Sup Forums pick your wife

Sup Forums pick your wife.


Roll for the little girl

45% of Sup Forums will roll for the little girl
45% of Sup Forums will complain about no penises
1% will jizz over that fucking beast #4 because "muh titties"
Personally, I want #1 or #6.

1 and 6 are best the rest are shit tbh

Rolling for the Amazon #2

What shit country is that from? They're supposed to look the best they possibly can and yet they're all ugly as fuck. Flat shoes at a wedding? Green dresses? All chubby or fat. Wherever that is, I hope I never have to go there.

>Rolling for the Amazon #2
She's not amazon, she's just the only one wearing heels.

I want the sign between 2 & 3

Rolling for 8

9 get

all ugly


Congrats. You get The Beast.

rolling for 3.

Either 1 or 5.5


7 or 3 my doods


To be fair, #1 kinda looks trappy, and paper isn't the only thing those origami specialists can fold.

I really just came for the 5.5 joke.. but it appears it has already been taken care of.

1 5 3
in that order.


how does 1 look like a trap...

>the only attractive one doesn't have a number
C'mon, nigger.