Whats Sup Forums go-to munchie?

Whats Sup Forums go-to munchie?
I like a warm crunchy waffle with a slightly melted slice of mild cheddar.

>eggo and kraft single

Gross, Kill yourself faggot.

Nasty. You should be using sharp cheddar.

Put on stuff you like
Add some cheese
Put it in the oven.

please post this picture on /ck/

not even make salad, just scoop tuna out of the can onto bread. like a whole can.


I hope you're young and poor enough to justify eating this shit

Toasted Ravioli. With or without marinara, doesn't matter.

ritz crackers and peanut butter

>live alone
>bring home $400-$600 a week

Americans are fucking pathetic with food.

You realize kraft singles isnt even cheese right? They're legally obligated to lable it "cheese product" because less than 50% is cheese.

Stay cultureless, gas-guzzling, and urban sprawling, you fucking ruining-the-planet, violent, obese, sedentary ameridumbs.

Enjoy your eggos


tastes good


i've never tried that before... I FUCKING LOVE YOU OP

One slice of toasted bread. Ass loads of yellow mustard. 2-3 slices deli ham. 1 slice White cheese that the manufacturer calls swiss...it's heavily processed like a Kraft single.

Also maybe a bowl of beef ramen noodles.

american cheese is an abomination
t. american

Tastes good on eggs, hamburgers, and tortilla chips

American cheese is not cheddar, please get that right.

Not wrong, but not right.


And I give this post 1,350 points. The bulk of the points coming from the first comment. (750, would have been 1,000, but you did not use the word "nigger". A rookie mistake and you just GOT to hate that!.

The lack of actual foods named was lacking.

This guy gave you 100 points for being able to nail us 'Muricans on the head, while making me laugh at the insult and then cry.

I gave you 500 points for the thread not being anything related to sex, dick rate and other popular shit threads.

Try harder, OP, we know you can do better.


Cheers mate, means a lot :']

fuck your poorly conceived point system, nigger
