, that was me.
back at it again? im gonna make a drawing just for you

It's fun for autistic manchildren
Like her


this is an /ic/ thread, newfag, go back to typical newfags spamming our /ic/ thread

Anons have dropped their need for quality, huh? As long as it's porn, a 4 year old could've scribbled it and you'd still white knight them.
Please don't. Despite what people say, your drawings are an assault on the visual sense.

You didn't put anything anyone said to use you just made her titties bigger to try and hid that huge ass chest

This is now a spiderman drawthread

How about you draw a fitting final evolution? Like maybe you can come up with something cute.

Pokemon is like... the most normie thing ever. It'd be autistic to dislike it.

You can add depth on the lineart phase, when you draw with actual 3d shapes and understand some landmark anatomy, ie. arms are not just noodles like in american cartoons that you need to outline. You can cut some corners, simplify some shapes and still maintain the illusion, but you need some basics.

Newfag sorry for giggling my fucking dick off faggot

I spent a whole 5 seconds of my time to make this man a drawing that he can truly enjoy.
here is an assault for you

Hey, faggot.
Avatarfagging is against the rules.

shhiiii i wish my other cast members were this popular; whew

ok anons ill give those a shot

Draw me like one of darudes sandstorms ?

>implying im white knighting
>implying your comment is helping
get of our /ic/ thread pls
damn, she thicc
what avatar. that art is from a collection i've scanned.
typical newfags not realizing

>5 seconds
>just as bad as something they've spent time on

you can't like everything. the games and shows just arent for you.and thats okay.
rip all fire starters since faggy ass blaziken
water pup was best starter from that gen
kinda? to go into like iv training and actual stats n shit is autistic. just playing the game and or watching the show is fairly normie i think.
i might actually
maybe base it off madoka magica



Thanks for making cute artwork and taking requests out of the blue.

Could you try drawing the most melancholic picture you can?

>wants to lewrn anatomy
I'd recommend you draw simple stuff first, before you draw complex shapes like animals and humans.
Also: Loomis and the /ic/ sticky (which includes Loomis)

when it comes to that, I often struggle between adding muscle depth and making women too muscle-y. I see a lot of the time that the features in the arms are minimized, so I minimize that too. Got any advice for keeping a good balance?

Lemme search something for you in my art i saved folders.

He claims he's using Loomis but that's definitely not the case

idk what meme ur on about but there u go mate

We wanna see the booty hole

>our /ic/ thread
>compliments the shitscribbler in the same post

Yeah, you're not White Knighting.

Shh, he's after that e-pusspuss!

user, please stop black knighting in the /ic/ thread. here at /k/ we take pride in having our generals troll-free
im a faggot so you're pretty wrong

in case anyone was wondering, I actually do proportion everything based off of loomis, but I make a few slight changes for every character. for example in this leona drawing I increased the shoulder size by .5 of a head.

>trying this hard

nah i think you're wrong there; blaziken was the last coolest one;

typhlosion, emboar, and blaziken;

i dont like the other fire starters;

chari-tard is OK but not my favorite

wait, is he actually claiming to use loomis?
How dumb does he think we- nevermind.

>im a faggot
We can tell, bucko.

That looks way yummy


Be as 'Murrican as you can.