So why was there so much hype about hurricane Irma? Seems like there will just be heavy rain and storm surge

So why was there so much hype about hurricane Irma? Seems like there will just be heavy rain and storm surge..

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Because it's the 4th category 5 hurricane to hit land in the US since recording began in 1851. Not nearly as bad as people think, category 5's happen almost every year in the gulf. It is however a really good reason to push climate change bs if it tears Florida a new one.

Ita expected to be a category 3 hurricane though I believe by the time it hits the US, which is still uncommon but like I was expecting Florida to be obliterated by this bitch.

She's just gonna make it wet..

CNN graphics say that it'll get back to a Cat4 by the time it landfalls florida.

>trusting clinton news network

They got their sources from the NOAA, same place everyone gets it.

this guy thinks trumps is smarter than him. covfefe

So you disagree with the 97% of scientists who agree global warming is occurring at the hands of humans? Sounds like we got a retard over here.

Those scientists have been paid to push global warming man. There were hurricanes in the 1800, there's hurricanes now, and there will be hurricanes in 3088.

Citation needed.

The only credible one I've seen is that 97% of scientists agree that global warming exists. And even that, they don't specify "climate scientists".

Correction: I was wrong, sorry. NASA does say this and cites peer-reviewed studies. I was misinformed.

Because unprepared as fuck Texas just got fucked by an incredibly abnormal cat 3 that stalled and dumped water for almost a week, and now people were seeing a cat 5 head towards Florida, which is extremely prepared for it.
Basically a recent 3 was terrible, and 5 is larger than 3 so surely Irma will be much worse (it won't)

See this guy?
This guy doesn't understand how hurricanes work.

This guy has been through 8 hurricanes in his life and is about to make it 9, but okay dude

Well, have fun dying, faggot.
Sup Forums will be better off without you.

Here's the thing about Miami (won't speak for all of Florida).

Miami was hit by Andrew in 92. Andrew may or may not have been worse than Irma was supposed to be if it hit Miami head on. Probably, not but not different orders of magnitude.

Andrew DESTROYED Miami. Leveled half the city. Untold amounts of damage.

Then they put in new building codes that buildings have to be much more resistant to hurricanes. I think something like all windows need to be hurricane proof (they used to be luxuries to avoid putting up shutters). That kind of thing.

Everything that didn't get rebuilt since those building codes have been put in survived Andrew.

So trees will come down and stuff. Cars will be damaged. Power lines will be down for days. But as long as you stay inside while the storm is raging, you're not going to literally die unless you're within like a mile from the beach.

Ow the edge
Hurricanes haven't been a problem in Florida since Andrew. Now the state drains all lakes, rivers, and canals before large storms and most people have sturdy houses with hurricane rated shutters. If you live in a manufactured home or mobile home you're fucked, otherwise you'll be fine

>Requesting a citation and then providing it yourself.

Imagine if more people put in any effort to answering their own questions. Hat's off to you, sir

It won't be particularly deadly granted plenty of retards will die because people are fucking stupid. Yall can bitch and moan all you want about fake news over hyping but act dumb and get treated dumb. Media serves the common denominator which In this day and age is autism.
Anyways while irma is already neutered it will still cause tremendous flooding throughout the whole of florida. The damage will be massive, thier is no overstating this. Hurricanes do not take such a direct and sustained path against the us mainland. That is what makes irma so significant.

Im going to spread this in all these hurricane irma threads.

Andrew was a lot weaker than Irma.

The difference of getting hit by a car or a 60 ton truck.

I don't know about anything north of Tampa, but SWFL saw what Andrew did to Miami, said "o shit" and did the same upgrades as Miami in terms of code upgrades
We fine nigga, just as long as you aren't right on the beach on the ground floor

>most people have sturdy homes
Lol you must not live in florida. Homes are shit here and designed as such so they are easily replaced. Even the multimillion dollar homes are just giant insurance cash in waiting to happen.

Rush Limpturd got the fuck out 2 days ago after beating his chest about it being a hoax.
I think its real.

? Irma is supposed to be lower wind speeds than Andrew. Irma will be there for longer, but the wind speeds are less.

Sorry to hear that you were dumb enough to move into shit tier cash grab gated community

Who's paying them?

Jews obviously

Irma will likely be weaker by landfall than andrew. But. Irma is massive, like 3 times the area as andrew and will remain as such, also irmas path will result in 10x the exposure time to Florida as andrew had. Concentratd destruction will be far less for irma but the damage will be spread out across the whole state. This will drasticly overstretch emergency services as well as dramaticly increase overall damage to Florida economy. The entire state is already shut down, this is already devastating to a local economy. It's lucky the usa is still a republic. If florida were it's own country this type of disaster would result in the complete collapse of its government and economy.

Obviously, humans are playing a role. Just like if you add an ingredient to a pot of food, it's going to taste different.

But still there were times in Earth's history when it was both far warmer than it is now and far colder than it is now. There are politically motivated idiots on both sides of this argument.

Tampa hasn't had a direct hit since before 1930, and their building codes are complete shit.
It has been called the most vulnerable place on the Gulf Coast.

idk man I think you might be exaggerating a little. Like nobody wants Irma to hit, but this is not going to be nearly as bad as Harvey or Katrina. Donations will not need to be made (except in the same way you might give to homeless shelters during winter, but winter is not usually considered a natural disaster)

This. My house was built in the 50s and it's as good as fucked. I probably shouldn't still be here...

That's exactly why every time a hurricane hits a tiny island nation it gets destroyed and an entirely new country springs up a few months later
The bahamas were the hoplinkos before Charlie decimated the hoplinkan government and its people

Yeah I meant to say Tampa and anything north of it but it's late, I'm tired, and I'm phoneposting like a faggot

Island countrys with tiny economy's are purely tourist based. As long as they have beaches they will be fine. If florida is under water for 1 month with no outside support then thousands of companies will go belly up.

Harvey and katrina both made landfall as much smaller cat 3 storms. Irma is massive, undergoing an eye wall replacement and heading for very warm water. If it reintinsifys it will be devastating. If not it will still be really shitty for florida.

Lmao @ all these weather experts coming out of the woodworks telling us how fucked FL will be

Katrina hit a city below sea level with old/shitty dams and levees, and Harvey was a freak storm that randomly stalled out over a another city surrounded by old and shitty dams and levees
I'm seeing a theme here

Don't you know? Experts from all fields of life post on Sup Forums. It's a gathering of people of supreme intelligence and expertise.

The Jews wanted to sell a lot of shit in Florida.

Florida is pretty much one massive really shitty city. While some of the coast is built to handle hurricanes, most of it is basically kenfucky but with alligators.

This is true, but all of Florida gets hit by rain more extreme than most hurricanes on a semi regular basis. During Harvey, my area of FL got hit with heavy rain for 4 days straight and only the nigger areas of town flooded. The only major out of the ordinary threat is the storm surge, and the interior doesn't have to worry about that. Wind ain't shit if you have shutters/boarded up windows unless you live in a trailer


Am in central Fl right now and already getting heavy rain and minor wind gusts, tomorrow and the next day will be worse. You're an idiot op fuck you